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05-001 · Fonds · 1958-1991

Fonds consists of financial records, annual reports, minutes of Board meetings, 2 photographs, and printed programs relating to the Peterborough Women's Christian Association (YWCA).

Young Women's Christian Association
97-002 · Fonds · [1930]-1993

This fonds consists of Young Women's Christian Association scrapbooks from 1976-1993, and a photograph of the YWCA swim club "The Silver Finnettes" from the 1930's. Also included are several identified and unidentified photographs of YWCA staff and volunteers, and of buildings. There are also slides of the staff, and miscellaneous slides.

Young Women's Christian Association
94-011 · Fonds · 1939-1989.

This addition to the fonds consists of ledgers, annual reports, program information, and other records regarding the YWCA women's residence and nursery school. There are also many photographs, mostly from the 1960's, of events and of people, who were associated with the Peterborough Young Women's Christian Association.

Young Women's Christian Association
91-003 · Fonds · 1897-1991

This addition to the fonds consists of original Peterborough YWCA incorporation documents from 1897, YWCA photographs, financial and business documents, and other records including audio cassettes with oral interviews and tea meetings.

Young Women's Christian Association
85-001 · Fonds · 1908-1983

This fonds consists of records relating to the history, administration and programs of the Peterborough Young Women's Christian Association (Y.W.C.A.).

Young Women's Christian Association
Young Nim You fonds
01-1015 · Fonds · 1988-1993

Fonds consists of a photograph of Young Nim You; various Korean church-related journal issues and extracted excerpts, many with hand-written English explanations; Korean pamphlets relating to women's involvement in Korean churches and cultural groups; and a manuscript and published article written by You entitled Korean Sisterhood and published in Newsletter: Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada, March 1993. Also included are two posters and a calendar.

Young, Nim You
10-003 · Fonds · 1987-1998

Fonds consists of five photograph albums related to the activities of the Peterborough area Xi-Iota Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi. The albums are dated 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1995-1996, 1997, and 1997-1998.

Xi-Iota Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
RG 37 · Fonds · 1974-2004

Fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, and reports relating to the Committee on the Status of Women (1974-1986), records relating to the Margaret Laurence lecture (1987-2004), and correspondence and reports re the establishment of the Women's Studies program (1986-1988).

Trent University. Women's Studies Program
89-011 · Fonds · 1961-1985

This fonds consists of records dealt with by We-Peterborough, primarily the civil disobedience and cruise missile protest. Regarding civil disobedience, the fonds contains various study kits, articles and publications. It also includes articles, legal correspondence and minutes of meetings.

We-Peterborough: World Emergency Centre for Assertive Non-Violence
86-015 · Fonds · 1909-1946

This addition to the fonds consists of deeds, correspondence, school workbooks and records from a correspondence course offered in 1933-34 by the University of Toronto. There is excellent correspondence relating to the lives of Annie and Daisy Davidson which describes the lives of young women at the end of the nineteenth century struggling to educate themselves and to find appropriate employment.

Walter Nichol Davidson family
Verna Burgess fonds
97-1007 · Fonds · [191-?]-[198-?]

This fonds consists of a "School Exercise Book" which contains a handwritten biographical sketch of Miss Burgess' "First School", undoubtedly written to be read to the members of the Shakespeare Club at one of their monthly meetings. The 31 loose sheets consist of poems and verse written by Burgess over the years as inspiration or occasion presented.

Burgess, Verna
Susanna Moodie fonds
PR 515 · Fonds · 1852, [187-?]

Fonds consists of two letters and 5 watercolour paintings. One letter is from Susanna Moodie to Mrs. Katie Vickery, Susanna Moodie's daughter, which is undated. The second letter is from Moodie's her publisher in England congratulating her upon the success of Roughing it in the Bush and enclosing a contract for a subsequent book entitled _Mark Huddleston. The watercolour paintings are by Susanna Moodie and all depict flowers.

Moodie, Susanna
Sunset of Bon Echo fonds
94-1000 · Fonds · Mar. 1916-May 1920

This fonds consists of 6 volumes of "Sunset of Bon Echo" bound into one copy, as well as one additional copy unbound, which were published by Flora Macdonald Denison in honour of Walt Whitman.

Stewart-Dunlop fonds
94-007 · Fonds · Photocopied [between 1994 and 1995]

This fonds consists of photocopied correspondence of the Stewart and Dunlop families. Most of the letters are to Ellen Dunlop (daughter of Frances Browne Stewart) from Frances Stewart, Catharine Parr Traill and Harriet Beaufort as well as James Wallis. Also included is a Stewart family tree.

20-009 · Fonds · 1911; 1962-2012

Fonds is comprised of annual reports, historical accounts, photographs, newspaper clippings, programs and membership lists of Shining Waters Presbyterial UCW.

Shining Waters Presbyterial United Church Women
Shakespeare Club fonds
95-013 · Fonds · 1953-2015

This fonds consists of minutes, programs and membership lists of the Shakespeare Club which was a Peterborough women's club.

Shakespeare Club
12-002 · Collection · 1825-1994

Collection consists of an inventory of land locations for early settlers and inhabitants of Ops Township from the initial survey of the township in 1825 to 1872. It includes census information and assessments of households, various voter's lists, many Ops Township documents and one map for the 1839 Assessment Roll. The collection also includes a variety of cookbooks, recipes, food preparation manuals for specific cooking devices, and research notes.

McConkey, Rosemary
Right to belong
IMC-151 · File · [2019]
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File consists of a self-published book of photographs called "Right to Belong" that documents a gathering at Trent University from February 28 - March 2, 2019. As the first page states, "In 1970, Jeannette Corbiere Lavell and David Lavell began a challenge against the Canadian Government in a landmark case that would eventually reach the Supreme Court. The fight to end gender discrimination in the Indian Act would ultimately last decades and involve many Indigenous leaders, supporters and allies. An historic gathering, hosted at Trent University (Nogojiwanong/Peterborough, Ontario), brought together key leaders and their allies to tell their stories of this struggle. The Right to Belong research gathering and the Right to Belong Indigenous Women's Symposium were held on February 28th, March 1, and March 2, 2019. This collection of photographs was created to remember these events.

The book is honouring Yvonne Bedard, Ron Christensen, Mary Eberts, Fred Kelly, Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, Sharon McIvor, Judy Rebecca [Rebick?], Gwen Brodsky, Shelagh Day, Jose Garcia, David Lavell, Tony Mandamin, Alanis Obonsawin, Bob Rob, and Clayton Ruby. The people thanked are Dawn Lavell-Harvard, Mayor Diane Therrien, Thomas Morningstar, Michelle Lacombe, Digitalist Film Crew, Chris Hiller, Catherine Davis, Betty Carr-Braint, Lynne Davis, David Newhouse, Janet Miron, Julianna Lesage, Demi Mathias, Gracie Crafts, Unity Singers, Chef Gary Williams, Our Awesome Funders, Chief Phyllis Williams Curve Lake FN, Gabriel Maracle, Brenda Maracle O'Toole, Sandra Tomatuk, Paula Anderson, Catherine Davis, Lisa Reding, and Susie Taylor.

77-021 · Fonds · Photocopied and transcribed [between 1957 and 1977], 1894

The fonds consists of photocopies and typescripts of correspondence and journals of Reverend Robert Brooking and his wife Elizabeth relating to his service as a missionary in Africa, in Canada West and in the Hudson's Bay Territory. Also included are reports of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, 1851-1857. Some of the items relate to the Hiawatha and Rama Reserves, and Norway House. The original records date from 1839 to 1879. Also included is a modern print of a photograph of Rev Robert Brooking [ca. 1890] and 3 photographs of Elizabeth's tombstone at Chief Island, Lake Couchiching, Rama Reserve, near Orillia.

Brooking, Robert
07-005 · Fonds · 1956-2007

This fonds consists of meeting minutes, correspondence, membership records, scrapbooks, photographs, and issues of Hi Phi Record.

Preceptor Psi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
97-013 · Fonds · 1979-1987

This fonds consists of miscellaneous documents relating to the administration of the Peterborough Women's Committee. Also included is documentation relating to the project "Women Helping Women", as well as newsletters and annual reports.

Peterborough Women's Committee
88-023 · Fonds · 1977-1987

This fonds consists of records that were left when the Peterborough Women's Committee disbanded in 1987. The files provide a record of a decade of women's political concerns from a local point of view.

Peterborough Women's Committee
94-015 · Fonds · 1905-1977, 1991, 2002

This fonds consists of 58 volumes of the Peterborough Collegiate and Vocational School yearbook called "The Echoes"; 2 Minute Books for the Girls' Athletic Association from 1908 to 1923; 13 scattered volumes of "Commencement Exercises" between 1937 and 1951; and 1 volume of "Reports of the Business Board of the Collegiate Echoes of the P.C.I." dated 1916-1918. Additional materials were donated by Dr. Fern Rahmel in 2002 on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of P.C.V.S.

Peterborough Collegiate and Vocational Institute
97-1026 · Item · 1913

This photograph includes portraits of 66 male graduates and 62 female graduates of the 1912-13 Peterborough Business College graduating class. Also included in the photograph are portraits of six instructors and administrators.

Peterborough Business College
99-015 · Fonds · 1988-1998

This addition to the fonds consists of manuscripts for the "Morningside Years" and "Friends, Moments, Countryside", correspondence between Peter Gzowski, McClelland and Stewart and other editorial staff. There are 'mail bag' and 'ROA' (read on air) letters addressed to the Morningside show, some of which are included in the "Morningside Years." Also included is one complete radio program schedule and a program for "Peter Gzowski's Invitationals play the Winter Garden." There are also nineteen computer disks consisting of letters, transcripts of "Morningside" interviews, and chapters of the "Morningside Years". Twenty-four audio cassette tapes of Gzowski's interviews with various Canadian authors and scientists such as Margaret Laurence, Margaret Atwood, Dr. Tak Mak, William O. Mitchell, Robertson Davies, William Unruh, Jean Chretien, Alice Munro, Timothy Findley are also included. As well, there are a total of six photographs of Peter Gzowski and his staff.

Gzowski, Peter