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14-006 · Fonds · 1996-2013

Fonds includes correspondence, notes, manuscripts, published articles, conference papers, and book reviews related to the writing career and personal life of Professor Richard Dellamora.

Dellamora, Richard
09-002 · Fonds · 1979-2008

Fonds consists of further research materials relating to Dellamora's work on Oscar Wilde and others. Also includes conference papers and articles. Also included are Professor Dellamora's correspondence regarding Theory, Culture and Politics at Trent University and correspondence with reviewers, colleagues and other authors. Many files relate to the "Friendship" book.

Dellamora, Richard
Paul James Delaney fonds
01-015 · Fonds · 1964-1968

Fonds consists of two binders of Trent University memos, student directories, university brochures, opening ceremony invitation, etc., as well as letters from faculty addressed to Paul Delaney. Materials added in 2004 include an issue of the Peterborough Examiner (Monday, October 19, 1964); a calendar (1968) with photo of Champlain College; a photograph of Traill College's first class and a scrapbook of memorabilia of Trent's early days: invitations, notices, photographs and newspaper clippings pertaining to Delany's years as a student at Trent University. Also included is a letter dated 1968 which Delaney wrote to his family shortly after arriving at Trent University.

Delaney, Paul James
97-015 · Fonds · 1956-1996

This fonds consists of miscellaneous designs by Cooper & Beatty, Limited, Toronto, for advertisements, invitations, cards, etc. Also included are various designs with the Trent University crest, as well as Cooper & Beatty's "The Metal Book" with available type settings on metal plates.

Cooper & Beatty, Limited
05-014 · Fonds · 1930-1992

Fonds consists of notes, manuscripts, papers and articles by Professor Kenneth Kidd; research materials in the form of photographs, maps, and copies of articles and diaries; family correspondence; genealogical information relating to the Kidd and Jebb families, and 2 numbered Fred Saggashi prints.

Kidd, Kenneth E.
93-011 · Fonds · 1935-1991

This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence, research notes, newspaper clippings, art catalogues, manuscripts relating to Paul Kane; anthropological research, Irish literary personalities, native art, culture and artifacts, cutlery and trade beads. Also included are personal records of Professor Kidd and his career at the Royal Ontario Museum and Trent University . Transcriptions of tapes made by George Cobb of interviews with Curve Lake natives are included. [Digital copies are available]:

Kidd, Kenneth E.
95-009 · Fonds · 1931-1993

This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence (mostly between 1960 and 1990), photocopies of articles by various authors, manuscripts of anthropological subjects by Professor Kidd and some of his personal papers.

Kidd, Kenneth E.
05-011 · Fonds · 2004-2005

Fonds consists of correspondence and manuscripts relating to Vols. 38.3, 39.1, and 39.2 of the Journal of Canadian Studies.

Journal of Canadian Studies
10-005 · Fonds · 2008-2010

Fonds consists of four boxes of correspondence and manuscripts relating to the Journal of Canadian Studies. Box 1 is comprised of materials relating to Volume 42.2 (Spring 2008); Volume 42.3 (Fall 2008); and Volume 43.1 (Winter 2009). Box 2 is comprised of materials relating to Volume 43.2 (Spring 2009); Volume 43.3 (Fall 2009); and Volume 44.1 (Winter 2010). Box 3 is comprised of material relating to Volume 44.1 (continued from Box 2). Box 4 is comprised of material relating to Volume 44.2 (Spring 2010).

Journal of Canadian Studies
12-013 · Fonds · 2010-2012

Fonds consists of five boxes of correspondence and manuscripts relating to the Journal of Canadian Studies:
Volume 44.3 (Fall 2010) is located in Box 1 and Box 2 Folders 1-3;
Volume 45.1 (Winter 2011) is located in Box 2 Folders 4-15;
Volume 45.2 (Spring 2011) is located in Box 3 Folders 1-12;
Volume 45.3 (Fall 2011) is located in Box 3 Folders 13-22.
Volume 46.1 (Winter 2012) is located in Box 3 Folders 23-26 and Boxes 4 and 5.

Journal of Canadian Studies
16-006 · Fonds · 2014-2015

Fonds consists of four boxes of correspondence and manuscripts related to the following issues of the Journal of Canadian Studies:

Volume 48.2 (Spring 2014) located in Box 1 Folders 1-11;

Volume 48.3 (Fall 2014) located in Box 2 Folders 1-11;

Volume 49.1 (Winter 2015) located in Box 3 Folders 1-13;

Volume 49.2 (Spring 2015) located in Box 4 Folders 1-8; Box 5 Folder 1-7;

Volume 49.3 (Fall 2015) located in Box 6 Folder 1-12.

Added to Box 6 in 2017, 4 files received from the office of Professor Bryan Palmer:
Rejected manuscripts, 1976-1977
Papers accepted for publication, 1976-1977
General: correspondence, etc. 1969-1977
Minutes, correspondence, etc. 1975-1977

Journal of Canadian Studies
01-016 · Fonds · 1912-1986

Fonds consists of photographs and post cards relating to the Oliver family and their friends, and their home at Lakeview Farm, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Family members referred to include Marjorie McLean Oliver, Margaret Elizabeth Oliver, Margaret Chase Oliver, and James McLean Oliver. The fonds also consists of a collection of Time Books for 1935-1948, The Clan Oliver Magazine and The Oliver Society Magazine 1969-1986, a family scrapbook of birth and death notices, newspaper clippings, letters and certificates, and two Tourist Registers for Lakeview Farm 1926-1961. Also included are family property documents including a map issued by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1955, entitled Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada, with handwritten notation indicating the location of the Oliver Property which was donated to Trent University by Marjorie McLean Oliver in 1998.

Oliver, Marjorie McLean
21-001 · Fonds · 1775-2017

This fonds consists of research in the 19th and 20th century Canadian historical geography, specifically emigration and settlement from British Isles to Upper Canada, the Trent Canal use during WWII, the environmental and cultural consequences of flooding from the Trent Canal dam in the late 19th century, and research on Bon Echo, Algonquin, and Banff National Parks. Research is also included on European migration and land settlement patterns and processes in Cape Province, South Africa in the early 19th century and in Western Australia in the early 20th century. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

Brunger, Alan
18-001 · Fonds · 1917-2017

Fonds consists of personal and business correspondence, notes, reports, minutes, invitations, and other documents pertaining to the life and career of Thomas H.B. Symons.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
01-003 · Fonds · 1929-1999

Fonds consists of personal records of Thomas H.B. Symons relating to his career and to his family. Included are records of his wife, Christine Symons, his children, Mary, Jeffrey, and Ryerson Symons, his father, Harry Lutz Symons, including his father's manuscript for "Three Ships West", and his mother, Dorothy Sarah (Bull) Symons. Also included are materials relating to Professor Symons' activities on various boards and committees, addresses, articles, manuscripts, typescripts, and correspondence, documents and notes concerning Trent University, Association of Commonwealth Universities, Celanese Canada, Science Council of Canada, Department of External Affairs, Royal Society of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, etc.. Also included are photographs of Thomas H.B. Symons, Christine Symons, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
86-006 · Fonds · 1946-1983

This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence, deeds, surveys, appraisals and letters regarding the donation of Windy Pine to Trent University.

Windy Pine Point
Nancy Sherouse document
01-1008 · Fonds · 1992

Fonds is an eminent service award certificate awarded to Nancy Sherouse by Trent University on May 28, 1992. The document is framed.

Sherouse, Nancy
15-006 · Fonds · 1962-2013

Fonds includes personal and business correspondence, notes, reports, minutes, invitations, and other documents. Major categories include Association of Commonwealth Universities; Association for Commonwealth Studies; British-North American Committee; Symons Trust; Symons Lecture on the State of Canadian Confederation, Confederation Centre, Prince Edward Island; Peterborough, Police Chairmanship, Panel on the Trent-Severn Waterway; Trent University; Education; Statistics, Canadian Studies, Bilingualism, Northern Canada; Ontario Heritage Trust; Historica; Bata Shoe Museum; various political and public affairs; and Downsview Park.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
14-010 · Fonds · 1971-2013

Fonds is comprised of research materials, correspondence and manuscript drafts related to Professor Denis Smith's books The Prisoners of Cabrera: Napoleon's Forgotten Soldiers, 1809-1814 and General Miranda’s Wars: Turmoil and Revolt in Spanish America, 1750-1816. Also included are reviews, correspondence, and newspaper clippings pertaining to various other books and articles by Smith, and materials pertaining to Trent University.

Smith, Denis
02-012 · Fonds · 1969-2000

Fonds consists of correspondence, reserach notes and manuscripts created by Professor Denis Smith during his career as a university professor, political science commentator and author. Materials in this fonds relate to Gentle Patriot (biography of Walter Gordon); Diplomacy of Fear (Canadian/American relations during the period of the cold war). Also included are materials generated by Smith as editor of the Canadian Forum and the Journal of Canadian Studies.

Smith, Denis
89-009 · Fonds · 1963-1976

This addition to Professor Denis Smith's fonds consists of records forwarded to the Archives via the office of the Journal of Canadian Studies in 1988 which were apparently generated by Professor Denis Smith. Most files relate to Trent University, its founding and architectural history, and areas of interest to Professor Smith such as the Committee For An Independent Canada and the Canadian Forum.

Smith, Denis
RG 36 · Fonds · 1986-2003

The records of the Northern Chair consist of committee minutes, taped lectures, correspondence, records related to Thomas Berger, Dennis Patterson, Mary Simon, William Taylor, etc. and cover the dates 1986-2003. The records were forwarded to the Archives in 1993 by Peter Kulchisky, in 1996 by John Milloy, and in 1998 by Bruce Hodgins. A further addition of tapes, reels, and videos was received from the Audio-Visual Department in approximately 2012 and added to existing boxes.

Trent University. Northern Chair and Northern Studies
Alfred O.C. Cole fonds
04-024 · Fonds · 1957-1990

Fonds consists of correspondence, interview audio cassettes and notes, and manuscripts relating to Alf Cole's book, Trent: The Making of a University, 1957-1987. The fonds is organized into three series: recorded interviews (audio cassettes), interview notes, and research files and chapter drafts.

Cole, Alfred O.C.
RG 4 · Fonds · 1963-1999

Fonds consists of records created and accumulated by the Dean of Arts and Science at Trent University.

Trent University. Dean of Arts and Science
RG 17 · Fonds · 1966-1976

Fonds consists of the administrative records of Trent University's Associate Dean of Arts and Science, 1966-1971. Mixed with this fonds are records generated by Blackburn in his capacity as psychology professor and university administrator.

Trent University. Associate Dean of Arts and Science