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Archival description
89-007 · Item · 6 May 1647; 11 Dec. 1806

This collection consists of two legal documents. One is written on parchment, dated 6 May 1647 and written in German. The second document is dated 11 December 1806 and appoints 16 men as Justices of the Peace for the District of Newcastle. It is signed by Francis Gore, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada at York.

01-1005 · Fonds · (1829?)

Fonds consists of two hand-sewn booklets, each with five original architectural drawings of the "Hamilton District of Newcastle" gaol and court house. Each sheet has a title depicting the section of the building drawn, i.e., "Ground plan of a court house and gaol to be built at Hamilton district of Newcastle as proposed by Archibald Fraser." All sheets are signed by Archibald Fraser and are undated. Some of the sheets are coloured.

Gaol and court house
84-021 · Fonds · 1802-1843

This fonds consists of assessment records and lists of inhabitants for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham in the District of Newcastle.

Newcastle District Assessment Records
89-1006 · Fonds · 27 April 1848

This item is the marriage certificate of Henry Lapp of Baltimore, Canada West, and Hannah Hoag of Ausable who were married before the religious society of Friends at Westlake on April 27, 1848.

Lapp, Henry and Hannah Hoag
77-1014 · Collection · 1795 to 1800, 1849

This fonds consists of two typescripts of diaries written by Captain Thomas G. Anderson. The first diary consists of reminiscences of his early life, covering the years from 1795 to 1800 (10 pages). The second diary was written while Captain Anderson was the visiting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Cobourg, Canada West from September to December 1849. It includes an account of a journey to settle an Indigenous land claim on Lake Superior and Lake Huron (34 pages).

Anderson, Captain Thomas Gummersall
96-1003 · Fonds · 1844-1850, n.d.

This fonds consists of one 1850 notebook entitled "J.K. Roche's Field Notes, Port Hope" which contains survey notes on properties in Port Hope, Canada West, and which belonged to the estate of John D. Smith. There are also two survey documents describing Lot 3, Concession 1 in Hope Township which is signed by John K. Roche and is dated July 20, 1844, and one which is signed by Geo. A. Stewart, Ward, and is undated. Also included in the fonds are three unidentified and undated school building architectural drawings.

Hope Township
Seymour Township fonds
75-1009 · Fonds · 3 Jan. 1852

This fonds consists of a letter by Henry Rowed, census enumerator, to Thomas Ayre, census commissioner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, relating to physical characteristics and economic outlook of Seymour Township. There is reference made on the effect of repeal of British corn laws upon winter wheat culture in the township.

Seymour Township
John Bee fonds
86-028 · Fonds · 1848-1853

This fonds consists of day books, account books, miscellaneous invoices, and photographs relating to the John Bee family who operated a saw mill near Port Hope in the 1850's.

Bee, John
01-1018 · Fonds · 1851-1855

Fonds consists of four notebooks of poetry and penmanship belonging to Mary Smithson Nimmo, South Monaghan Township, Ontario.

Nimmo family
Victoria College fonds
89-1066 · Fonds · 20 Oct. 1856-23 Jan. 1857

This fonds consists of 4 original documents pertaining to the land on which Victoria College, Cobourg, was situated. One document is the declaration of Rev. S.D. Rice verifying the signatures of the Attorney General (John A. Macdonald) and the Deputy Registrar (Thomas Mayor) on the other three documents.

Victoria College
89-1049 · Item · 1858

This item is a contract between Thomas Watson, teacher, and the Trustees of the Joint Board Grammar and Common School, Port Hope. The contract is for 1 year at a salary of one hundred and twenty pounds.

Watson, Thomas
91-1012 · Item · 1861

This item is a deed of the sale of land, 1861, to John Wilson, a yeoman of the Township of Manvers, in the County of Durham.

Cobourg Foundry fonds
77-019 · Fonds · 1859-1865

This fonds consists of the records of the Cobourg foundry. It includes journals, ledgers, correspondence, accounts, pay lists, bills, receipts, contracts and specifications of jobs done as kept by James Davidson, founder and machine shop operator. There is also some correspondence from A. Munson of Oil Springs, Canada West relating to the oil industry, as well as correspondence from Henry Fowlds with regards to work done and payment of accounts.

Cobourg Foundry
Throop family collection
89-1027 · Collection · 1866

This fonds contains a black and white photograph of Cyris T. Throop and a ticket to the Port Hope Skating Rink with Charles Throop as the manager.

Throop family
01-1022 · Item · 1853-1867

Fonds consists of one ledger identified as having belonged to Moscrip, Allan & Company. The business sold hardware, machinery, and farm equipment, and repaired same. Some customers were contractors, blacksmiths, wagoners; addresses of customers were Hamilton Township, Cobourg, Oshawa, Peterborough, Port Hope, and Bowmanville. Some business was carried on with schooners. Other customers included Dr. Gilchrist; Thomas Trail [Traill]; Cobourg-Peterborough Distillery; Ontario Distillery; Cobourg, Peterborough & Marmora Railway and Mining Co.; R.A. Waddell, Sheriff; and merchants and farmers. Accounts for 1867 listed Trustees of Common Schools with charges for two school bells. The ledger includes an index.

Moscrip, Allan & Company
Cobourg Post Office Register
78-002 · Item · 1865-1868

This item is a register of registered mail delivered to Cobourg Post Office between 1865 and 1868 showing where mail was mailed from, to whom it was addressed and the date it was delivered.

Cobourg Post Office
A. Jeffrey & Son fonds
88-018 · Fonds · 1861-1869

This fonds consists of one ledger and one letter book of A. Jeffrey & Son of Cobourg, Canada West and Ontario. These are excellent records of who supplied goods to merchants in Canada West and how they were shipped.

The ledger dates from 1851 to 1869. Page 3 concerns accounts of foundry repairs totalling 461.3.3. Page 8 lists the account of A. Moscrip of Cobourg (see 88-014). Articles sold include various items of hardware: white lead, putty, varnish, glass, nails, rope, scythe and so forth. Customers listed include Thomas Short, Keene, Trustees of the Grammar School, Ontario Distillery, and Foulds Brothers. The cover is labelled "1868 A. Jeffrey & Son, Cobourg, Ontario."

The letter book is a record of orders placed by A. Jeffrey & Son, Cobourg.

  • Entries such as the following appear on page 1: Order for Sundries to be furnished by Messrs. Henry Rogers Sons & Coy, Wolverhamton, England, on account of A. Jeffrey & Son Cobourg C.W. to be shipped by first steamer from Liverpool to Montreal fully insured this to Cobourg and marked: B AJ & SC
  • The order which follows is 3 pages long and includes such items as 6 dozen padlocks, 3 gross pen holders, 1 dozen japanned coal scoops, 48 Fosters plow moulds. Order is dated Cobourg, 7th June 1862, A. Jeffrey & Son.
  • A. Jeffrey regularly ordered Phoenix bar iron (round, square, flat and half-round) from Coatbridge, Scotland. Glass products such as lamps and lamp chimneys were ordered from the New England Glass Company in Boston to be shipped by Grand Trunk Railway via Portland. Locks, keys, door knobs, escutcheons etc. were ordered from New York and shipped by canal to Oswego and thence by lake to Cobourg.
A. Jeffrey & Son
77-029 · Series · 1871
Part of Census microfilm collection

The microfilms are copies of the decennial nominal census for Peterborough County from 1871. The microfilm also includes census records for parts of Northumberland East, Prince Edward and Hastings Counties.

Canada. Peterborough County Census.
83-016 · Fonds · 1831-1873

This fonds consists of bound volumes of births, marriages and deaths for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham and loose marriage documents. Fonds is organized into two series: loose documents and bound volumes.

United Counties of Northumberland and Durham