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88-005 · Fonds · 1973 - 1979

This fonds consists of the "2001: Coming of Age in Canada" Conference materials. This fonds has various notes, documents and correspondence as well as reports and audio cassettes. Also included are documents and correspondence regarding the Retired Citizens in Residence Program at Trent, 1973-1978.

2001: Coming of Age in Canada Conference
73-002 · Fonds · 1973

The fonds consists of a photocopy of the history of the 57th Regiment, Peterborough Rangers from 1914 to 1916 written by Francis H. Dobbin. It includes an index. The history from 1946 to 1970 was continued by Major D.P. Pryde.

57th Regiment, Peterborough Rangers
A. Douglas Vaisey fonds
04-010 · Fonds · 1947-1981

Fonds consists of minute books, correspondence, and related materials of Peterborough organizations and churches, including the Peterborough Humane Society, Grace United Church, St. James United Church Men's Club, the Kala-Chi-Hi-Y Club of the Peterborough Y.M.C.A., Trinity United Church, Trinity Young Peoples' Club, and Grace United Church Boat People Committee. Also included are minutes, notes, and correspondence of The House of Four Seasons, a men's retreat centre organized by the Peterborough Presbytery Men's Council.

Vaisey, A. Douglas
A. Jeffrey & Son fonds
88-018 · Fonds · 1861-1869

This fonds consists of one ledger and one letter book of A. Jeffrey & Son of Cobourg, Canada West and Ontario. These are excellent records of who supplied goods to merchants in Canada West and how they were shipped.

The ledger dates from 1851 to 1869. Page 3 concerns accounts of foundry repairs totalling 461.3.3. Page 8 lists the account of A. Moscrip of Cobourg (see 88-014). Articles sold include various items of hardware: white lead, putty, varnish, glass, nails, rope, scythe and so forth. Customers listed include Thomas Short, Keene, Trustees of the Grammar School, Ontario Distillery, and Foulds Brothers. The cover is labelled "1868 A. Jeffrey & Son, Cobourg, Ontario."

The letter book is a record of orders placed by A. Jeffrey & Son, Cobourg.

  • Entries such as the following appear on page 1: Order for Sundries to be furnished by Messrs. Henry Rogers Sons & Coy, Wolverhamton, England, on account of A. Jeffrey & Son Cobourg C.W. to be shipped by first steamer from Liverpool to Montreal fully insured this to Cobourg and marked: B AJ & SC
  • The order which follows is 3 pages long and includes such items as 6 dozen padlocks, 3 gross pen holders, 1 dozen japanned coal scoops, 48 Fosters plow moulds. Order is dated Cobourg, 7th June 1862, A. Jeffrey & Son.
  • A. Jeffrey regularly ordered Phoenix bar iron (round, square, flat and half-round) from Coatbridge, Scotland. Glass products such as lamps and lamp chimneys were ordered from the New England Glass Company in Boston to be shipped by Grand Trunk Railway via Portland. Locks, keys, door knobs, escutcheons etc. were ordered from New York and shipped by canal to Oswego and thence by lake to Cobourg.
A. Jeffrey & Son
A.B. Mills fonds
77-1013 · Fonds · 1890-1930

The fonds consists of photocopies of records relating to boats on the Trent waterway including a typescript of a list of boats, a typescript of an article title the "Trent Canal System: Peterborough Hydraulic Lift Lock", a map of the Trent-Severn waterway, two photographs of the S.S. Water Lily (of the Calcutt line), one photograph of the fleet of the Stoney Lake Navigation Company of Young's Point, and a clipping which includes a photograph of the Peterborough hydraulic lift lock.

Mills, A.B.
14-005 · Fonds · 1981; 2001-2009

Fonds includes minutes, records, and other documents pertaining to the formation of Aboriginal Strategy Circle in the Kawarthas.

Aboriginal Strategy Circle in the Kawarthas
05-1011 · Fonds · 1991-1992

This accession consists of bulletins dated 1991-1992 of the Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park. Also included is a photocopy of the Bill, An Act to Establish the Algonquin National Park of Ontario, dated 1893.

Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park
Addison family fonds
97-011 · Fonds · 1908-1941

This fonds consists of diaries and enclosed documents of Mark Robinson, Ranger and Superintendent of Algonquin Park from 1907-1936.

Box 1 contains diaries for the years 1908-1930. Box 2 contains diaries for the years 1931-1941.

Addison family
80-014 · Fonds · 1909-1978

The fonds consists of the personal records of Adele and Harry Ebbs relating to Camp Ahmek, Camp Wapameo, Algonquin Park Advisory Committee, Camp Tonakela (Madras, India) and camps in North Carolina, U.S.A. Also included are photographs as well as textual records which relate to the Ontario and Canadian Camping Associations.

Ebbs, Adele and J. Harry
Adele Ebbs fonds
97-009 · Fonds · [1930]-1990

This fonds consists of documents and correspondence relating to the presentation of Trent University honorary degrees to Dr. J. Harry Ebbs and Mary Northway. The fonds also contains documents relating to Mary's death and her bequest of two million dollars to Trent University, various documents relating to Ontario camps and to the Brora Centre, and miscellaneous photographs.

Ebbs, Adele
89-014 · Fonds · 1835-1969

This fonds consists of a retail day book of the Aikenhead Hardware Company for July 10, 1835 to September 5, 1839, with the currency being recorded in pounds, shillings and pence. The fonds also contains wholesale price lists of the Aikenhead Company from 1895 to 1899; a commemorative booklet of the company for its 100th year and a nine-page history of the company. The Aikenhead Hardware Company was established in Toronto in 1830 and played a very significant role, in providing to early settlers, tools and equipment to build their homes and businesses.

Aikenhead Hardware Company
Alan Brunger fonds
08-004 · Fonds · 1972-1992

Fonds consists of Professor Alan Brunger's research material pertaining to the historical geography of Bon Echo Provincial Park and Algonquin Provincial Park. Included in the Algonquin materials are aerial photographs and photographs of the Dennison Farm property. Also included is historical geography research material and microfilm reels relating to the Peter Robinson Irish emigration to the Peterborough area.

Brunger, Alan
20-004 · Fonds · 1746; 1815-1991

This fonds consists of Professor Brunger's research in 19th century Canadian historical geography, mainly in Upper Canada/Ontario, focused on emigration from the U.K. and settlement in Newcastle (Peterborough County) District and London (Talbot Settlement) District. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

Brunger, Alan
21-001 · Fonds · 1775-2017

This fonds consists of research in the 19th and 20th century Canadian historical geography, specifically emigration and settlement from British Isles to Upper Canada, the Trent Canal use during WWII, the environmental and cultural consequences of flooding from the Trent Canal dam in the late 19th century, and research on Bon Echo, Algonquin, and Banff National Parks. Research is also included on European migration and land settlement patterns and processes in Cape Province, South Africa in the early 19th century and in Western Australia in the early 20th century. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

Brunger, Alan
Alan J. Slavin fonds
02-006 · Fonds · 1982-1990

Fonds consists of correspondence, pamphlets, journal issues, and other material related primarily to the peace movement. Included are records of Kawartha Ploughshares and Project Ploughshares, and letters written between Alan and Linda Slavin and government officials regarding nuclear disarmament, capital punishment, etc.

Slavin, Alan J.
74-016 · Fonds · 1859 to 1966

The fonds consists of registers of baptisms, marriages and burials of Albany Parish in the Diocese of Moosonee from 1859 to 1966.

Diocese of Moosonee
11-003 · Fonds · 1926-1958; 2009

Fonds consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings and manuscripts related to the life of Alexander Geerardt Mörzer Bruyns.

Box includes the following files:

  1. Biography of Alexander Geerardt Mörzer Bruyns, prepared by Dr. Willem F.J. Mörzer Bruyns, 2011
  2. Letters written by Mörzer Bruyns, and letters written to him by family members, including his second wife, Agnes, 1926-1955
  3. Newspaper articles written by and about Mörzer Bruyns, [1927-1958]
  4. Typescripts and published articles written by Mörzer Bruyns
Mörzer Bruyns, Alexander Geerardt
Alexander McIntosh fonds
89-1024 · Fonds · 1867-1899

This fonds consists of legal documents which are mostly protests against Alexander McIntosh for promissory notes that were not honoured. The protesters are local Peterborough businesses and banks. There are also by-laws and other documents of a legal nature from North Monaghan township including some information on School Sections Nos. 1-4 and a class list for School Section No. 3.

McIntosh, Alexander
Alfred O.C. Cole fonds
04-024 · Fonds · 1957-1990

Fonds consists of correspondence, interview audio cassettes and notes, and manuscripts relating to Alf Cole's book, Trent: The Making of a University, 1957-1987. The fonds is organized into three series: recorded interviews (audio cassettes), interview notes, and research files and chapter drafts.

Cole, Alfred O.C.
80-016 · Fonds · 1910-1939

The fonds consists of original and copies of letters from Elizabeth C. Yeats, William Butler Yeats, J.B. Yeats, George Russell and others to Professor A.T. De Lury relating to Irish literature, poetry, and Irish politics. It includes some typescript copies and photocopies of all letters. The topics covered by the correspondence include Caula Press, Abbey Theatre, Irish theatre as well as other topics.

DeLury, Alfred Tennyson
Allan L. Sherwin fonds
15-001 · Fonds · ca. 2001-ca. 2013

Fonds consists of Professor Allan L. Sherwin’s research materials relating to the biography of Bridging Two Peoples: Chief Peter E. Jones, 1843-1909 and the nineteenth and early twentieth century history of the Mississaugas (Ojibwe) of the New Credit First Nation of Hagersville, Ontario. The research materials consist primarily of photocopies of original documents including letters and papers from Library and Archives Canada, the Archives of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation and various other publications. Copies of correspondence between Dr. Jones and Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, copies of The Indian, the newspaper edited by Dr. Jones and writings of various Aboriginal writers are included. Interspersed within the files is correspondence with other academics especially Canadian Historian Professor Donald B. Smith, the author of the classic biography of Dr. Peter E. Jones’s father entitled Sacred Feathers: The Reverend Peter Jones (Kahkewaquonaby) and the Mississauga Indians.

Sherwin, Allan L.
Allen-Bellamy family fonds
14-016 · Fonds · ca. 1880-2007

Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, greeting cards, diplomas, certificates, maps, pamphlets, reminiscences, genealogical materials, and memorabilia pertaining to the Allen and Bellamy families.

Allen-Bellamy family
Alternatives fonds
88-024 · Fonds · 1970-1985

This fonds consists of essay submissions, correspondence and financial records which relate to the Alternatives magazine when it was published at Trent. There are layouts, original artwork and subscriber information for several issues. Conserver Society Notes, which amalgamated with Alternatives, also has material in this collection.
