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            Pengelley family fonds
            70-001 · Arquivo · 1829-1840; 1940-1941; 2017

            The fonds consists of the diaries of Harriet Pengelley (1835-1836), Robert Pengelley (1835), and A.E. Marguerite (Rita) Pengelley (1940-1941); correspondence; sketchbooks (1829-1830); drawings; and photographs. In 1994, an addition was made to the fonds which included a photocopy of a diary of Robert Pengelley (1837-1840) and textual records regarding the Pengelley family. In 2018, an addition of Pengelley family genealogical information was received.

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            Tolmie collection
            88-012 · Coleção · 1846-1907

            This collection consists of three ledgers of business accounts and one ledger of accounts for School Section No. 5, Mariposa Township, Victoria County. This is especially interesting as it goes from 1856 to 1907 giving teacher salaries and other expenses. Also included are 58 black and white photographs of Nova Scotia circa 1900.

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            Dr. Henry Allan Turner fonds
            90-014 · Arquivo · 1872-1936

            This fonds consists of records relating to the professional and personal lives of Dr. Henry Turner (Sr.) and Dr. Henry A. Turner (Jr.), both medical doctors of the Millbrook area. The medical publications, prescription day books, office records, customer account books, transaction day books, stock books, business and domestic records and invoices, glass x-rays, and correspondence depict the lives of each man respectively, spanning the years 1872 to 1936. Also included are personal and business-related records of Alice Turner, nurse, daughter of H.A. Turner (Sr.). A Farmers and Business Directory for Peterborough and the United Counties has been catalogued and removed to the Trent Collection.

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            Mary F. Williamson fonds
            03-008 · Arquivo · 1940-1944; plus items photocopied and scanned 2003

            Fonds consists of photocopies of 90 letters written by Mary Williamson home to her parents from summer camp between 1940 and 1951. The camps attended were Camp Cedarnook and Camp Tanamakoon. Also included are camp badges; one group photograph taken at Camp Cedarnook ca.1943; and ca.160

            Materials added in 2020: 8 photographs pertaining to Camp Woapak, 1940s. Mary Williamson's brother, J. Peter Williamson, and their mother, Marie Williamson, are identified in a few of the photographs. Further information about the family is available in Just a Larger Family (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier U.P., 2011); this book is comprised of the wartime letters of Marie Williamson and was edited by Mary F. Williamson.

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            Arthur James Marshall Smith fonds. 1999 additions
            99-1001 · Arquivo · 1924-1982

            This fonds consists of documents pertaining to Arthur James Marshall Smith, i.e. birth and baptismal documents, a marriage certificate and contract, passports, U.S.A. naturalization documents, his death certificate, etc. Also included is his Governor General Annual Literary Award medal, received in 1944, and two personal photographs dated 1925 and c1932. Correspondence regarding the purchase of the A.J.M. Smith collection by Trent University, and lists of books, hand copied in pencil, are included. Other correspondence addressed to A.J.M. Smith and to Peter Smith from Buffy Glassco, Ralph Gustafson, Leon Edel, and others is included.

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            Scott Young fonds
            90-003 · Arquivo · 1936-1990

            This fonds consists of correspondence, draft manuscripts, interview tapes and research notes pertaining to biographies of Foster Hewitt and Conn Smythe, etc.; notes and records resulting from Mr. Young's participation in the Royal Commission on Violence in the Communications Industry; and correspondence between Young and fellow media personalities including Robertson Davies, Peter Trueman, John Bassett and Pierre Berton. One of the largest series of records relates to the biography of his son, Neil Young.

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            Canadian Images fonds. 1992 additions
            92-009 · Arquivo · 1978-1984

            This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence, publicity materials, posters, film journals and magazines, buttons, t-shirts, tickets, administrative records and film catalogues of the Canadian Images film festival held in Peterborough annually from 1978 to 1984.

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            Canadian Images fonds
            88-016 · Arquivo · 1979-1984

            This fonds consists of publicity records from the Canadian Images film festival held at Trent University between 1978 and 1984. As well, there are memos, minutes, correspondence and business papers donated by T.H.B. Symons, from his tenure as honorary board member of Canadian Images.

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            George Mellis Douglas fonds
            79-002 · Arquivo · 1928-1957

            This fonds consists of: correspondence with Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Clifford Wilson and others relating to Arctic explorations; several photographs including some of the construction of the Peterborough Lift Lock and of downtown Peterborough, Ontario circa 1900; and newspaper clippings of book reviews. Also included are artifacts retrieved by Douglas from the area of Coppermine, NWT.

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            Camp Tamarack fonds
            95-020 · Arquivo · 1942-1972

            This fonds consists of records of a Jewish Boy Scout Camp called Camp Tamarack. The fonds has minutes of the Tamarack Association, correspondence, form letters, bulletins, photographs, financial statements, inventories, accounts, reports, camp programmes, menus, brochures, insurance policies, construction proposals, Public Health Department licenses and reports, minutes of the Camp Services Co-operative and other information regarding school camping and the Boy Scouts of Canada.

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            Steamships for the Lakefield and Young's Point Run fonds
            91-1015 · Arquivo · 1900

            This fonds consists of a photograph of the steamship Lintonia which plied the waters between Lakefield and Young's Point. There is also a ticket for the Empress in this fonds which was sister ship to the Lintonia.

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            Margaret Van Every collection. 1999 additions
            99-1008 · Coleção · 1923-1993

            This collection consists of a Glen Bernard Camp songbook, a large portrait of "Chief" Taylor Statten, press clippings from Canadian Camping, a Camp Ahmek certificate dated 1923, 70 photographs, and 3 postcards. Also included are the following artifacts: a Glen Bernard trophy engraved for Janet Gibson, 1923, Camp Ahmek counsellor's medal, 1924, a leather Camp Ahmek "Third" badge, 1923, and a plaque inscribed "2nd Stollery and Van Every", undated.

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            Erik Loder fonds
            96-011 · Arquivo · 1964-1993

            This fonds consists of correspondence, sketches and class lecture notes of Erik Loder. Loder's theories of art are discernible in his jottings and notes. Also included are numerous art catalogues and exhibition notes; slides of Loder art works; sketches, drawings and paintings; personal cards and letters sent at the time of Loder's death in 1993; art auction and sale lists.

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            Northway family fonds
            80-022 · Arquivo · 1934-1979

            This addition to the fonds consists of the records of Dr. Mary L. Northway which include: household records, tape recordings regarding family genealogy, property records, records of her participation in the Ontario Camping and Canadian Camping Associations. There are also miscellaneous records concerning the winding-up of the Northway Company Limited of which Dr. Mary Northway was president.

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            Peter Gzowski fonds
            92-015 · Arquivo · 1955-1991

            This fonds consists of original manuscripts, research material, correspondence, and transcripts relating to Peter Gzowski and the "Morningside Show" broadcasts of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation as well as photographs of Peter Gzowski and other people. Also included in the fonds are business contracts and correspondence from listeners, to the show, from across Canada. There are also materials relating to Peter Gzowski's radio career.

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            6 · Série · 1992-2019
            Parte de International Camping Fellowship fonds

            Series consists of a range of material and artefacts of historical significance related to the International Camping Fellowship and other international camps, including the American Camping Association, the European Camp Association, the Russia International Children's Centre, and the National Camping Association of Japan. The materials include newsletters, articles of the association, congress agreements, reports, and correspondence. Also included are various loose artefacts that contribute to the understanding of camp history and achievements, such as an assortment of camp magazines, brochures, and programs written in Japanese, Russian and English, camp activity books and songs, and fabrics and badges.

            Ontario Camping Association fonds. 1985 additions
            85-011 · Arquivo · 1947-1985
            Parte de Ontario Camps Association fonds

            This addition to the fonds consists of camp brochures, photographs, newspaper clippings, conference reports, Ontario Camping Association Archives Committee correspondence, newsletters, minutes of meetings and files of Helen Stewart.

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            Miscellaneous items
            97-003/002(08) · Documento · 1857-1988, n.d.
            Parte de Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

            Folder includes the following:

            • "Character & fortune, [Mrs.] Robinson, 1894" - fortune teller's account
            • Pedigree chart of [cat] named "Sledwich", born Aug. 1918, owner Miss Stewart Houston
            • Order of proceedings for the installation of Christopher Robinson as chancellor of Trinity University, January 15 1902 (Note: Mrs. Stewart Houston sang at the installation ceremony); invitation to the installation to Mr. and Mrs. Houston attached (Christopher is Stewart Bagnani's uncle)
            • Statement of assets relating to the estate of Stewart Field Houston, undated
            • Two Ontario Blank Writing Books - inside each book is a listing of items for sale and who bought them [sale took place at the home of Augusta Houston on Augusta 15 1934]
            • Eulogy for Stewart Houston (Stewart Bagnani's father) by "CTR" [Christopher Robinson]
            • "In Commemoration of Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bart". Pamphlet of the plaque unveiling ceremony, Toronto, October 6, 1988, Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
            • "Letters from Thomas Talbot to John Beverley Robinson"/ edited by J.M.S. Careless. Reprint from Ontario History, Vol. xlix 1957, No.1 (note on front says "Sir JBR's letters donated by Stewart Bagnani to Ontario Archives)
            • "Sir Isaac Brock. The hero of Upper Canada"/ by Major-General C.W. Robinson, C.B. Reprint [source]: Royal United Service Institution, J.J. Keliher & Co., Ltd. Marshalsea Road, London, S.E. (note on front says "With love from C.W.R.")
            • Photo of mother cat with 5 kittens attached
            • Character sketch of "Miss Beverley Robinson"
            • Tiny silver presentation plate inscribed as follows: "Presented to Mrs. John Beverley Robinson by the Rector and Congregation of St. Johns Church, Darlington as a token of their respect and regards - 15th January 1857"
            Camp Tanamakoon fonds. 2024 additions
            24-018 · Arquivo · 1902-2024

            Fonds consists of records documenting the history and activities of Camp Tanamakoon. Records include song books, brochures, forms, camp activity resources, a large set of slides, photographs, videos, photo albums, scrapbooks, and uniforms. Fonds is arranged by format in five series: Textual materials, CDs and DVDs, photograph albums and scrapbooks, slides, and uniforms. See series and file descriptions for more information.

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