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Archival description
Sarah Baclay fonds
97-1002 · Fonds · 1885-1896

This fonds consists of assorted letters, notes, and receipts, some with respect to travel to Japan, and some referring to possible railroad development. Also included is material related to the British Columbia fur trade.

Baclay, Sarah
William Paterson fonds
75-005 · Fonds · 1854-1914

This fonds consists of personal and political correspondence of William Paterson including personal correspondence of his wife, Lucy, and other family members; political papers, including petitions, copies of timber licenses and material on the Six Nations First Nation Reserve; notes and drafts of some of Paterson's speeches; and other records including receipts, dinner invitations, family photographs, scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings and loose clippings, and geological survey maps.

Paterson, William
Hudson's Bay Company journal
95-1003 · Item · 27 July 1929-4 Aug. 1930

This item is a journal of events kept by the Post Manager at Eastmain, Outfit 260, James Bay District of the Hudson's Bay Company. His instructions were to record weather conditions, temperatures, activities of Inuit and Native fur trade, animal and bird migration patterns, supply ship and passenger activity, mail arrivals and news of Revillon Freres at an adjoining post. A transcription of the Journal is available.

Hudson's Bay Company
77-002 · Fonds · 1812-1930

This collection of photographs comes from the Library and Archives of Canada, Archives of Ontario, Saskatchewan Archives, Public Archives of Manitoba, Royal Ontario Museum and the American Museum of Natural History. Subjects include native peoples, immigrants, Riel Rebellion, surveys, and early explorers.

Pauline Johnson collection
89-013 · Fonds · 1870-1937

This fonds consists of numerous notes and correspondence of Evelyn Johnson pertaining to her sister Pauline, to family history and to the affairs of the Six Nations Indian Reserve. There are newspaper clippings dating from 1881 to 1936 on Pauline Johnson and on Indigenous concerns of the time. Poems written by and collected by Pauline Johnson, and correspondence of Pauline Johnson, G.M. Ferguson, Chief G.H.M. Johnson and Allan Johnson are also included.

Johnson, Evelyn
Arthur Thibert dictionary
04-1001 · Item · 1932, [1942]

Item is a 180-page typescript of an Eskimo-French dictionary written by Arthur Thibert in 1932. An accompanying note written by Mary M. Parsons reads as follows: "While stationed at Eskimo Point N.W.T. where my husband was the O/C the R.C.M.P. detachment, I was requested by the priests of the Catholic mission to type a copy of this dictionary. I would believe this book to be one of the copies I made at that time. Arthur Thibert whose name the manuscript bears, was a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate and was, in fact, the priest who performed our marriage so I got to know him well. My part was done during the winter of 1941-42. [signed] Mary M. Parsons."

Thibert, Arthur
97-1036 · Fonds · 1946

These documents consist of two stapled mimeographed books. The first, dated March 1946 and entitled "The Union of Saskatchewan Indians: The Record of the Establishment of Indian Unity in Saskatchewan" records the minutes of meetings held in Regina, Duck Lake and Saskatoon, and provides names of the Constitution Committee. It also contains reprints of Treaties No.3 and 4. The second book, dated July 1946 and entitled "The Treaties Between Her Majesty, Queen Victoria and The Indians of British North America" contains reprints of Treaties No. 3,4,5,6,7, and 8.

Douglas, Tommy
Prentice G. Downes fonds
80-004 · Fonds · 1930-1954

This fonds consists of three notebooks of typewritten notes entitled "Reference Notes on the Cree", and one photograph of P.G. Downes with Richard Finnie. The notebooks contain bibliographic sources, alphabetically arranged, their contents briefly analyzed and evaluated in terms of their usefulness to the study of various facets of Cree society. The notebooks also contain a number of Prentice G. Downes' writings.


  • A Closer Look at James Isham's "Observations"
  • Cree Conversations and Comments: Sexual Content
  • The "Fish River" Adventure of Reverend Robert Hunt, 1852; with introduction and notes by P.G. Downes, 1954
  • Magico-Religious Terms of the Cree
  • Index of Robert Hunt's Diaries and a Description of them. (The original Robert Hunt Diaries are housed in the Public Archives of Canada MD 24(J17)).
Downes, Prentice Gilbert
97-1011 · Item · 1951; 1955

These manuscripts were written by Dr. Barclay McKone, M.D., and are in typescript format. The first manuscript with the title "Moose Factory Indian Hospital" describes, in addition to a brief historical and geographical background of Moose Factory and its service area, salient treatments used to fight tuberculosis, and the frequent successes. The record comes alive with frequent records of specific cases. A review of cases indicated different characteristics of the disease and its treatment between "Indian" and Inuit patients. This report also refers to the treatment of other diseases and cases handled by the hospital between 1951 and 1955. The second manuscript with the title "Eastern Arctic Medical and X-Ray Survey 1955" describes in more complete diary-like detail the considerable amount of work done by group #2 of a 3 group expedition in their attempt to grapple with all the medical problems of the eastern Arctic. Again a primary concern is to identify and arrange to treat patients with tuberculosis. The time frame is June to September 1955.

Materials added in 2015:

Two DVDs of film footage taken by Dr. Barclay McKone between 1951 and 1955 while he was working as a physician in the James Bay region. Also included are typed notes by Dr. McKone which provide information about the content of the films. The film footage was originally in VHS format and was copied to DVD prior to being donated by Dr. Barclay's great niece Christine Fischer Guy. Ms. Guy received the original VHS tapes from Dr. McKone to help in the research of her novel, The Umbrella Mender, which was published in 2014 and is set in Moose Factory. The DVDs and notes were donated from the estate of Dr. Barclay McKone in 2015 via Christine Fischer Guy. Restriction: Permission to publish from this material is required from Christine Fischer Guy.

McKone, Barclay
74-1003 · Fonds · Jan. 1956-May 1956

The fonds consists of mimeograph and typescript copies of minutes, an outline of history and purposes of the Foundation, and two papers on the Serpent Mounds, at Rice Lake, one of which is by William Richard Adams of Bloomington, Indiana.

Serpent Mounds Foundation
George Mellis Douglas fonds
79-002 · Fonds · 1928-1957

This fonds consists of: correspondence with Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Clifford Wilson and others relating to Arctic explorations; several photographs including some of the construction of the Peterborough Lift Lock and of downtown Peterborough, Ontario circa 1900; and newspaper clippings of book reviews. Also included are artifacts retrieved by Douglas from the area of Coppermine, NWT.

Douglas, George Mellis
95-024 · Fonds · 1671-1960

This collection consists of photographs relating to Indigenous peoples and their activities, mostly throughout Canada. The photographs portray extensively the lives of Indigenous people who lived in Canada during the 1800's and early 1900's. Most of the photographs are copies of other photographs but several are copies of sketches and paintings done in the late 1600's to the mid 1800's. Each photograph is labelled with a title and a place of origin.

Kidd, Kenneth E.
Geale-Rogers family fonds
82-022 · Fonds · 1834-1966

This fonds consists of the personal and business records of the Geale, Hamilton, Peck, Barker and Rogers families. There are letters relating to World War I written by Beresford and Robert Hamilton and Heber and Harry Rogers; letters, diaries, journals of Richard Birdsall Rogers (superintending engineer of the Peterborough Lift Lock); the records of Hon. Robert Hamilton, a factor at the Hudson's Bay Company stationed at Fort Edmonton. The fonds also contains stereographs, approximately 1000 photographs, and a C.E. Goad fire insurance plan for the city of Peterborough, 1882. Items of interest include a group of photographs of the Trent Valley area and the building of the canal; Rogers family pictures of the Stoney Lake area and the Juniper Island Regatta; photos of early aircraft and the Curtiss Aviation School; photos of hydraulic lift lock at Peterborough; and one letter from Catharine Parr Traill to Robert Miles Hamilton.

This collection of family papers, correspondence, journals, photographs, newspaper clippings and published works spans the years 1834 to 1966 and measures approximately 3 1/2 linear metres. The papers were deposited in Trent University Archives through the courtesy of members of the Geale and Rogers families in 1983.

The papers are divided into two series:

Series A, the Geale family papers, consists of records pertaining to the descendants of the Hon. Robert Hamilton, a factor of the Hudson's Bay Company stationed at Fort Edmonton in northern Manitoba. Robert Hamilton married Annie Seabourne. One of their sons was Robert Miles Hamilton (1864-1939). He married Alice May Barker and resided at "Auburn" in Peterborough, Ontario. Their children were Miles Beresford Hamilton, Robert Barker Hamilton, (Alice) Seabourne Hamilton, and S.R. Hamilton (son). Alice Seabourne Hamilton married Charles Norman Geale. Papers of the Barker family (the Hon. Samuel Barker was Mrs. Robert Miles Hamilton's father) are included in this series as are the papers of the Peck family. Edward Armour Peck was the natural son of Arthur Henry Peck and the adoptive father of Charles Norman Geale. He married Kitty Revell. Both Miles Beresford Hamilton and Robert Barker Hamilton served overseas in the First World War and their correspondence is included in this series.

Series B of this collection consists of the Rogers Papers. Richard Birdsall Rogers was born at Ashburnham in 1857. He lived there until 1916 and then moved to "Beechwood Farm" in Douro Township. He was a land surveyor and was appointed superintendent engineer of the Trent Valley Canal in 1884. Richard married Clara Mina Calcutt of Peterborough in 1881. They had seven children. One daughter, Leah, married Herbert Geale, brother of Charles Norman Geale. Two sons, Heber and Harry served overseas in World War I. Their correspondence is included. R.B. Rogers designed and supervised the building of the hydraulic lift locks at Peterborough and Kirkfield. These papers included several files of plans and specifications for the locks, correspondence and documents accrued during the scandal preceding Rogers' resignation in 1906, the Holgate Report which condemned Rogers and the Keefer investigation which completely vindicated his work as Chief Engineer. We have created a major on-line exhibit focusing on the life and times of Richard Rogers and the Peterborough Lift Lock:

Geale-Rogers family
74-016 · Fonds · 1859 to 1966

The fonds consists of registers of baptisms, marriages and burials of Albany Parish in the Diocese of Moosonee from 1859 to 1966.

Diocese of Moosonee
St. Regis Mission fonds
74-013 · Fonds · Microfilmed 16 Mar. 1966

The fonds consists of microfilm copies of letters of priests once in charge of St. Regis Mission, including incoming and outgoing correspondence, written in French between 1767 and 1891.

St. Regis mission
James W. Curran fonds
74-006 · Fonds · 1938-1967

This fonds consists of correspondence, copies of articles, and manuscripts relating to the book "Here Was Vinland" (Sault Ste. Marie, 1939). It also includes family papers and miscellanea. The correspondence includes letters from C.E. Brown, L. Burpee, Dr. T.P. Christennen, Dr. K. Christofferson, J.E. Dodd, A.J. Erikson, E. Greenaway, Judge A. McComber, the Smithsonian Institute, V. Stefannson, and others.

The fonds is organized into 3 series: Correspondence; Articles and manuscripts; and Family papers and miscellanea.

Curran, James W.
74-015 · Fonds · Microfilmed Dec. 1967

This fonds consists of registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and deaths, preachers' book and diary, church accounts, and history of the Christian mission at Moose Factory.

Moose Factory Mission Church
23-007 · Fonds · 1964-1967

Fonds consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports that discuss the implementation of a “Radio Forum in the Canadian North” Canada by the IEA, with co-operation from the CBC in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The purpose of this service was to create a forum for the Inuit to discuss issues they faced as well as positive events. Its additional purpose was to create a medium for dialogue between other Indigenous people, other Northern communities and other parts of Canada. In doing so, it was hoped that Inuit and other Indigenous people in the North would be able to gain social, economic, and political power and autonomy. S trathmere Associates was retained as a consulting firm and provided project management services for the program. The Radio Forum was to use a radio-listening-discussion-action group model, using Alex Sim’s World War Two “Farm Radio Forum” as a guide. Files includes documents on projects undertaken including the MacKenzie Delta Project, Delta Community Action Project (Delcap), and Northern Community Action Program (NORCAP).

Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada
George Cobb tapes
82-006 · Fonds · 1962-1968

This fonds consists of oral history tapes made by George Cobb. Topics covered on the tapes include: Trent Canal, lumbering, early medicine and dentistry in Peterborough County, Indigenous history and culture, mills and so forth. Fonds also includes tapes made by Cobb of other broadcasts and recordings (located at the end of the list). Browse file list for more information.

Cobb, George
95-005 · Fonds · 1965-1972

This fonds consists of the Ontario Native Development Fund's correspondence and records which relate to the native position in Ontario and to the establishment of the ONDF's field reports of visits to Ontario cities to set up fund raising events.

Ontario Natives Development Fund
74-010 · Item · Microfilmed [between 1971 and 1972]

The item is a microfilm of a copy book of correspondence from and to Peter Russell, president administering the government of Upper Canada during the period November 1796 to March 1798. The correspondents include Captain William Claus, Superintendent of Indians and Indian Affairs, and Captain Joseph Brant. Included are copies of speeches made by Russell to "Brothers, Chiefs and Warriors of the Six Nations" concerning their land grants on the Grand River, as well as speeches to "Brothers, Chiefs and Warriors of the Chippewa Nation".

Russell, Peter
75-015 · Fonds · 1956-1973

This fonds consists of minutes, reports, briefs, memoranda, scrapbooks and memorabilia of the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples which has been divided into the following series: A-1 - Constitution and by-laws; A-2 - minutes - with 4 sub-series - National Commission on the Indian Canadian; Board of Directors: Papers of Executive Director; Committees. B-1 - correspondence; C-1 - Annual Reports and Briefs; C-2 - conferences, conventions, workshops, etc.; C-3 - materials on native and non-native organizations; C-4 - Indian-Eskimo Association - Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples Library; C-5 - Student Volunteer Service: C-6 - applications for employment; C-7 - subject files, arranged alphabetically; D-1 - D-2 - association and divisional financial statements,; E - 1,2,3 - accounts, ledgers, materials from financial campaigns; and F - miscellaneous, photos memorabilia and scrapbooks.

Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
91-010 · Fonds · 1968-1973

This fonds provides a full view of the history of a well-intentioned but short-lived organization involving Indigenous people, government, and the commercial world. It consists of early plans, minutes and correspondence of the board of directors, the development of a constitution and bylaws, correspondence with government and native groups, craft training experience, inventory and accounting processes.

Indian Crafts Foundation of Ontario
78-003 · Fonds · 1965-1973

This fonds consists of the records of Thomas H.B. Symons relating to the Canadian Association In Support of Native Peoples of which he became president in 1971. The fonds includes correspondence, minutes, reports, briefs, memoranda, clippings and other records.

Symons, Thomas H.B.