This is an artificial collection of materials with a variety of provenances, documenting the Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA) strike in 1991, including strike bulletins and information sheets, Communications Office Bulletins, communiques from Students FEAT and A.N.S.W.E.R., Trent Student Union communiques, copies of student papers Arthur and Lilith, OCUFA Forum and CAUT Bulletin, TUFA parity buttons, transcripts of TUFA internal meeting, an untranscribed cassette tape of CBC interviews, 14 tapes of radio broadcasts and meetings, and other records. Also included are an oversized poster used on the pickets and a copy of the new three-year collective agreement between TUFA and the Trent University Board of Governors ending the strike.
This collection consists of eighteen prize lists from agricultural fairs in Ontario including the Canadian National Exhibition, the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, the Central Canada Exhibition in Ottawa, the Western Fair in London, Ontario; the Dominion Exposition in Regina, Saskatchewan; the Canadian Industrial Exhibition in Winnipeg, Manitoba; the Central Exhibition in Cobourg, Ontario and various small town agricultural societies lists.
Agricultural fair prize lists were produced in advance of the fair in order to attract people to compete in various categories. The categories consisted of a number of different elements that were part of agricultural life for a number of people. For instance categories included entries of the best cow or calf, horse showmanship, poultry, pig and sheep breeds. Produce competitions ranged from wheat, barley, rye, corn and oats to homemade pickles, jams and jellies. There were usually floral arrangement and best vegetable arrangement competitions. Ladies would often be able to enter competitions involving sewing and handywork. The prize lists always had advertisers and a list of contributors to the prizes. The book was divided into sections so that each competitor could find the competitions he/she desired to enter, a list of the categories and a small description of who could enter as well as the prizes to be awarded. The cover of the book listed when the fair was to take place and inside there was a list of fair organizers and contestant rules, dates and deadlines.
This collection consists of 4 scrapbooks of newspaper clippings relating to the early history and development of Trent University.
Young, AileenThis collection consists of 32 letters. Most were written by Alan Stewart to his sister Joan Stewart. Stewart served as an engineer with the Cable Section, Canadian Corps, British Expeditionary Force during World War 1 in France and Belgium. There are 3 photographs of Alan Stewart in the collection.
Stewart, AlanThis fonds consists of three small notebooks: Volume 1 containing information on duties and freight rates for beer and gin from approximately 1897; Volume 2 containing recipes for alcoholic beverages and Volume 3 containing recipes for assorted chemists' balms, perfumes, cleaning products and medicine.
Collection consists of numerous land documents including mortgages and deeds, and wills and probates of wills, mostly relating to property and people of Murray Township, County of Northumberland. Some of the names indicated on the documents include George Ahearn, David Ahern, Stephen J. Brown, Henry William Fox, John Wesley Haight, Christopher McKanna, Elizabeth Mills, Matthew Mills, Jane Ripson, John Simmons, Solomon Waldron, Margaret Walsh, and Florence Mildred Way, Gideon Shepard Way, Jacob Way, Manley Way, and Percy Way.
Way, Allan PercivalCollection consists of a photograph album containing 188 photographs and newspaper clippings of soldiers from Bobcaygeon, Ontario who served in WWII. Also included is a booklet entitled "The Royal Canadian Legion, Bobcaygeon Branch 239, 1932-1992.
Cosh, AmyThis collection of small broadsides consists of a Grand Trunk flyer regarding the fares to the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition in 1901; an Orangeville Methodist Church broadside advertising a concert with Myrtel Tellessen Cooke from 1900; and a broadside for the King George Theatre in Cobourg, Ontario, advertising the film "Avenger" which aired before 1920.
Collection consists of various atlases, including historical atlases of the region, of townships across Ontario, and of other locations.
This fonds consists of photocopies of the field notes of a Bobcaygeon-Nipissing Road survey, in diagram form, with notations as to timber and soil types as well as other important observations. The fonds also includes photocopies and a transcript of final report dated September 1, 1860 by land surveyor Crosbie Brady.
Bobcaygeon-Nipissing RoadCollection consists of 9 audio cassette records of individuals reminiscing about Leslie Frost and his brothers Cecil and Grenville. Tapes were made in 1984 and individuals interviewed include: William Davis, Richard Gorwill, Hugh Latimer, Clare Westcott, Alf Cole, Roland Michener, and Marjorie Porter. there are transcripts available. Also included in the collection is an illustrated paper presented by Brian McFadzen, 2006, entitled "The Frost Brothers in Lindsay." Also included is a CD of photographs reproduced from a Frost scrapbook and showing their homes and offices in Lindsay Ontario and also showing portraits of the Frost brothers.
McFadzen, Brian MarshCD consists of the scanned 400-page letterbook of Walter J. Francis. The letters are dated 1898-1906 and relate to the engineering practice of the writer. Of particular relevance to the Peterborough area are letters concerning the building of the Peterborough Lift Lock.
LeCouffe, BruceCollection consists of literary chapbooks, pamphlets and broadsides produced by small presses and self-published. The collection is organized into files by press, but a full list, organized by author surname, is below.
- Anstee, Cameron. Report from the Anstee Society. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2022.
- The Bibliophile. Issue no. 2. Windsor: Biblioasis, [2022].
- Bloom, Ronna. Who Is Your Mercy Contact? Toronto: Espresso, 2022. 39/100 copies.
- Caruso, Barbara. Word Happens Poem. Ottawa: Apt. 9 Press, 2023.
- Crabtree, Andrew. The Sunlit Room. Toronto: Espresso, 2023. 49/100 copies.
- Fagan, Cary. Talking With Phyllis Webb. Toronto: Found Object, 2023.
- Flowers, Neil. The Far Pacific. Nepean: Little Wing Press, 2013. 10/25 copies.
- Frog Pond Review. No. 1. Spring 2022. Nelson Ball issue.
- Gold, Artie and George Bowering. Romantic Wounds. Ottawa: Apt. 9 Press, 2023. 10/100 copies. Signed by George Bowering.
- Gold, Artie and George Bowering. Mortal Taste. Montreal: TurretHouse, 2023.
- Gold, Artie and George Bowering. From Ruby Wounds. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2022. 2 issues (bibliographically speaking).
- Hogg, Robert and Jo Dacombe. Imminent no. 5. May 2022.
- Hryciuk, Marshall. Swallow S Tail S. Toronto: Nietzsche’s Brolly, 2023.
- Hryciuk, Marshall. 3 folded pamphlets of haiku. Toronto: Imago Press, 2023.
- Hryciuk, Marshall, trans. Santua Maria di Capua, by Alberto Perconte Licatese. Toronto: Imago Press, 2023.
- Huska, Lark. Inside the Minds of Apollo 11. Toronto: Espresso, 2022.
- Macklin, Jeff. The Bridges of Peterborough. Peterborough: Jackson Creek Press, 2022. 14/31 copies.
- Mannery, Robert. Elegies. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2022.
- Metcalf, John. The Worst Truth. Windsor: Biblioasis, 2022.
- Norris, Ken. False Narratives. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2022.
- Norris, Ken. History & Secrecy. Peterborough: Poets & Painters Press, 2023.
- Norris, Ken. Hong Kong Blues. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2019.
- Peterborough Currents. Jackson Creek Walking Guide. Peterborough: 2022.
- Peterborough Currents. Creek Week Walking Guide. Peterborough: 2022.
- Peterborough Currents. Harper Creek Walking Guide. Peterborough: 2022.
- Peterborough Currents. Bears Creek Walking Guide. Peterborough: 2022.
- Ross, Stuart. Report from the Ross Society. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2022.
- Trusler, Wendy. Provenance. Peterborough: Jackson Creek Press, for the Ludmilla Gallery, 2023.
- Whiteman, Bruce. Flora of Jackson Park. Peterborough: Jackson Creek Press, 2023. 31/62 copies.
Various authors.
- Report from the Hall Society: including poems, critical writings and philosophical transactions, an assemblage of writing in response to the work of Phil Hall vol. 1 No. 1 For Anno 2022. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2022.
Broadsides - Report from the Ross Society: including poems, critical writings and philosophical transactions, an assemblage of writing in response to the work of Stuart Ross. vol. 1 No. 1 For Anno 2022. Ottawa: Above/Ground Press, 2022.
-6 broadsides printed in Peterborough by Jackson Creek Press.
Whiteman, BruceCollection consists of three pamphlets, "Our Own Cookbook" / by the East Victoria Women's Institute, 1905, "Pioneer Gleanings from Verulam, 1867-1967" / by T.H. Martin, and "Bury's Green Branch of the Women's Institute, 1953-1993". Also included are items which were removed from a scrapbook: seven photographs, brochures, and several newspaper clippings relating to Fenelon Falls, Bobcaygeon, Lindsay, and Bury's Green, Ontario, 1961, 1984-1994. The photographs include Women's Institute members such as Nan McGhee, Phyllis Fell, Esther Humphries, Laura Flett, Mrs. Tiers, Clara Flett, and Grace Barker; also included are photos of Sherry L. Telford and Kim Chambers during the Olympic Torch Run, 1988. This collection also consists of a scrapbook entitled "Tweedsmuir History: Bury's Green Branch Women's Institute". Enclosed in it are approximately 70 photographs, a history of Bury's Green branch of the Women's Institute, maps, brochures, correspondence, historical accounts, and memorabilia, n.d. This collection also consists of research material for the Tweedsmuir History; Hand Books for the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 1949, 1971, 1983, and 1987; notebooks containing reports on the Tweedsmuir History, on Historical Research and Cultural Events, and on Education and Cultural Activities, 1953-1987; programs dated 1953-54 through 1993-94; 100th anniversary materials; and correspondence and brochures relating to an award given to a student at Fenelon Falls Secondary School, 1996.
Bury's Green Women's InstituteThis collection consists of one cash book, 1865-1869 and one day book, 1865-1867, from an unidentified business located in Peterborough.
A collection of pamphlets pertaining to camps and camping
This collection consists of transcripts of minutes of the Board of Directors' of the Canadian Land and Emigration Company, 1868-1885, and annual reports of Bronson and Weston, lumber merchants, 1876-1884, with whom the Company did business. Also included are excerpts from the diaries of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stewart, agent for the company in Haliburton, and their son Charles E. Stewart, 1865-66 and 1870.
Canadian Land and Emigration CompanyThis fonds consists of a letter from the Red Cross Headquarters directing its branches regarding the sale of Princess Patricia's miniature portraits, which were used to raise funds for World War I relief. Also included are two identical prints: one is titled "Her Royal Highness Princess Patricia" and the other is signed "Patricia". Both prints indicate "Copyright from a miniature by Mrs. Montagu Marks."
Canadian Land and Emigration CompanyThis fonds consists of two typescripts of diaries written by Captain Thomas G. Anderson. The first diary consists of reminiscences of his early life, covering the years from 1795 to 1800 (10 pages). The second diary was written while Captain Anderson was the visiting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Cobourg, Canada West from September to December 1849. It includes an account of a journey to settle an Indigenous land claim on Lake Superior and Lake Huron (34 pages).
Anderson, Captain Thomas GummersallThis fonds consists of notebooks belonging to Carrie Brady. The notebooks cover a wide range of subjects such as grammar, French, geography, mathematics and calligraphy.
Brady, CarrieThis collection consists of files including newspaper clippings, press releases, reports, speeches, bibliographies, biographies, stories, and letters pertaining to Indigenous peoples, distributed by the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples (C.A.S.N.P.) for their Library Services.
Canadian Association in Support of Native PeoplesCollection consists of microfilmed copies of census records. Collection is organized into series by census/set of microfilm.
This collection consists of eleven published reports, addresses, and articles by the Honourable Vincent Massey. Topics include education, art and nationality, drama, external affairs, etc. with respect to Canada. Included also are typed notes compiled at a meeting at which Massey was present, on "Diplomatic Machinery", held in 1931.
Massey, Charles VincentThis collection consists of an undated broadside of furniture and house furnishings of Disney Bros., Bowmanville, and an undated broadside of ladies' and children's clothing, Hardy's: The Hewson store in Cobourg, Ontario. It also contains a broadside detailing conditions of sale of the Innes Mill near Grafton dated 1876. With this broadside is an original bill of sale, signed by purchaser George Fowler and dated December 12, 1876.
This fonds consists of two colour prints of Cobourg. One is of the lighthouse, entitled "Light Tower, near Coburg", by W.H. Bartlett and C. Cousen and the other is of Cobourg Harbour, entitled "Coburg", by W.H. Bartlett and R. Wallis.
Cobourg Harbour