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Archival description
97-1010 · Fonds · 1991-1995

This collection consists of a covering letter providing some historical background of the Rail Trail movement, a bibliography on the subject, two issues of the organization's periodical, a map of Southern Ontario called "Trails for Today and Tomorrow" showing proposed trails and green-ways, and a folder outlining Kawartha Rail Trails.

Kawartha Rail-Trail
Henry Ruttan report
92-1000 · Item · Photocopied [between 1990 and 1992]

This item is a photocopy of an 1840 report written by Henry Ruttan, Sheriff of Newcastle District, as a response to the circular letter of Lord Sydenham. Discussed in the letter are the militia, the roads and other internal improvements, the land granting system, the state of education; the (projected) union of the two provinces and responsible government. Several uncritical pages are missing.

Ruttan, Henry
Phyllis White collection
99-006 · Collection · 1990-1997

This collection consists of research material pertaining to sailing directions in Lake Ontario in 1815-1816; a photocopy and typescript of "Captain W.F.W. Owen's journal & memoirs of the back or Northern Communication between Lakes Ontario and Huron, 1817"; and a photocopy of "Elias Smith, Loyalist, Letter Book, 1799-1800" with accompanying typed indexes. Also included is a copy of "A History of Elias Smith U.E. 1736-1820, patentee of Hope Township and Merchant of Montreal" by Phyllis White, 1990, and a copy of "Oaths of Allegiance sworn before William Willcocks, J.P. 1800-1806 and Robert Baldwin 1800-1812" compiled by Phyllis White, 1997.

White, Phyllis
04-009 · Fonds · 1989-1998

Fonds consists of reports, directional plans, reviews, and proceedings of the Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Health Council (1989-1998). Also included are some meeting minutes of the Well-Being in the Rural Community Task (1995-1996); the Ontario Health Survey Liaison Group (1991-1992); the Creating a Future that Works Healthy Community Group (1994-1995); the District Health Council/Trent Conservation Coalition GIS Meeting with Stanhope Township (1996-1997); the District Health Council/Trent Conservation Coalition/GIS Project Intensification Study Technical Committee (1995-1996); the GIS Technical Committee (1997); and the GIS Planning Task Force (1995-1996).

Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Health Council
97-1037 · Fonds · [1988]

This fonds consists of a two-volume biography of Eliza Jane (Hughes) McAlpine, 1854-1938, written by her grandson, Wallace McAlpine, fifty years after her death. The biography contains the Hughes family history from the Napoleonic era, follows Eliza's parents to Canada in the 1840's, describes the marriages of her siblings, and gives a fine sense of life in Durham County in the early years of Canada's nationhood. Eliza's battle with spinal meningitis is recounted. The volumes trace the events, joys, and sorrows of the sizeable Hughes family, the accomplishments of Eliza's husband, Dr. John McAlpine, and the experiences with horses and subsequently automobiles. The extraordinary impact of Hardy's "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" is described. The famous Sir Sam Hughes was Eliza's brother and some of his exploits are described. Eliza's tour of Europe is described as it took place just before the outbreak of World War I. Lt. A.A. MacLeod's story is told. There is an account of Lt. Col. Cyril D.H. McAlpine's fateful expedition in the Arctic; a biographical sketch of J.W.L. Foster who painted a portrait of Eliza; an account of M.P. Tom Stinson's visits with Eliza; Eliza's disgust with Vicki Baum; her pleasure in talking with Chief Paudash; and finally her death and its aftermath. The volumes provide a wide, varied sketch of the times in which the events transpire.

Attached to the pages within the volumes are approximately 30 photographs, most of which are portraits, and are both in black and white, and colour.

McAlpine, Eliza Jane (Hughes)
Norman R. McBain manuscript
97-1019 · Item · 1985

This 73-page typewritten manuscript is an anecdotal record of the information McBain amassed about the properties in northeast Cavan Township. It includes a record of the hamlet of Springville west of the Cavan-Monaghan boundary and of Fairmount (formerly Morrow), a crossroads on the 12th Line, and references to Ida and Mount Pleasant on the middle road. There are in-depth references to properties and families on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th lines east of the middle road to the Monaghan boundary.

McBain, Norman R.
Patrick Daniel collection
02-018 · Fonds · 1984-2000

Collection consists of pamphlets, flyers, newsletters, and government reports regarding agricultural policy, issues, and regulations, especially pertaining to the Durham County region. Subjects include soil conditions, pesticide and herbicide use, etc.

Daniel, Patrick
80-009 · Fonds · Microfilmed 26 Feb. 1979

This index consists of computer output microfiches of land records held in Archives of Ontario. The microfiches provide an index to Crown Land Papers, Canada Company Papers, and the Peter Robinson Papers from 1819 to 1830.

77-1010 · Fonds · Photocopied [ca. 1977]

This fonds consists of photocopies of the minutes of the gaol and courthouse building committee, from 1828 to 1831, at Amherst in Hamilton Township, Newcastle District.

Gaol and court house
76-1004 · Fonds · Photocopied [ca. 1976]

This fonds consists of photocopies of the letters of probate of Last Will and Testament of Zaccheus Burnham including a copy of the will dated June 12, 1856 and codicils to the will dated 1856 and 1857. Also included is a probate of the will dated March 14, 1857. There is certification by W.F. Johnston, notary public, Peterborough, that the foregoing papers are a true copy of the Letters Probate of Zaccheus Burnham dated May 6, 1889.

Burnham, Zaccheus
70-1007 · Item · Photocopied [before 1970]

This item is a photocopy of Dr. Hutchison's birth register of his patients, which he kept during his practice in Port Hope, Cobourg and Peterborough. It is taken from the doctor's lecture note-book, from his days as a medical student in Glasgow (1815). The birth register contains births from 1817 to 1846.

Hutchison, Dr. John
91-010 · Fonds · 1968-1973

This fonds provides a full view of the history of a well-intentioned but short-lived organization involving Indigenous people, government, and the commercial world. It consists of early plans, minutes and correspondence of the board of directors, the development of a constitution and bylaws, correspondence with government and native groups, craft training experience, inventory and accounting processes.

Indian Crafts Foundation of Ontario
Hazel Bird fonds
14-003 · Fonds · 1966-2008

Fonds pertains to the work of Hazel Bird and her involvement with the Eastern Bluebird restoration project in Northumberland County. Included are 30 bird box observation journals, publications and newsletters of the Willow Beach Young Naturalists and the Willow Beach Field Naturalists, newspaper articles and information regarding the development of the bluebird project, statistical records, reports, and educational materials. The bird box observation journals also include notes about native flowers and other birds observed when checking the boxes. Also included are hundreds of letters which were sent to the Willow Beach Field Naturalists Club of Port Hope and to Bird requesting copies of the pattern and specifications of the bluebird nest box mentioned in two newspaper articles, Toronto Telegram, 14 May 1971 and Toronto Star, 19 September 1972; in these letters, many authors provide details of their experiences with bluebirds in various Ontario locations. Also included is a removable USB memory stick containing maps and lists which pertain to the locations of bluebird sightings/boxes referred to in the various statistical records and reports.

Bird, Hazel
76-018 · Item · 1957

This item is a fire insurance plan for the City of Belleville, February, 1957. It includes a standard key to symbols, special diagrams of school and industrial installations, and a key plan (scale 100':01").

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
77-031 · Fonds · Microfilmed 30 Mar. 1955

The microfilms were produced by the Archives of Ontario from records in possession of the Clerk of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham dating from 1849 to 1870. This collection includes the rolls of the towns, villages and townships of the United Counties arranged in alphabetical order as follows: Alnwick, Bowmanville town, Brighton, Brighton village, Cartwright, Cavan, Clarke, Cobourg town, Colbourne Village, Cramahe, Darlington, Haldimand, Hamilton, Hope, Manvers, Monaghan South, Murray, Newcastle village, Percy, Port Hope town, and Seymour.

United Counties of Northumberland and Durham
Lakeland Kennels fonds
97-1021 · Fonds · [1948]

This fonds consists of two items: a poster with white and red lettering on a blue background, advertising English Bulldog puppies for sale at Lakeland Kennels in Bewdley, Ontario, proprietors H.J. and Mrs. Goss; and a 1948 certificate naming "Lakeland Lucky Ace" a champion, by the Canadian Kennel Club.

Lakeland Kennels
05-008 · Fonds · 1945-1961

Fonds consists of correspondence and research notes created by Rev. Lloyd Delaney for his historical sketches of Gore's Landing & St. George's Church. Also included are typescripts of the diary of Reginald Drayton, artist.

Delaney, Reverend Lloyd
Haldimand Township broadside
89-1009 · Item · [before 1940]

This item is a broadside containing information about the By-Laws of the Municipality of Haldimand for the information of pound keepers: "Extracts from the statutes of Canada and the by-Laws of the Municipality of Halidmand..."

Haldimand Township
89-1042 · Item · July 1927

This item is a certificate from the St. John's Church of England in Port Hope to Doris M. Hancock for completing part one of the first year of the standard teacher training course.

Hancock, Doris M.
80-003 · Fonds · 1914-1952

The fonds consists of concert and theatre programs from Millbrook, Ontario; World War I materials including prisoner-of-war post cards, and photographs; and theatre programs, menus and other material relating to entertainments which allied prisoners in German war camps devised for their own amusement and which were collected by Lieutenant W.E. Massey-Cooke.

Massey-Cooke, W.E.
77-1000 · Item · 1913-1931

This item is a notebook containing photographs of the Wilson family, King Street, Cobourg. Some photographs were taken in Regina, Saskatchewan. Almost every photograph is identified by subject and photographer, and a few are also dated.

Wilson, Mrs. S.G.
Helen Marryat fonds
69-001 · Fonds · 1912-1964

The fonds consists mostly of Helen Marryat's (nee Helen Fowlds) personal experiences as a nurse in World War I, and her activities as a local historian. There are clippings of her articles in local newspapers, historical maps (drawn by Gerald Marryat) and other materials relating to settlement of Hastings and district such as education and nursing. Also included are the correspondence and photograph collections of her brothers, Donald and Eric (mostly from World War I), and material on Frederick Marryat (1792-1848), navy captain and novelist. In December 2001, Trent University Archives launched an online exhibit which depicts Helen Fowld's experiences in World War I. All her letters and diaries are transcribed and are found at the following site:

Marryat, Helen