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1885-1985 Batoche Fish Creek: Capt. Edward T. Brown
1885-1985 Batoche Fish Creek: Capt. Edward T. Brown
A Logan family: eight generations in Canada / Marlow Banks
A Logan family: eight generations in Canada / Marlow Banks
An autobiographical sketch: by Captain Charles Rubidge, R.N.
An autobiographical sketch: by Captain Charles Rubidge, R.N.
Andrew Finnie II fonds
Andrew Finnie II fonds
Andrew Mather letter
Andrew Mather letter
Anna Leveridge fonds
Anna Leveridge fonds
Archives of Ontario Computerized Land Records Index
Archives of Ontario Computerized Land Records Index
Atwood family fonds
Atwood family fonds
Aureen Richardson fonds
Aureen Richardson fonds
Birdsall family fonds
Birdsall family fonds
Blodwen Davies fonds
Blodwen Davies fonds
Burgess-Walton family fonds
Burgess-Walton family fonds
Caldwell family fonds
Caldwell family fonds
Captain Charles Rubidge fonds
Captain Charles Rubidge fonds
Captain Charles Rubidge fonds. Additions
Captain Charles Rubidge fonds. Additions
Captain Charles Rubidge fonds. Additions
Captain Charles Rubidge fonds. Additions
Clan McIntyre of Otonabee / Keith McIntyre
Clan McIntyre of Otonabee / Keith McIntyre
Dawn Bell Logan collection on Thomas Need
Dawn Bell Logan collection on Thomas Need
Deed of sale, Manvers Township
Deed of sale, Manvers Township
Doane family fonds
Doane family fonds
Dr. Henry Allan Turner fonds
Dr. Henry Allan Turner fonds
Dunsford family tree
Dunsford family tree
Early Canadian Life
Early Canadian Life
Edith Fowke manuscript
Edith Fowke manuscript
Edwin C. Guillet fonds
Edwin C. Guillet fonds