Trent University

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          Trent University

            177 Archival description results for Trent University

            177 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
            Marjorie McLean Oliver fonds
            01-010 · Fonds · 1880-1970

            Fonds consists of a bound original assessment roll for Harvey Township for 1927, a photograph of Marjorie McLean Oliver (ca. 1919), two account books of the tourist camp which the Olivers operated (1926-1947; 1951-1970), a cemetery deed from Verulam Cemetery Company (1880), tax bills (1907-1968), and assessment notices (1891-1960). Also included are two land documents (1927; 1938) of the property donated to Trent University in 1998 by Marjorie McLean Oliver in memory of her father, James McLean Oliver.

            Oliver, Marjorie McLean
            01-016 · Fonds · 1912-1986

            Fonds consists of photographs and post cards relating to the Oliver family and their friends, and their home at Lakeview Farm, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Family members referred to include Marjorie McLean Oliver, Margaret Elizabeth Oliver, Margaret Chase Oliver, and James McLean Oliver. The fonds also consists of a collection of Time Books for 1935-1948, The Clan Oliver Magazine and The Oliver Society Magazine 1969-1986, a family scrapbook of birth and death notices, newspaper clippings, letters and certificates, and two Tourist Registers for Lakeview Farm 1926-1961. Also included are family property documents including a map issued by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1955, entitled Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada, with handwritten notation indicating the location of the Oliver Property which was donated to Trent University by Marjorie McLean Oliver in 1998.

            Oliver, Marjorie McLean
            Marjory Seeley Rogers fonds
            03-003 · Fonds · 1939-1998

            Fonds consists of the correspondence, photographs and travel diaries of Marjory Seeley Rogers, founding Principal of Lady Eaton College, Trent University.

            Rogers, Marjory Seeley
            11-006 · Fonds · 1920-1989

            Fonds consists of correspondence and photographs related to the careers and the private lives of Martha and Kenneth Kidd.

            Kidd, Kenneth E.
            14-012 · Fonds · 1917-ca.2010

            Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, research materials, and manuscripts and published articles related to the careers and the private lives of Martha and Kenneth Kidd.

            Kidd, Kenneth E.
            99-1006 · Fonds · 1972-1987

            This fonds consists mostly of correspondence between Mary Northway and Professors John Wadland and Alan Wilson, and relates primarily to the Brora Centre, Neathern Trust, and Windy Pine. Also included is an 8 mm film of Windy Pine (3 minutes, silent, colour), featuring Flora Morrison and her dog Charlie at Driftwood cabin, Windy Pines in the 1970s (also copied on DVD), and 2 photographs, one of which is of Mary Northway.

            Northway, Mary Louise
            Nancy Sherouse document
            01-1008 · Fonds · 1992

            Fonds is an eminent service award certificate awarded to Nancy Sherouse by Trent University on May 28, 1992. The document is framed.

            Sherouse, Nancy
            Norman Townsend fonds
            90-012 · Fonds · 1962-1979

            This fonds consists of Norman Townsend's original research material, including extensive field notes, of the Pokomo people of Tana Irrigation Scheme, Kenya; research papers by Norman Townsend (& others); university course outlines & lecture material; bibliographies; correspondence with researchers, universities, and the Canada Council, etc. as well as maps, especially of Africa.

            Townsend, Norman
            90-016 · Fonds · 1882-1989

            This addition to the fonds consists of personal and career-related materials of Mary L. Northway such as cassettes with interviews, family wills, photographs and slides, an honorary doctorate from Trent University, correspondence and documents regarding the transfer of deed of Windy Pine property to Trent University, materials relating to camping and to Nominigan as well as copies of Mary Northway's publications. There are also business-related photographs, correspondence, etc. of John Northway, Mary Northway's grandfather. One file of papers regarding the Neathern Trust was added in 1992.

            Northway family
            P. Douglas McCalla fonds
            00-004 · Fonds · 1960-1998

            This fonds consists of correspondence of family members with Professor Douglas McCalla and his wife Anna (Skorski) McCalla. Letters predominate from 1960 when Doug went away to university but there are a few items written to grandparents in earlier, undated years. Other materials relate to Douglas McCalla's career as a university professor, editor and author.

            McCalla, P. Douglas
            Paul James Delaney fonds
            01-015 · Fonds · 1964-1968

            Fonds consists of two binders of Trent University memos, student directories, university brochures, opening ceremony invitation, etc., as well as letters from faculty addressed to Paul Delaney. Materials added in 2004 include an issue of the Peterborough Examiner (Monday, October 19, 1964); a calendar (1968) with photo of Champlain College; a photograph of Traill College's first class and a scrapbook of memorabilia of Trent's early days: invitations, notices, photographs and newspaper clippings pertaining to Delany's years as a student at Trent University. Also included is a letter dated 1968 which Delaney wrote to his family shortly after arriving at Trent University.

            Delaney, Paul James
            13-002 · Fonds · 1964-2012

            Fonds consists of photographs, slides, correspondence, memos, Alumnus-in-Residence reports, awards and certificates related to Paul Delaney's experience as a student and Alumnus-in-Residence at Trent University. Some materials relate to Delaney's association with students of the Trent International Program and also to his philanthropic/educational efforts to improve the life of people living in Sierra Leone.

            Delaney, Paul James
            Paul Wilson fonds
            03-007 · Fonds · 1966-2001

            Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, compact disks, publications, and other materials related to Paul Wilson's association with Trent University as athletic director, and as municipal politician in the City of Peterborough, Ontario.

            Wilson, Paul S.B.
            01-004 · Fonds · 1986-1999

            Fonds consists of letters written to Peter Gzowski in his role as broadcaster for CBC's "Morningside" show. The hundreds of letters include such subjects as literacy, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, and Edith Babb. Also included are contracts, correspondence, notes, and memos relating to Peter Gzowski's career with CBC; records relating to Gzowski's association with the "Peter Gzowski Invitational Golf for Literacy" tournament; Gzowski's association with Ridley College, and Trent University (Margaret Laurence tribute, Timothy Findley conference, chancellorship); and greeting cards, personal calendars, photographs, family genealogical information, and correspondence relating to awards received. The fonds also includes correspondence, partial manuscripts, and notes relating to various books which Gzowski has written.

            Gzowski, Peter
            RG 44 · Fonds · 1976-1979

            Fonds consists of one folder containing correspondence, minutes, reports, and course descriptions relating to the Trent-Queen’s Teacher Education agreement, 1976-1979.

            Queen's-Trent Concurrent Teacher Education Program
            Richard Dellamora fonds
            00-003 · Fonds · 1969-2000

            This fonds consists of correspondence, research material, manuscripts and publications pertaining to the scholarly works of Professor Richard Dellamora. The materials relate largely to his publications, which include "Masculine Desire" (1990), "Apocalyptic Overtures" (1994), "Postmodern Apocalypse" (1995), "The Work of Opera" (1996), and "Victorian Sexual Dissidence" (1999), as well as several journal articles. Research notes encompass such nineteenth-century writers as Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde, John Ruskin and Algernon Swinburne.

            Dellamora, Richard
            08-015 · Fonds · 1986-2006

            Fonds consists of book drafts, research notes, correspondence with other scholars, reviewers and publishers, grants documentation, day books and diaries. Professor Dellamora's witings in this fonds include the book "Friendship's Bonds: Democracy and the Novel in Victorian England" published in 2004, and an essay on Luce Irigaray published in 2000.

            Dellamora, Richard
            09-002 · Fonds · 1979-2008

            Fonds consists of further research materials relating to Dellamora's work on Oscar Wilde and others. Also includes conference papers and articles. Also included are Professor Dellamora's correspondence regarding Theory, Culture and Politics at Trent University and correspondence with reviewers, colleagues and other authors. Many files relate to the "Friendship" book.

            Dellamora, Richard
            12-005 · Fonds · 1999-2011

            Fonds consists of materials related to the writing career of Professor Richard Dellamora. Documents include manuscripts, published articles and offprints, conference papers, book reviews, and contracts and correspondence with publishers.

            Dellamora, Richard
            14-006 · Fonds · 1996-2013

            Fonds includes correspondence, notes, manuscripts, published articles, conference papers, and book reviews related to the writing career and personal life of Professor Richard Dellamora.

            Dellamora, Richard
            Robert Annett fonds
            99-002 · Fonds · 1964-1973

            This fonds consists of papers regarding Professor Annett's Ph.D. dissertation, and includes data and post-dissertation data. Also included are closed records relating to Science 101a and 101b at Trent University.

            Annett, Robert
            80-027 · Fonds · 1968-1970

            This fonds consists of records accumulated by Robert D. Taylor-Vaisey as a student politician at Trent University. The records concern the Champlain College Cabinet, the Trent University Co-ordinating Committee, and the Trent University Congress of Colleges.

            Taylor-Vaisey, Robert D.
            15-010 · Collection · ca. 1970 - ca. 1995

            Collection is comprised of approximately 4200 slides of photographs pertaining primarily to the Canadian and Greenland Arctic. The photographs were taken during the 1970s to 1990s by Roger Buxton and are identified and dated. Also included are aerial views of Trent University (14 September 1985), photographs of the aftermath of the Barrie, Ontario tornado (31 May 1985), and photographs of family and scenic landscapes.

            Buxton, Roger
            01-1001 · Collection · 1996

            Collection consists of 103 slides of various nature areas on the Symons Campus, Trent University, taken October 1996 as a record of the vegetation in 1996 for future comparison of vegetation change. The slides are accompanied by an index.

            Jones, Roger