Fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, and reports relating to the Committee on the Status of Women (1974-1986), records relating to the Margaret Laurence lecture (1987-2004), and correspondence and reports re the establishment of the Women's Studies program (1986-1988).
Trent University. Women's Studies ProgramFonds consists of two letters and 5 watercolour paintings. One letter is from Susanna Moodie to Mrs. Katie Vickery, Susanna Moodie's daughter, which is undated. The second letter is from Moodie's her publisher in England congratulating her upon the success of Roughing it in the Bush and enclosing a contract for a subsequent book entitled _Mark Huddleston. The watercolour paintings are by Susanna Moodie and all depict flowers.
Moodie, SusannaFile consists of a self-published book of photographs called "Right to Belong" that documents a gathering at Trent University from February 28 - March 2, 2019. As the first page states, "In 1970, Jeannette Corbiere Lavell and David Lavell began a challenge against the Canadian Government in a landmark case that would eventually reach the Supreme Court. The fight to end gender discrimination in the Indian Act would ultimately last decades and involve many Indigenous leaders, supporters and allies. An historic gathering, hosted at Trent University (Nogojiwanong/Peterborough, Ontario), brought together key leaders and their allies to tell their stories of this struggle. The Right to Belong research gathering and the Right to Belong Indigenous Women's Symposium were held on February 28th, March 1, and March 2, 2019. This collection of photographs was created to remember these events.
The book is honouring Yvonne Bedard, Ron Christensen, Mary Eberts, Fred Kelly, Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, Sharon McIvor, Judy Rebecca [Rebick?], Gwen Brodsky, Shelagh Day, Jose Garcia, David Lavell, Tony Mandamin, Alanis Obonsawin, Bob Rob, and Clayton Ruby. The people thanked are Dawn Lavell-Harvard, Mayor Diane Therrien, Thomas Morningstar, Michelle Lacombe, Digitalist Film Crew, Chris Hiller, Catherine Davis, Betty Carr-Braint, Lynne Davis, David Newhouse, Janet Miron, Julianna Lesage, Demi Mathias, Gracie Crafts, Unity Singers, Chef Gary Williams, Our Awesome Funders, Chief Phyllis Williams Curve Lake FN, Gabriel Maracle, Brenda Maracle O'Toole, Sandra Tomatuk, Paula Anderson, Catherine Davis, Lisa Reding, and Susie Taylor.
This addition to the fonds consists of manuscripts for the "Morningside Years" and "Friends, Moments, Countryside", correspondence between Peter Gzowski, McClelland and Stewart and other editorial staff. There are 'mail bag' and 'ROA' (read on air) letters addressed to the Morningside show, some of which are included in the "Morningside Years." Also included is one complete radio program schedule and a program for "Peter Gzowski's Invitationals play the Winter Garden." There are also nineteen computer disks consisting of letters, transcripts of "Morningside" interviews, and chapters of the "Morningside Years". Twenty-four audio cassette tapes of Gzowski's interviews with various Canadian authors and scientists such as Margaret Laurence, Margaret Atwood, Dr. Tak Mak, William O. Mitchell, Robertson Davies, William Unruh, Jean Chretien, Alice Munro, Timothy Findley are also included. As well, there are a total of six photographs of Peter Gzowski and his staff.
Gzowski, PeterThis document is a photocopy of a 1914 newspaper clipping written by Geta Helme. In the article, Helme describes her adventures travelling from Bonn, Germany back to England, and includes her contacts with British, American, and German officialdom. The article was published in the Lancashire Guardian, 22 August 1914.
Helme, GetaThis fonds consists of a published copy of Iroquois Fires: The Six Nations Lyrics and Lore of Dawendine by Bernice Loft Winslow; a video tape of an interview of Dawendine by Donald Smith in 1993; an audio cassette of Dawendine talking, recorded in 1972; three reel to reel tapes donated [to Dr. Smith] by Helen Rothwell; and two cassette tapes, the first of which includes an interview of Dawendine by Betty Kennedy in 1963 and an introduction by Jane Coventry at the Ontario Camping Association, and the second of which is of Dawendine telling stories at Camp Waseosa. One additional file of correspondence and short story manuscripts, a box of 19 slides, and one cassette tape were added at a later date.
Winslow, Bernice LoftThis fonds consists of a two-volume biography of Eliza Jane (Hughes) McAlpine, 1854-1938, written by her grandson, Wallace McAlpine, fifty years after her death. The biography contains the Hughes family history from the Napoleonic era, follows Eliza's parents to Canada in the 1840's, describes the marriages of her siblings, and gives a fine sense of life in Durham County in the early years of Canada's nationhood. Eliza's battle with spinal meningitis is recounted. The volumes trace the events, joys, and sorrows of the sizeable Hughes family, the accomplishments of Eliza's husband, Dr. John McAlpine, and the experiences with horses and subsequently automobiles. The extraordinary impact of Hardy's "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" is described. The famous Sir Sam Hughes was Eliza's brother and some of his exploits are described. Eliza's tour of Europe is described as it took place just before the outbreak of World War I. Lt. A.A. MacLeod's story is told. There is an account of Lt. Col. Cyril D.H. McAlpine's fateful expedition in the Arctic; a biographical sketch of J.W.L. Foster who painted a portrait of Eliza; an account of M.P. Tom Stinson's visits with Eliza; Eliza's disgust with Vicki Baum; her pleasure in talking with Chief Paudash; and finally her death and its aftermath. The volumes provide a wide, varied sketch of the times in which the events transpire.
Attached to the pages within the volumes are approximately 30 photographs, most of which are portraits, and are both in black and white, and colour.
McAlpine, Eliza Jane (Hughes)This collection consists of six published articles and booklets relating to Mary Northway, W.E. Blatz, the Brora Centre and child psychology. It also consists of two photographs, one of Taylor Statten at Camp Ahmek in 1929, and one of Camp Ahmek council members in 1923, with accompanying key to names. Also included is a share certificate issued to Marian Gibson by John Northway and Son, Limited, and 1982 reminiscences of Mary Northway of her days at Glen Bernard Camp.
Van Every, MargaretThis accession consists of three letters, one dated January 27, 1981, one April 6, 1982, written by Margaret Laurence to Mary E. Hamilton, a college acquaintance, and one dated September 8, 1986. In the first, which is a photocopy, Laurence expresses her delight in the book "And Some Brought Flowers...", a copy of which Hamilton must have sent to her. She praises the illustrations and the text and suggests that her delight be passed on to Mary Alice Downie and E.J. Revell, co-authors of the book. In the second letter, which is an original, Laurence graciously acknowledges Hamilton's use of a quote in publicizing the "Flower" book. She also comments on the possibility of being nominated for the Nobel prize, asserting that her body of work is much too slim. An additional letter from Laurence dated September 1986 and addressed to Elizabeth Ritchie was forwarded to Trent University Archives in 1999 by the Canadian High Commission in London, England. The letter had been found inside a book and concerns Laurence's prognosis of cancer and her desire to complete her memoirs.
Laurence, MargaretThis photograph includes portraits of 66 male graduates and 62 female graduates of the 1912-13 Peterborough Business College graduating class. Also included in the photograph are portraits of six instructors and administrators.
Peterborough Business CollegeCollection consists of three personal notes written by Catharine Parr Traill to her grand-niece, Agnes Le Fenore. One is a two part card with the cover illustrated with cutout images of a dog and a butterfly along with a wisp of moss glued to the surface. The second part of the card is a warm salutation to Agnes and her family. The date is 24 December 1897. The second item, dated 12 May, is a note of thanks to Agnes for obtaining a cape [and cap?] for her, and also refers to fatigue and the problem of swelling feet. The third item is a letter written 1 April 1899 to "G Niece A F" [Agnes] sending belated sympathy for two in hospital and describing in some detail Traill's own plight, and the care offered by Kate and Katie.
Traill, Catharine ParrThis fonds consists of a "School Exercise Book" which contains a handwritten biographical sketch of Miss Burgess' "First School", undoubtedly written to be read to the members of the Shakespeare Club at one of their monthly meetings. The 31 loose sheets consist of poems and verse written by Burgess over the years as inspiration or occasion presented.
Burgess, VernaThis fonds consists of correspondence, an early version of the manuscript of Our Forest Home, and a copyright document for Our Forest Home. Also included are drawings, a painting, and house plans.
Stewart, Frances AnneThis collection consists of various documents relating to women's issues in Canada and third world countries. Included are correspondence and documents relating to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1985, and documents relating to the Kawartha World Issues Centre.
Woolcott, LeslieThis fonds consists of miscellaneous documents relating to the administration of the Peterborough Women's Committee. Also included is documentation relating to the project "Women Helping Women", as well as newsletters and annual reports.
Peterborough Women's CommitteeThis fonds consists of documents and correspondence regarding the 60th anniversary of the Peterborough Club. Also included are newsletters, minutes of CFUW's general meetings, and documents relating to founding president Margaret Stovel McWilliams.
Canadian Federation University Women's Club of PeterboroughThis fonds consists of programmes, annual reports, a memorial certificate for the 90th anniversary of the Lyceum Club and signed by Peter Adams, photos of club events and award winners, etc., administrative papers, a scrapbook, and Rug Group log books.
Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of PeterboroughThis fonds consists of Canadian Federation of University Women Peterborough Club conference reports, a book entitled "Seventy Five Years of CFUW", newsletters, a radio script, a speech entitled "Women Medical Pioneers", and other miscellaneous papers.
Canadian Federation University Women's Club of PeterboroughThis fonds consists of Young Women's Christian Association scrapbooks from 1976-1993, and a photograph of the YWCA swim club "The Silver Finnettes" from the 1930's. Also included are several identified and unidentified photographs of YWCA staff and volunteers, and of buildings. There are also slides of the staff, and miscellaneous slides.
Young Women's Christian AssociationThe grasses scrapbook was compiled by Catharine Parr Traill for her friend James Fletcher and given to him 12 January 1894. The inside cover has the following inscriptions: "Grasses from Stony Lake gathered and mounted by Cathe Parr Traill - Aged 92 years." These specimens are from the Island of Minne Wa-Wa and Otter Island. July-September 1893" and "With Mrs.Traill's kind wishes to her much valued and esteemed friend James Fletcher F.S.L.S. & etc. January 12th, 1894". The scrapbook consists of 20 pages, 18 of which have pressed grasses, from the Stoney Lake area of the Island of Minne Wa-Wa and Otter Island, glued onto them. Also included in the scrapbook is a specimen list of the grasses and a photocopy of an article, entitled "Grasses from Stony Lake Gathered and Mounted by Cathe Parr Traill - Aged 92 Years". The article was written by William G. Dore and published in The Ontario Naturalist in 1966.
The framed mosses were gathered by Catharine Parr Traill in the Stoney Lake area. Prior to the Archives receiving this addition, the pages were taken apart, mounted and framed in two frames each containing three pages of mosses; one medium frame containing "Sedges & grass, with mosses, from the bank below the garden at Westove. Gathered and arranged for Katie. With Grandmother's dear love. Oct. 24th, 1889"; and one small frame with Traill's autograph.
Traill, Catharine ParrThis collection consists of a book of typed recipes with "J.R. Ferguson" hand-written on the front cover. Its cover is hand-made with a coloured drawing of a woman carrying a platter with the name . Also included in the fonds is a letter on Hall & Furgason letterhead (Produce Commission Merchants, New York) from a son to his mother dated September 20, 1895. (Note different spelling of the name Ferguson/Furgason).
Ferguson, J.R.This fonds consists of transcripts of interviews with Peterborough and area citizens concerning their perceptions of the social, cultural, and political aspects of life in Peterborough from the early 1900s to 1974. There are also three cassette tapes forming one interview with Lorna Cotton-Thomas.
This item is a 26-page photocopy of typescript of a letter of reminiscence written in 1910 by Margaret Bird, of Peterborough, Ontario, when she was an elderly woman. It tells of her abuse at the hands of her husband including one attempt to poison her. It describes her difficult life in late nineteenth-century Peterborough.
Bird, Margaret LoveThis fonds consists of minutes, programs and membership lists of the Shakespeare Club which was a Peterborough women's club.
Shakespeare ClubThis addition to the fonds consists of minutes, treasurer's books, correspondence and financial records of the Ontario Council and the Peterborough University Women's Club. The fonds also contains journals, minutes and newsletters of the Canadian Federation of University Women.
Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough