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Part of Edwin C. Guillet fonds

The Guillet papers are extraordinarily rich in photographs. Guillet (1898-1975) was born at Cobourg, Ontario and educated at the University of Toronto. He was the author of many books including Valley of the Trent, published in 1957. During the course of his research, Guillet collected photographs of local settlers and scenes, a few of which are reproduced here.

Joyce C. Lewis fonds
12-012 · Fonds · 1813-1887; 1970-2012

Fonds is comprised of biographical information pertaining to Joyce C. Lewis, and research material pertaining to Irish immigrant Frances Stewart and to the nineteenth-century social history of Ontario. Items include correspondence, manuscripts and notes for speeches and articles, notes on various topics, research articles, typescripts and copies of historical letters, copy photographs, and slides. Also included are a number of original historical letters pertaining to the Stewart family and one original photograph of Harriet Beaufort. Unless otherwise noted, the research materials are primarily comprised of reproductions in the form of photocopies. Further Stewart family materials were received in December 2012 and added to Box 6.

Lewis, Joyce C.