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Tony Storey fonds
22-007 · Fonds · 1971-2015, 2024

Fonds includes personal and professional correspondence, press clippings, descriptions of benchmark occasions, and award certificates from Storey’s Trent University career, including The Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education Communication Award (1986), the Big Brothers and Big Sisters National Commendation Award (2000), and the Trent University Eminent Service Award (2011). There is also a large photograph album highlighting the 40 years that Tony spent at Trent University. Also included are 12 individual photographs of Storey, including headshots, 1 photo of Storey receiving the Big Brothers and Big Sisters National Commendation Award, and several group photos with unidentified individuals. Additionally, there is professional correspondence related to university matters, alumni associations and events, and the establishment of the Alumni House in Champlain College. There is also personal correspondence between alumni associations, colleagues, and friends, including thank-you cards, e-mails, greeting cards, and event invitations.

Storey, Tony
23-003 · Fonds · 1968, 1985-2023

Fonds consists of records of the International Camping Fellowship (ICF), the International Camping Congress (ICC), and their affiliated international camps, camp organizations, and events.
Records include minutes, correspondence, project files, cassette tapes, event files, newsletters, brochures, and other material documenting the governance and management of the ICF, the International Camping Congress, and events and initiatives organized by the ICF. Fonds also includes some material from international camps and camping organizations.

Fonds is organized into six series: Administrative files; Meetings and minutes; Newsletters; International Camping Congress; ICF related events; and Published material and artifacts from international camps and camp organizations.

International Camping Fellowship
Trent Athletics Centre fonds
RG 34 · Fonds · 1957-2022

Fonds consists of records from the Trent University Athletic Centre, documenting the department's development, its facilities and program offerings, and varsity and intramural sports. Fonds includes records from Paul S.B. Wilson throughout his time as Director (1966-2002). Fonds also consists of records about the growth and development of the Athletics Department including architectural briefs, reports, correspondence, promotional materials, photographs, and slides. There are also many photographs, scrapbooks, and CD’s containing records about intramural, varsity, and community sports. The sports documented include synchronized swimming, rowing, volleyball, basketball, swimming, hockey, squash, soccer, rugby, curling, field hockey, fencing, cycling, and karate. Also included are Michael Treadwell's correspondence and brochures of various racing sailboats, and material gathered from other universities' athletics programs.

Fonds is organized into 6 series: Paul S.B Wilson files; Development of Athletics Department and facilities; Early files on sports and programs; Scrapbooks and newspaper clippings; Videos and photographs of sports teams and events; and Synchronized swimming.

Trent Athletics Centre
23-006 · Fonds · 1988-2021 (predominant 2016-2021)

Fonds consists of board meeting minutes, planning committee minutes, newspaper clippings, newsletters, promotional material, and other records documenting the activities of Jamaican Self-Help (Peterborough). Some of these activities include managing volunteers, fundraising efforts around addressing poverty in Jamaica particularly in schools and with students through school programming, and communication with its supporters and donors.

Jamaican Self-Help (Peterborough)
Marisa Scigliano fonds
22-003 · Fonds · fl. 1985-2021

Fonds is comprised of research and exhibit materials related to Glenn Madill. Included are some of Glenn Madill’s employment records, correspondence between Marisa Scigliano and archival repositories, photocopies of articles, personal notes, maps, posters, etc. Included are photographs forming the ‘Moccasin Madness’ and ‘Magnetic Moccasins’ parts of Scigliano’s ‘Moccasin Mania’ exhibit: approximately 33 enlarged mounted colour photographs taken by Scigliano on the Symons Campus, Trent University, in the fall of 2013; 16 enlarged black and white photographs taken by Madill in the 1920s during his northern expeditions (images found through research at the National Research Council).

Scigliano, Marisa
23-008 · Fonds · 1990-2020

The fonds consists of records from the Kawartha Artists Gallery and Studio, including administrative files and meeting minutes, artist biographies, newspaper articles, material from art shows and events, correspondence, newsletters, and photographs and scrapbooks. Events include the Kawartha Artists Gallery and Studio 20th anniversary show, general studio workshops, and the best of high school art annual show.

The fonds is organized into 6 series: Administrative files and meeting minutes; Member artists’ files; Shows, Events and studios; Photo albums; and Scrapbooks.

Kawartha Artists Gallery and Studio
20-012 · Fonds · 1977-2020

This fonds consists of 7 binders, 8 photo albums and 30 booklet programs pertaining to Peterborough’s Beta Sigma Phi and local sorority chapters. Included are meeting minutes and correspondence, photos, cards, and newspaper clippings. Along with the photos are detailed descriptions of the events being photographed and the members within each photo.

Beta Sigma Phi (Peterborough, Ontario)
John Merton Bowes fonds
20-013 · Fonds · 1950-2020

This fonds contains records of John Merton Bowes’ 70-year career as a real estate agent in Toronto and Peterborough. The records include photographs, reports, advertisements, and other paper records of his professional career beginning in the 1950’s up to his retirement in 2020.

Bowes, John Merton
James Neufeld fonds
22-004 · Fonds · [194-]-2019

Fonds is comprised of textual records related to the research and publishing activities of Professor James Neufeld. These papers include research notes, correspondence, interview notes, and background materials for four books: Power to Rise: The Story of The National Ballet of Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996), Lois Marshall: A Biography (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2010), Passion to Dance: The National Ballet of Canada (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2011), and Karen Kain: Artistic Director (2019). Also includes an archive of published articles by Professor Neufeld in various journals and magazines (1976-2012). Fonds is arranged into three series: Ballet in Canada research materials, Lois Marshall research materials, and Published articles.

Neufeld, James
22-002 · Fonds · 1961-2019

Fonds is comprised of personal and professional correspondence, newspaper clippings, honorary degrees and other documents pertaining to the life and career of Thomas H.B Symons. The newspaper clippings are on the subject of French as a second language in Ontario schools, the Sturgeon Falls School Crisis (1971), and the Ministerial Commission on French Language Secondary Education. Some of the correspondence and other documents pertain to the Mulholland Family (1961-1965).

Symons, Thomas H.B.
15-009 · Fonds · 1982-2019

Fonds is comprised of published and unpublished research materials pertaining to Indigenous people. Also included are correspondence, copies of emails, handwritten notes, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs.

Smith, Donald B.
Fonds · 1904-2018

This umbrella fonds brings together descriptions from more than 20 accessions of material from the Ontario Camps Association. Please see lower level descriptions for more information.

Ontario Camps Association
11-009 · Fonds · 1756; 1805-ca.1870; 2011; 2018

Fonds consists of sheet music, some of which is hand-copied. The items originated with Captain Charles Rubidge and penciled annotations suggest that he collected or hand-copied a number of them in the early 1800s for his wife-to-be, Margaret Clarke, before coming to Canada. "Mrs. Rubidge" is written in hand on some pieces. Provenance is indicated on some documents in layered notes made by family descendants across generations. Also included is information compiled by Laurie Lambe Wallace about the sheet music and its history within the Rubidge family.

In 2017, 29 additional pieces of sheet music dating to the early 1800s were added. This music belonged to Mary Catharine Dunsford, wife of Reverend Hartley. Some of the music includes handwritten notations with family names and dates. While the publications of some pieces may date to the early 1800s, the handwritten penciled dates cover a period generally between the 1830s and 1860s. The notations point to connections between the Rubidge, Dunsford, McEwen, and Boyd families of the Peterborough area. Included in this addition is genealogical information compiled by the donor.

Rubidge, Charles
20-005 · Fonds · 1970-2018

This fonds consists of programmes, rules and regulations, membership records, annual reports, minutes, correspondence and research material of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of Peterborough.

Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of Peterborough
Fonds · 1936-2018

This umbrella fonds brings together descriptions for 9 accessions of material from the Canadian Camping Association. Please see lower level descriptions for detailed collection descriptions.

Canadian Camping Association
21-001 · Fonds · 1775-2017

This fonds consists of research in the 19th and 20th century Canadian historical geography, specifically emigration and settlement from British Isles to Upper Canada, the Trent Canal use during WWII, the environmental and cultural consequences of flooding from the Trent Canal dam in the late 19th century, and research on Bon Echo, Algonquin, and Banff National Parks. Research is also included on European migration and land settlement patterns and processes in Cape Province, South Africa in the early 19th century and in Western Australia in the early 20th century. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

Brunger, Alan
18-001 · Fonds · 1917-2017

Fonds consists of personal and business correspondence, notes, reports, minutes, invitations, and other documents pertaining to the life and career of Thomas H.B. Symons.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
12-004 · Fonds · 2003-2017

Collection consists primarily of photocopies and emails with information pertaining to various aspects of Peterborough's history, from both the city and the county. Brief history of the town of Lakefield is also included.

Lakefield Heritage Research
Peter Royle fonds
18-006 · Fonds · ca. 1969-2017

Fonds is comprised of published and unpublished books, plays, short stories, articles, and essays written by Professor Peter Royle. Included are hard copy manuscripts and notes, as well as several digital files.

Royle, Peter
10-009 · Fonds · 1947-2017

This fonds consists of programmes, rules and regulations, membership records, annual reports, minutes, photographs, correspondence and research material of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of Peterborough.

Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of Peterborough
19-001 · Fonds · 1951-2017

Fonds consists of personal and business correspondence, notes, reports, minutes, invitations, and other documents pertaining to the life and career of Thomas H.B. Symons.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
Julie Johnston fonds
22-013 · Fonds · 1979 - 2016

Fonds consists of records from Julie Johnston documenting her education, writing processes, and achievements. This fonds contains some personal correspondence with friends, organizations, professors, publishers, and editors. The records include her undergraduate essays from Trent University, her early handwritten plays and short stories, book chapters, workshop materials and speeches. Fonds includes manuscripts and galley proofs of her published novels “Hero of Lesser Causes”, “Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me", “The Only Outcast”, “Love You Like a Sister”, “In Spite of Killer Bees”, “Susanna’s Quill”, and “Accidental Lives”. She also included a copy of the manuscript for an unpublished novel “The Art of Casting in Bronze”. There are also many photographs, clippings, promotional materials, reviews, and awards celebrating Johnston’s career as an author.

Johnston, Julie
Lightbody family fonds
Fonds · 1960-2016

Fonds consists of records documenting Robert Lightbody's experiences with Trent University, as a student, lawyer, fundraiser, and active alumnus. Records include correspondence, meeting minutes, photographs, newspaper clippings, planning records, student records, pamphlets and other ephemera, course syllabi, and student governance records. Fonds also includes a speech and pamphlets from a talk given by Margaret Lightbody for the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW).

Fonds is organized into 11 series. Trent University student life; Student government and groups; Course materials; University development; Athletics building; Alumni Association and reunions; Trent properties, funds, and development; Bagnani Endowmnent; Photographs and alumni reunion; Newspaper clippings and images; Margie Lightbody CFUW speech.

Lightbody family