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Archival description
23-010 · Collection · 196 - 9172

This collection consists of files including newspaper clippings, press releases, reports, speeches, bibliographies, biographies, stories, and letters pertaining to Indigenous peoples, distributed by the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples (C.A.S.N.P.) for their Library Services.

Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
87-001 · Collection · 1556-1897

This collection consists of petitions, proclamations, printed acts, correspondence relating to British North America, Hudson's Bay Company, and the governance of British North America by the British crown. There are records relating to the Red River Settlement, the British Columbia Act and Oregon Territory, as well as several historical maps.

Hunter, Robert Lloyd
08-012 · Collection · 1612-1931

Collection consists of disparate materials collected by Professor Macmillan who was a philatelist. The correspondence and documents pertain to writers in Great Britain and the British Empire. The subject matter ranges from military campaigns between the British and the French, mutiny in the West Indies and India and the sugar and slave trade in the West Indies. Subjects of letters include: battles in India, trade routes in West Indies and Asia; wars with France, Spain, and Austria.

Macmillan, David
David Macmillan collection
05-003 (revised) · Collection · 1680-1920

This collection is comprised of disparate documents collected by Professor David Macmillan. The scope of the papers is primarily North America, 1680 to 1920.

Macmillan, David
89-006 · Collection · 20 Feb. 1686; 27 Dec. 1825

This collection consists of two legal documents which belonged to Mrs. Friedman's sister. One is an indenture between James Holden and Thomas Westaby of Lincolnshire, dated February 20, 1686. The other is a land grant to Henry Smith, of 200 acres in Garafraxa township, Halton County, dated December 2, 1824 and December 27, 1825.

Friedman, Margaret A.
99-004 · Collection · 1775-1976

This collection consists of printed Acts of the Government of Canada; guides and pamphlets of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Grand Trunk Railway; and early maps, plans, and promotional brochures of locations throughout Canada.

Hunter, Robert Lloyd
Pamphlet collection
Collection · 1791-2018

The collection of pamphlets in the Trent University Archives are generally Canadian in scope and there is a special emphasis on items that relate to the Peterborough and Trent regions.

77-1014 · Collection · 1795 to 1800, 1849

This fonds consists of two typescripts of diaries written by Captain Thomas G. Anderson. The first diary consists of reminiscences of his early life, covering the years from 1795 to 1800 (10 pages). The second diary was written while Captain Anderson was the visiting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Cobourg, Canada West from September to December 1849. It includes an account of a journey to settle an Indigenous land claim on Lake Superior and Lake Huron (34 pages).

Anderson, Captain Thomas Gummersall
Music books collection
04-1000 · Collection · [1798]; n.d.

Collection consists of two music books, the first being The Easy Instructor; or, A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony by William Little and William Smith, Albany, revised and enlarged edition, [1798], and the second being Songs of Victory, for Evangelistic Meetings Conferences The Home Circle and Christian Worship, 543 Hymns and 144 Choruses, large type edition, compiled by Andrew W. Bell, Glasgow, n.d.

Music books
00-1002 · Collection · ca. 1800s

This collection of photographs consists of 2 tintypes (one woman is identified as Mrs E.R. Young; 2 photographs of lumbering operations at Lake of Bays including a photograph of an alligator machine; one ambrotype of a young boy and 1 daguerreotype of two adults with a child.

Brown, John Quentin
Joseph Powadiuk collection
97-022 · Collection · 1811-1976

This collection consists of an eclectic assortment of documents and papers pertaining to many parts of Canada including 3 documents prepared by Powadiuk for the government, 2 of which concern native peoples; 10 prints of 19th century personalities; 1905 map of the Niagara River; papers re Indian-Eskimo Association; deeds, mortgages and trust documents from Huron and Bruce Counties; Niagara peninsula documents including Hugh Alexander's account book; Lord Selkirk letter dated 1837; Charles G.D. Roberts letter dated 1892; notes on the inception of "Evangeline." A major element in the collection relates to Mr. James Ross of East Hawkesbury, stone mason and merchant and his family. The Ross quarry appears to have supplied stone for the Carillon lock and for Fort Henry. The family was involved in the East Hawkesbury school for 2 decades.

Powadiuk, Joseph
Miscellaneous map collection
93-008 · Collection · 1817-2013

This collection consists of miscellaneous maps of Upper Canada, Canada West and Ontario. The maps consist mostly of the Peterborough area and include Sir Sandford Fleming's 1846 map of Peterborough. This collection includes several Bird's Eye Views of the City of Peterborough (i.e. copies and variations)

G. Wilson Craw collection
86-003 · Collection · 1818-1965

This collection consists of records collected by G. Wilson Craw such as school histories, Peterborough County; Barnardo's Canadian Homes Almanac 1901; a list of Peterborough Utilities Commissioners 1902-1965; biographies of Peterborough residents; deeds and mortgages; North Monaghan voters list 1883-4; 76 photographs of industries, schools and churches and sporting groups, as well as a history of Springfield, North Monaghan.

Craw, G. Wilson
Atlas Collection
AC · Collection · [182-?]-2000

Collection consists of various atlases, including historical atlases of the region, of townships across Ontario, and of other locations.

75-1032 · Collection · 1821-1928

This fonds is similar to Port Hope miscellanea fonds with correspondence, bills, receipts, promissory notes, area railways and transportation, political advertisements, Ontario Lacrosse Association Certificate, one letter of Clifford Sifton, military material, summons, writs, some Thomas Benson correspondence, municipal records, records relating to Vincent Massey, and records relating to Frederick Thompson.

07-001 · Collection · 1824-1975

Collection consists of correspondence, surveys, notes, plans, and maps of Peterborough area surveyors John Huston, John Reid, Alfred J. Cameron, and John W. Pierce. Also included are speeches, newspaper clippings, biographical accounts of various local surveyors, miscellaneous published items re Peterborough, and documents and photographs relating to Pierce's survey of the Ontario-Manitoba border in 1921.

Pierce, John Gourley
Census microfilm collection
Collection · 1824-1901

Collection consists of microfilmed copies of census records. Collection is organized into series by census/set of microfilm.

12-002 · Collection · 1825-1994

Collection consists of an inventory of land locations for early settlers and inhabitants of Ops Township from the initial survey of the township in 1825 to 1872. It includes census information and assessments of households, various voter's lists, many Ops Township documents and one map for the 1839 Assessment Roll. The collection also includes a variety of cookbooks, recipes, food preparation manuals for specific cooking devices, and research notes.

McConkey, Rosemary
David Brown collection
98-015 · Collection · 1826-1967

This collection consists of miscellaneous ledgers and legal documents of businesses, doctors, etc. in Peterborough, surrounding counties and areas in southern Ontario.

Brown, David
Town sketches collection
95-1017 · Collection · [ca.1828-1900]

This collection consists of two photographs and five prints of various towns. The two photographs are of Port Hope and are hand-coloured. One photograph (item #1) is of Trinity College School before the fire. The other photograph (item #2) is framed and matted. It is of Port Hope's harbour taken from the western hill. There is one coloured reproduction print (item #3) of Port Hope which is matted and framed. This print was presented by Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Lewis to Trent University on the occasion of the opening of Bata Library. There is one print (item #4) of Lindsay which was produced in 1882. Another print (item #5) is entitled "Hastings on the Trent, Ont." and was drawn by Rev. M.A. Farrar and lithographed by Brown and Bautz. Item #6 is a framed black and white photograph of an 1832 pencil sketch of Government House in Peterborough which was drawn by Mary Sanford. The last print (item #7) is a framed coloured reproduction print of York from Gibralter Point from 1828.

04-021 · Collection · 1830-2001

Collection consists of miscellaneous photographs, engravings, posters, broadsides, and a newspaper supplement.

69-1004 · Collection · 1833-1933

This item is carbon copy of a typescript history of St. Andrew's United Church titled "One Hundred Years' History of St. Andrew's Church, Peterborough 1833-1933." It was written and later published by E. Bruce Fowler.

St. Andrew's Church
01-005 · Collection · 1836-1948

Collection consists of numerous land documents including mortgages and deeds, and wills and probates of wills, mostly relating to property and people of Murray Township, County of Northumberland. Some of the names indicated on the documents include George Ahearn, David Ahern, Stephen J. Brown, Henry William Fox, John Wesley Haight, Christopher McKanna, Elizabeth Mills, Matthew Mills, Jane Ripson, John Simmons, Solomon Waldron, Margaret Walsh, and Florence Mildred Way, Gideon Shepard Way, Jacob Way, Manley Way, and Percy Way.

Way, Allan Percival
20-003 · Collection · ca. 1840-1885

Collection consists of approximately fifty pieces of antiquarian maps, engraved views, portraits and scenes relating to the Red River Settlement of Manitoba and the North West Rebellion of 1885. The engravings reflect the emerging province of Manitoba as seen through the eyes of nineteenth century travellers and historians. Two bird’s eye views are of particular note, the first being a spread of views, buildings and an insert map of Winnipeg dated 1882, and the second being a lithographic bird’s eye view of Winnipeg, 1884, depicting the city in its early development, surrounded by vignettes of local prominent public and private buildings. Also included is a “British America” J. & F. Tallis map with the principle vignette being “Hudson City”, ca. 1849.

Redelmeier, Elizabeth Ruth
91-1027 · Collection · 1844; 1877; 1926

This collection consists of a reprint of E. (Elias) Burnham's address to electors in 1844; a Township of Otonabee Treasurer's report from 1877; and an address in support Liberal Candidate, Fraser, of Brighton, Ontario in 1926.