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Young Nim You fonds
Young Nim You fonds
A. Douglas Vaisey fonds
A. Douglas Vaisey fonds
Rev. Lloyd Delaney fonds. 2005 additions
Rev. Lloyd Delaney fonds. 2005 additions
C.W. Hedley diary
C.W. Hedley diary
Peterborough Presbyterial Women's Missionary Society meeting minutes
Peterborough Presbyterial Women's Missionary Society meeting minutes
John William Burbidge fonds
John William Burbidge fonds
Shining Waters Presbyterial UCW fonds
Shining Waters Presbyterial UCW fonds
Helen Marryat fonds
Helen Marryat fonds
St. Andrew's Church, Peterborough collection
St. Andrew's Church, Peterborough collection
Bishop Edward Cridge fonds
Bishop Edward Cridge fonds
Judge Joseph Wearing fonds
Judge Joseph Wearing fonds
Stevenstoune and Kilwinning (Cunningham) Scotland sermon notebook
Stevenstoune and Kilwinning (Cunningham) Scotland sermon notebook
Doane family fonds
Doane family fonds
St. Regis Mission fonds
St. Regis Mission fonds
St. Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church of Moose Factory, Ontario fonds
St. Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church of Moose Factory, Ontario fonds
Moose Factory Mission Church fonds
Moose Factory Mission Church fonds
Albany Parish, Diocese of Moosonee fonds
Albany Parish, Diocese of Moosonee fonds
Millbrook and Cavan Township fonds
Millbrook and Cavan Township fonds
Venerable J.C. Clough fonds
Venerable J.C. Clough fonds
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds
Stafford F. Kirkpatrick fonds
Stafford F. Kirkpatrick fonds
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds. Additions
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds. Additions
Cramahe and Haldimand Female Tract Society collection
Cramahe and Haldimand Female Tract Society collection
Reverend Robert Brooking fonds
Reverend Robert Brooking fonds
Lieutenant W.E. Massey-Cooke fonds
Lieutenant W.E. Massey-Cooke fonds