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Archival description
IMC-143 · File · 1976
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File contains a scrapbook assembled by Helen (Miki) Spring, dedicated to Adele "Couchie" Ebbs (nee Statten), upon her becoming an Honourary Life Associate of the Ontario Camping Association. Within the scrapbook are conversations with Ebbs about her time at Camp Wapomeo and Camp Ahmek as a camper and camp counsellor, thank you letters from former campers and friends of Ebbs, a timeline of Ebbs achievements related to the camp and statistical information about the annual resources and supplies that are needed to run the camp. Also contained are family photographs of Ebbs and her husband Harry circa 1940, exterior and interior shots of the camp buildings and cabins throughout Ebbs time with the camps, camper activities such as playing games, sailing and canoeing, and illustrated, coloured maps of Camp Wapomeo and Camp Ahmek.