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69-1001 · File · n.d., 1852
Part of Susanna Moodie fonds

File consists of two original letters. One letter is from Susanna Moodie to Mrs. Katie Vickery, Susanna Moodie's daughter, which is undated. The second letter is from Moodie's her publisher in England congratulating her upon the success of Roughing it in the Bush and enclosing a contract for a subsequent book entitled Mark Huddleston.

IMC-150 · File · 1984-1995
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File contains a binder assembled by Alf Griggs relating to his time as a coordinator and supervisor for the city of Toronto Teen Leadership Camp. Within the binder are documents and letters from campers, staff and Griggs himself regarding their time at the Leadership Camp. Additionally, there are also photographs of the camp and campers from 1984, 1987 and 1988.

IMC-144 · File · 1963-1987
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File contains records relating to material relating to work done by the Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada with Indigenous Peoples in the North. records include correspondence from Dr. Sutherland, on behalf of the IEA looking to acquire a Cessna 180 plane for use in the Northwest Territories and Yukon. Also contained are educational pamphlets for the IEA, a May 1962 newsletter of the IEA, and an editorial by Eleanor Sutherland, titled "A New Approach for Native People in Canada's North."

Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada
IMC-140 · File · 2021-2022
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File consists of material compiled for a project on the history of Camp Wangoma, including 12 editions of a newsletter, "Wangomatters - 50 years - Before the Memories Fade" and a written history of the camp. Files are available in both paper and digital form.

YMCA Camp Wangoma
IMC-139 · File · ca. 1920-1993
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File consists of textual records about Joseph May living at the Orphan Homes of Scotland and descriptions of his travels from Scotland to Peterborough and Belleville areas, where he attended the Peterborough Normal School for teaching. Included is a photograph of boys on the steps of Fairknowe School in Brockville after Joseph arrived in Canada in 1926, and a photographic booklet of the Orphan Homes of Scotland (1926). Also included is a yearbook from the Peterborough Normal School (1944), a single page in his handwriting recording a timeline of his life events, and original documents containing a Certificate of Elementary Agriculture and Horticulture (1939) and Convocation programs (1954, 1960) from the University of Toronto.

IMC-138 · File · ca. 1910 (modern reproduction)
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File consists of a modern reproduction of a photograph of Bill Batten leading a parade in front of Hendren’s Funeral Home in Lakefield to deliver Massey equipment. Photograph is accompanied by a note that reads “Bill Batten was the Massey Harris agent for the county of Peterborough.....his nickname was ‘Massey....’”. Also in file, a letter from the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society and a handwritten explanation of Bill Massey Batten.

IMC-137 · File · 1995-2021
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

Includes the following:

  • "Bruce Whiteman: Zukofsky Impromptus. Sin Tax 003, 1995
  • LeRoy Gorman (ed.): Mourning Cloak Renku, 1996
  • Marshall Hryciuk (led by): The Pink of Venice, Imago Press, 2021
  • Marshall Hryciuk (led by): Carved on a Beach, 2001
  • Marshall Hryciuk (led by): Long Glances, Imago Press, 2021
  • Marshall Hryciuk (led by): Freedom Day Celebration, Imago Press, 2021
  • Marshall Hryciuk (layout by): Fading Clouds Renku, Imago Press, 2010
  • Marshall Hryciuk (ed.): Crystal Renku, Imago Press, 2005
  • Marshall Hryciuk (led by): Year of No Summer: Renku 2009, Imago Press, 2009
  • Marshall Hyrciuk (led by): Hot Pavement Renku, Imago Press, 2020
  • ""You are here Acme Gallery Commerce Building 12912 Hunter Street West Peterborough!"" (a broadside for Jeff Macklin's exhibition at the Acme Gallery, [2021])"
Whiteman, Bruce
Stephen Leacock items
IMC-135 · File · 1916-1943
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

Includes a Christmas card "from Lill and Will Rudge, Christmas 1916."Inside the card is a photo card (NY Herald) of Stephen Leacock, signed by Leacock for Aphra Miller, 1934.

Also includes sheet music titled "The Junior League of Montreal Presents Aces High, the Musical Revue. By the Writers of Looping the Loop, 1922." Leacock's signature and address, dated May 31, 1938 affixed to the verso of front cover.

Also includes a photograph of Leacock addressing members of the New York City Cancer Committee at a luncheon at the Plaza Hotel, 15 May 1935 and a signed card, received by the recipient 8 March 1943: "Stephen Leacock / With best wishes / Miss Ethel Smith."

IMC-133 · File · 1913
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

Presented to Pearl [McIntosh] by Gordon [McIntosh] (1892-1973), Christmas 1954. This Bible includes handwritten genealogical information with references to Peterborough and the names McIntosh, Larmer, Petrie, Seymour and Irvine. Loosely enclosed is a note: "Bible in the Memoirs of Lawrence Larmer wife: & Hazel McIntosh, Millbrook, Ontario"; also an 'In Memoriam' card re Stanley Gordon McIntosh, a photograph of a house titled "Larmer Home 1925", and a newspaper clipping regarding the immigration of the McIntosh family from Scotland in 1827. The Bible is in very poor condition; handwritten notes of a biblical nature appear in the margins of many pages throughout.

IMC-131 · File · 2021
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

An essay on the influences of Professor T.H.B. Symons on the life of Denis Desjardins from his early francophone education in the 1960s to his reading of Tom Symons: A Canadian Life (2011). Denis Desjardins is a Trent University alumnus.

IMC-130 · File · 1972-1999
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

Dated 1972 through the late 1990s, most were published by the Hamilton Poetry Centre; also one by Flying Man Press, and another commissioned by the Harbourfront Reading Series. Poets represented include Bruce Whiteman, David McFadden, Alexander Hutchison, James Reaney, John Newlove, Joy Kogawa, Cary Fagan, Phyllis Webb, and Raymond Souster.

Whiteman, Bruce
IMC-123 · File · 1923
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File includes 17 photographs of archaeological sites in Greece, some identified as Monemvasia, believed to have been taken by Blake while accompanying archaeologist Gilbert Bagnani on a dig in 1923. Also included are 21 photographs of medieval and 16th-17th century French streets and houses; it is probable that these relate to Blake’s own research or to that of Gilbert Bagnani.

Map of Canada East and West
IMC-122 · File · 1848
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

New York, Published by Ensigns & Thayer, 36 Ann Street. D. Needham, Buffalo, N.Y. No 12 Exchange St. Drawn & Engraved by J.M. Atwood N. York. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1848 by Ensign's & Thayer in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Inset: 'MAP OF NOVA SCOTIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Showing the Route of Steamers from HALIFAX TO BOSTON'; portraits of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert with a coat of arms and motto; 'Explanations' [legend]: districts, cos, capitals of districts, railways, canals; shows some roads but no railways; twps north to the base of the Bruce Peninsula and in the east north to Bexley, Somerville, Harvey to Palmerston, and Lavant to Pembroke; decorative scroll-work border; Winearls 161 [First State]

IMC-121 · File · 1896-1979
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File includes 9 black and white photographs and 2 negatives of archaeological sites taken by Verschoyle Blake during a trip in Greece with Gilbert Bagnani and his mother in the Spring of 1923. Also included is a letter from Constance Marani to her friend Hester Thom dated 1 March 1926. Also, two typed pages of notes compiled by the donor and titled “Letter, March 1 1926 from (Ethel) Constance Marani née Blake, 1896-1979” with a genealogical focus, and “Verschoyle Benson Blake 1899-1971”, also with a genealogical focus. Verschoyle Blake helped the Bagnanis, Gilbert and Stewart, whose papers are located in Trent University Archives, with the architectural design of a library in their Port Hope, Ontario house, Vogrie.