Showing 72 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count People, organizations, and families count
Education and Schools 104 0
Military Records 78 0
Agriculture 45 0
Settlement and Surveys 103 0
Religion 49 0
Indigenous Studies 114 1
Assessment and Census Records 24 0
Legal Records 55 0
Women's Studies 106 0
Trent University 170 1
Dance 2 0
Theatre 31 0
Visual Arts 15 0
Politics and Government (1) 154 0
Elections 3 0
World War I 24 0
World War II 15 0
Mining 5 0
Engineering 1 0
Railways 6 0
Parks 18 0
Archaeology 7 0
Birds 1 0
Science and Engineering 31 0
Fishing 1 0