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00-1002 · Collection · ca. 1800s

This collection of photographs consists of 2 tintypes (one woman is identified as Mrs E.R. Young; 2 photographs of lumbering operations at Lake of Bays including a photograph of an alligator machine; one ambrotype of a young boy and 1 daguerreotype of two adults with a child.

Brown, John Quentin
97-1015 · Item · [1860]

This photograph shows William Brownscombe at his potters wheel shaping a large stone jug with a narrow neck. Another jug stands on a shelf to his left.

Brownscombe, William
Verna Burgess fonds
97-1007 · Fonds · [191-?]-[198-?]

This fonds consists of a "School Exercise Book" which contains a handwritten biographical sketch of Miss Burgess' "First School", undoubtedly written to be read to the members of the Shakespeare Club at one of their monthly meetings. The 31 loose sheets consist of poems and verse written by Burgess over the years as inspiration or occasion presented.

Burgess, Verna
Dickson family fonds
94-1005 · Fonds · 1853-1957

This fonds consists of letters from Hugh Munro, Edinburgh, to his son Samuel Munro and daughter-in-law Emma Davidson Munro as well as letters to Samuel Dickson from his mother in Ireland. There are also photographs and newspaper obituaries of Laura Davidson, President of Peterborough (Dickson) Lumber Company from 1934 to 1957; photographs of the Dickson home on Dickson Street, Peterborough and typescript histories of the Dickson Lumber Company.

Dickson family
Bernhard E. Fernow letter
77-1008 · Item · Photocopied [ca. 1977]

This item is a photocopy of a typescript of a letter from J.B. McWilliams to Dean B.E. Fernow at the University of Toronto giving a very detailed account of timber licences in the Trent Valley (first licences, abandoned or cancelled licences) and of the amount of lumber taken out in 1872-1873 as opposed to 1912. His concerns were conservation and failing that, reforestation of the area. He also describes the Trent system of forest conservation. The letter is dated December 16, 1912.

Fernow, Bernhard E.
76-1006 · Item · 1922-1954

This item is a minute book of commissioners', subscribers' and annual and special meetings of the Belmont Municipal Telephone System, preceder to the Bell Telephone Company and the Havelock-Cordova Telephone Company.

Belmont municipal telephone system
89-1048 · Item · [ca. 194?]

This item is a broadside from the Better Bait Company of Peterborough, Ontario which was owned and operated by Perce Dyer. The broadside notes the seasonal limits for various kinds of fish.

Better Bait Company
77-1002 · Item · Photocopied [between 1963 and 1973]

This addition to the fonds consists of photocopies of the field notes, diary and report of the survey of the Bobcaygeon Road (Township of Bobcaygeon) from Somerville to Bell's Line, 1858 by land surveyor Michael Deane. Includes comments on timber and soil with diagrams and a typescript of a letter to the Commissioner of Crown Lands dated September 7, 1858.

Bobcaygeon Road
75-1024 · Item · Photocopied [ca. 1975]

This item is a photocopy of the last will and testament of Mossom Boyd, written May 7, 1880 and probated August 27, 1883.

Boyd, Mossom
05-1011 · Fonds · 1991-1992

This accession consists of bulletins dated 1991-1992 of the Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park. Also included is a photocopy of the Bill, An Act to Establish the Algonquin National Park of Ontario, dated 1893.

Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park
95-1008 · Fonds · 1839

This addition to the fonds consists of one pen and ink drawing of the Court House, Peterborough.

Caddy, Edward C.
69-1002 · Fonds · 1839-1842

The fonds consists of two photocopies of drawings of early Peterborough by Edward C. Caddy. The first is a drawing of Conger Hill, 1839-1842, and the second is a drawing of the Courthouse and St. John's Church, 1839.

Caddy, Edward C.
Hugh Caldwell diary
01-1021 · Fonds · 1888-1889

Fonds consists of one diary belonging to Hugh Caldwell, (Clydesdale Post Office), Chandos Township. Notes inside the cover indicate that Caldwell purchased Lots 16 & 17, 13th Concession, Chandos Township, Peterborough County, on 26 November 1872. Caldwell notes the dates he planted his garden and the varieties of vegetables planted.

Caldwell, Hugh
91-1007 · Fonds · August 1986

This item is a list of early photographers, including addresses and other careers, in Peterborough from 1847 to 1915.

89-1001 · Collection · [ca. 1897]

This fonds consists of three small notebooks: Volume 1 containing information on duties and freight rates for beer and gin from approximately 1897; Volume 2 containing recipes for alcoholic beverages and Volume 3 containing recipes for assorted chemists' balms, perfumes, cleaning products and medicine.

01-1023 · Fonds · 2000

Collection consists of a history of Camp X, a collage of photocopied photographs, and a list of Canadian Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents.

Camp X Historical Society
Ethelwyn Campbell fonds
02-1007 · Fonds · 1972-1979

Fonds consists of letters to "Mrs. Campbell" from students in her typing class in Fort Frances, Ontario, 1972; a photograph of several people seated around a table (the framing around the photograph has the title "Las Catacumbas"); two cards from friends, 1976 and 1979; and two travel diaries, one of which details her trip to Italy in 1973 and to England, Ireland, and Scotland in 1978, and the other, her trip to England and Africa in 1976.

Campbell, Ethelwyn
Dunsford family tree
04-1008 · Item · 1886

Item is a rolled family tree with the title "Pedigree of the family of Dunsford." It was compiled in 1886 by George Lichigaray Dunsford of Exeter. The earliest information is dated 1631 and the latest 1884.

Dunsford family
91-1012 · Item · 1861

This item is a deed of the sale of land, 1861, to John Wilson, a yeoman of the Township of Manvers, in the County of Durham.

Donnelly trial scrapbook
74-1001 · Fonds · Photocopied [ca. 1974]

This item is a photocopy of scrapbook clippings which follow the inquest into the deaths of the "Black Donnellys" in Biddulph Township in early 1880, and clippings from the hearings held thereafter. The dates of the clippings range from February 1880 to March 1880.

77-1018 · Item · 1885

This item is a notebook containing orders and correspondence of Lieutenant Colonel J. Deacon, commanding officer of the Midland Regiment, during the Riel Rebellion of 1885. Also included in the notebook are telegrams and copies of Deacon's own correspondence to General Middleton.

The Northwest Rebellion was provoked by the militant push across western Canada by agents of the Canadian Pacific Railway supported by the Government of Canada and white settlers disturbing Metis homesteads and their way of life in Manitoba and the Northwest territories on the Saskatchewan River . Louis Riel was persuaded to return to Canada, though he had been in virtual exile in Montana since the Red River Uprising of 1869-1870, to assist the Metis and their native allies in the struggle against encroachment on lands and bureaucratic interference with Metis organization and self-determination. On 19 March 1885 ,Riel declared the establishment of the provisional government of Saskatchewan .

Command of the Canadian government troops was given to Frederick D. Middleton (1825-1898 ) The first skirmish is at Duck Lake, 26 March 1885 . The combatants were mostly North West Mounted Police and volunteers from Prince Albert . Soon after the battle, a Canadian Militia Force is raised as a Northwest Field Force. The Cree were at this time in a state of famine and Poundmaker decided to take advantage of the situation to try (unsuccessfully)to negotiate supplies and moved on to the deserted post of Battleford and thence to Cutknife Creek. Riel moved his Metis forces to Batoche and set up a defended position there.

By April 1, the Midland Battalion has been raised in Kingston, Ontario .Soldiers from Lindsay, Bowmanville, Peterborough, Millbrook, Port Hope, Hastings and Cobourg are among the volunteers under the command of Lt. Col. Arthur T.H. Williams(18---1885). The situation with the Metis is clear, but the native bands were now in some disarray and Indian Agent Thomas Quinn was killed by a member of Big Bear's band setting off the Frog Lake massacre. The Midland soldiers arrived in the west on April 10 and set up tents at Swift Current. Meanwhile, Middleton was heading for Batoche and Big bear had surrounded Fort Pitt which was immediately abandoned by Francis Dickens and the N.W.M.P. Two columns from the Midland ( E Coy. and F Coy)headed north from Swift Current towards Battleford under the command of William Otter.

On April 23, as Deacon's correspondence notes, the steamer “Northcote” left Saskatchewan Ferry north of Swift Current. She was carrying good, oats, hay part of a field hospital, Gatling gun etc. They were headed for Clarke's Crossing. Middle to and Dumont clashed the next day at Fish Creek. The force ledby Otter met Poundmaker on May 2 and was beaten badly at Cutknife Hill and had to retreat to Battleford. Poundmaker's band then moved forward to join Riel at Batoche in spite of Poundmaker's decision to set up camp elsewhere. On May 5,part of the Midland met Boulton's Horse at Clarke's Crossing and moved up to Fish Creek Camp. Middleton was now ready to move on Batoche.

Deacon, J.
Ivan Bateman fonds
03-1002 · Fonds · ca. 1902

The three photographs are of a logging crew, ca. 1902, a member of which is George Noyes, who helped build the Peterborough Lift Lock; George Noyes aboard the "Bob Hall" (boat); and the "Bob Hall" anchored at a dock. One additional photograph added in 2007 is an 8" x 10" photograph of a logging crew which included George Noyes in the back row, looking away from the camera.

Bateman, Ivan
Bateson family fonds
89-1025 · Fonds · 1828-1930

This fonds consists of records relating to the Bateson family of Cavan Township in the County of Durham. A large portion of the records are debentures showing sale of land to William Bateson and other people. There are three wills; one for Isaac Bateson, one for Ellen Bateson (parents of William Bateson) and one for William Bateson. The fonds also includes some earlier, apparently unrelated records regarding other properties. This fonds is an excellent source of history on the Bateson family.

Bateson family
97-1012 · Collection · 1868; 1880

This collection consists of two marriage certificates. One is a handwritten certificate documenting the marriage of Charles Luduc and Sarah Walton, officiated by Pastor Michael [Tunlin], and dated 21 January 1868 at Cobourg. The other is a standard printed certificate, dated 28 February 1880 in Peterborough, and documenting the marriage of William Storms and Emma Preston. There is one family name in common on the two documents: Preston.

Preston family