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Kenneth Brown fonds
12-010 · Fonds · 1906; 1925; 2012

Fonds is primarily comprised of copies of research material. Included are reproductions of genealogical materials related to the Brownscombe family of Peterborough, Ontario, beginning with William Brownscombe (1830-1893), a descendent of Kenneth Brown's wife, Kathleen Brownscombe. Also included is material related to the Haliburton Scout Reserve, the Canadian Canoe Company and the Wm. English Canoe Company.

Brown, Kenneth
20-006 · Fonds · 1926-2005

Fonds includes letters between John Quentin Brown and family members and photographs primarily of Quentin and his immediate family. Also included is a copy of The Army’s Mister Brown: A Family Trilogy, 1941-1952.

Brown, John Quentin
20-004 · Fonds · 1746; 1815-1991

This fonds consists of Professor Brunger's research in 19th century Canadian historical geography, mainly in Upper Canada/Ontario, focused on emigration from the U.K. and settlement in Newcastle (Peterborough County) District and London (Talbot Settlement) District. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

Brunger, Alan
Verna Burgess fonds
97-1007 · Fonds · [191-?]-[198-?]

This fonds consists of a "School Exercise Book" which contains a handwritten biographical sketch of Miss Burgess' "First School", undoubtedly written to be read to the members of the Shakespeare Club at one of their monthly meetings. The 31 loose sheets consist of poems and verse written by Burgess over the years as inspiration or occasion presented.

Burgess, Verna
Dickson family fonds
94-1005 · Fonds · 1853-1957

This fonds consists of letters from Hugh Munro, Edinburgh, to his son Samuel Munro and daughter-in-law Emma Davidson Munro as well as letters to Samuel Dickson from his mother in Ireland. There are also photographs and newspaper obituaries of Laura Davidson, President of Peterborough (Dickson) Lumber Company from 1934 to 1957; photographs of the Dickson home on Dickson Street, Peterborough and typescript histories of the Dickson Lumber Company.

Dickson family
14-006 · Fonds · 1996-2013

Fonds includes correspondence, notes, manuscripts, published articles, conference papers, and book reviews related to the writing career and personal life of Professor Richard Dellamora.

Dellamora, Richard
09-002 · Fonds · 1979-2008

Fonds consists of further research materials relating to Dellamora's work on Oscar Wilde and others. Also includes conference papers and articles. Also included are Professor Dellamora's correspondence regarding Theory, Culture and Politics at Trent University and correspondence with reviewers, colleagues and other authors. Many files relate to the "Friendship" book.

Dellamora, Richard
86-032 · Fonds · 1975-1985

This fonds consists of minutes, briefs, correspondence, reports, newspaper and magazine articles. Also included in the fonds are records relating to public hearings of the Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee.

Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee
Kathleen Bowley fonds
20-008 · Fonds · ca. 1900-2010

Fonds is comprised of photographs, letters, speeches, articles, newspaper clippings and historical research notes related to the life of Kathleen Richmond Barclay Bowley. Much of the fonds relates to Bowley’s interest and experience in the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service and her participation in the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Peterborough Club. Also included are dozens of Barclay family ancestral letters.

Bowley, Kathleen
04-011 · Fonds · [183-?]-[188-?]; 1918; 1983

Fonds consists of the wills of W.T.C. Boyd and Ida Lillian Boyd, with attached deed of Laurence Chadwick Boyd. Also included are several Boyd family photographs and one portrait. One of the albums has a photograph of Anne Langton, pioneer artist and teacher who settled in the Sturgeon Lake area, and whose journals have been published.

Boyd, W.T.C.
Winnett Boyd fonds
99-008 · Fonds · 1907-1983

This fonds consists of correspondence, drawings, reports, press clippings, biographical material, photographs, maps, slides, manuscripts, publicity materials and certificates relating to the aeronautical engineering, nuclear engineering, consulting engineering and political career of Winnett Boyd.

Boyd, Winnett
John A. Bradshaw fonds
90-007 · Fonds · 1757, 1942-1965 ; predominant 1956-1965

This fonds has extensive personal genealogical research material collected by John A. Bradshaw, Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace for the City of Peterborough from 1948 to 1974. The fonds includes correspondence with genealogists, notes, photocopies of related passages, poems, and chapters of books and other published material, photographs and a 1757 edition of The London Chronicle.

Bradshaw, John A.
Prentice G. Downes fonds
80-004 · Fonds · 1930-1954

This fonds consists of three notebooks of typewritten notes entitled "Reference Notes on the Cree", and one photograph of P.G. Downes with Richard Finnie. The notebooks contain bibliographic sources, alphabetically arranged, their contents briefly analyzed and evaluated in terms of their usefulness to the study of various facets of Cree society. The notebooks also contain a number of Prentice G. Downes' writings.


  • A Closer Look at James Isham's "Observations"
  • Cree Conversations and Comments: Sexual Content
  • The "Fish River" Adventure of Reverend Robert Hunt, 1852; with introduction and notes by P.G. Downes, 1954
  • Magico-Religious Terms of the Cree
  • Index of Robert Hunt's Diaries and a Description of them. (The original Robert Hunt Diaries are housed in the Public Archives of Canada MD 24(J17)).
Downes, Prentice Gilbert
05-1011 · Fonds · 1991-1992

This accession consists of bulletins dated 1991-1992 of the Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park. Also included is a photocopy of the Bill, An Act to Establish the Algonquin National Park of Ontario, dated 1893.

Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park
95-1008 · Fonds · 1839

This addition to the fonds consists of one pen and ink drawing of the Court House, Peterborough.

Caddy, Edward C.
69-1002 · Fonds · 1839-1842

The fonds consists of two photocopies of drawings of early Peterborough by Edward C. Caddy. The first is a drawing of Conger Hill, 1839-1842, and the second is a drawing of the Courthouse and St. John's Church, 1839.

Caddy, Edward C.
Hugh Caldwell diary
01-1021 · Fonds · 1888-1889

Fonds consists of one diary belonging to Hugh Caldwell, (Clydesdale Post Office), Chandos Township. Notes inside the cover indicate that Caldwell purchased Lots 16 & 17, 13th Concession, Chandos Township, Peterborough County, on 26 November 1872. Caldwell notes the dates he planted his garden and the varieties of vegetables planted.

Caldwell, Hugh
91-1007 · Fonds · August 1986

This item is a list of early photographers, including addresses and other careers, in Peterborough from 1847 to 1915.

Allen-Bellamy family fonds
14-016 · Fonds · ca. 1880-2007

Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, greeting cards, diplomas, certificates, maps, pamphlets, reminiscences, genealogical materials, and memorabilia pertaining to the Allen and Bellamy families.

Allen-Bellamy family
01-1023 · Fonds · 2000

Collection consists of a history of Camp X, a collage of photocopied photographs, and a list of Canadian Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents.

Camp X Historical Society
Ethelwyn Campbell fonds
02-1007 · Fonds · 1972-1979

Fonds consists of letters to "Mrs. Campbell" from students in her typing class in Fort Frances, Ontario, 1972; a photograph of several people seated around a table (the framing around the photograph has the title "Las Catacumbas"); two cards from friends, 1976 and 1979; and two travel diaries, one of which details her trip to Italy in 1973 and to England, Ireland, and Scotland in 1978, and the other, her trip to England and Africa in 1976.

Campbell, Ethelwyn
Campbell family fonds
88-017 · Fonds · 1862-1936

This fonds consists of five bound volumes relating to activities of the Campbell family of Keene, Ontario. There are ledgers, diaries and a scrapbook which date from 1862 to 1929.

This fonds represents many different members of the Campbell family of Keene and their interests. The scrapbook was composed by Isabelle Fulton Miller Campbell, daughter of Isabella Brownlie Miller and James Miller, and deals with different areas of interest to her. The two diaries, written by Isabelle Fulton Miller Campbell, deal with every day life and reflect how a number of people lived during the time period covered by the diaries. There is a business ledger of William Campbell who was a tailor in Keene and he also appears to be responsible as an executor for people's estates including his mother's. There is also a day book from a Keene grocery store which lists what the Campbells and other people in the Village of Keene purchased.

Campbell family
Edna Barker fonds
04-008 · Fonds · 1994-2002

Fonds consists of manuscripts, research materials, letters of permission, and correspondence relating to A Peter Gzowski Reader, and to Remembering Peter Gzowski: A Book of Tributes, both of which were edited by Edna Barker. Also included are permission letters relating to The Fifth (and Probably Last) Morningside Papers, and letters and emails of condolence received by CBC upon the death of Peter Gzowski.

Barker, Edna
Donnelly trial scrapbook
74-1001 · Fonds · Photocopied [ca. 1974]

This item is a photocopy of scrapbook clippings which follow the inquest into the deaths of the "Black Donnellys" in Biddulph Township in early 1880, and clippings from the hearings held thereafter. The dates of the clippings range from February 1880 to March 1880.