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Archival description
87-018 · Fonds · 1975

This fonds consists of correspondence, accounts, notes, clippings and articles relating to the conference held at Trent University on January 24 and 25, 1975.

Binder 1 includes pre-confederation preparations; conference material; addresses by Hon. Hugh Faulkner; correspondence; and budget material. Binder 2 includes assorted clippings relating to the conference and 3 copies of May 1975 edition of the Journal of Canadian Studies which dealt with the conference.

Conference on the State of English Language Publishing in Canada
86-027 · Fonds · 1824-1958

This addition to the fonds consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, music books, notes and memorabilia concerning various parts of Peterborough County.

Choate family
Canadian Images fonds
88-016 · Fonds · 1979-1984

This fonds consists of publicity records from the Canadian Images film festival held at Trent University between 1978 and 1984. As well, there are memos, minutes, correspondence and business papers donated by T.H.B. Symons, from his tenure as honorary board member of Canadian Images.

Canadian Images
96-002 · Fonds · 1975-1995 (predominant 1992-1995)

This addition to the fonds consists of the following series: Personal Papers which includes family and personal correspondence, material from Scott Young's Moscow trip, correspondence and a certificate from Trent University, Dine with the Stars Celebrity Dinner, Scott Young Public School, Dublin Arrangements and Income Tax Returns; Professional Activities which includes papers and correspondence from Interviews and Lectures, Personal Background, Hockey Hall of Fame, Canada Council as well as Reviews; Correspondence with Agency and Publishers; Published and Unpublished Works; and Miscellaneous.

Young, Scott
01-004 · Fonds · 1986-1999

Fonds consists of letters written to Peter Gzowski in his role as broadcaster for CBC's "Morningside" show. The hundreds of letters include such subjects as literacy, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, and Edith Babb. Also included are contracts, correspondence, notes, and memos relating to Peter Gzowski's career with CBC; records relating to Gzowski's association with the "Peter Gzowski Invitational Golf for Literacy" tournament; Gzowski's association with Ridley College, and Trent University (Margaret Laurence tribute, Timothy Findley conference, chancellorship); and greeting cards, personal calendars, photographs, family genealogical information, and correspondence relating to awards received. The fonds also includes correspondence, partial manuscripts, and notes relating to various books which Gzowski has written.

Gzowski, Peter
77-034 · Fonds · 1874-1965

The fonds of the Peterborough Cricket Club consists of scorebooks of the club (G. Whitaker Company Cricket Club) 1937-1954; 1965, as well as photographs of players and matches. Also included are newspaper clippings and rule books. Amongst the cricketeers is Richard B. Rogers.

Peterborough Cricket Club
Geale-Rogers family fonds
82-022 · Fonds · 1834-1966

This fonds consists of the personal and business records of the Geale, Hamilton, Peck, Barker and Rogers families. There are letters relating to World War I written by Beresford and Robert Hamilton and Heber and Harry Rogers; letters, diaries, journals of Richard Birdsall Rogers (superintending engineer of the Peterborough Lift Lock); the records of Hon. Robert Hamilton, a factor at the Hudson's Bay Company stationed at Fort Edmonton. The fonds also contains stereographs, approximately 1000 photographs, and a C.E. Goad fire insurance plan for the city of Peterborough, 1882. Items of interest include a group of photographs of the Trent Valley area and the building of the canal; Rogers family pictures of the Stoney Lake area and the Juniper Island Regatta; photos of early aircraft and the Curtiss Aviation School; photos of hydraulic lift lock at Peterborough; and one letter from Catharine Parr Traill to Robert Miles Hamilton.

This collection of family papers, correspondence, journals, photographs, newspaper clippings and published works spans the years 1834 to 1966 and measures approximately 3 1/2 linear metres. The papers were deposited in Trent University Archives through the courtesy of members of the Geale and Rogers families in 1983.

The papers are divided into two series:

Series A, the Geale family papers, consists of records pertaining to the descendants of the Hon. Robert Hamilton, a factor of the Hudson's Bay Company stationed at Fort Edmonton in northern Manitoba. Robert Hamilton married Annie Seabourne. One of their sons was Robert Miles Hamilton (1864-1939). He married Alice May Barker and resided at "Auburn" in Peterborough, Ontario. Their children were Miles Beresford Hamilton, Robert Barker Hamilton, (Alice) Seabourne Hamilton, and S.R. Hamilton (son). Alice Seabourne Hamilton married Charles Norman Geale. Papers of the Barker family (the Hon. Samuel Barker was Mrs. Robert Miles Hamilton's father) are included in this series as are the papers of the Peck family. Edward Armour Peck was the natural son of Arthur Henry Peck and the adoptive father of Charles Norman Geale. He married Kitty Revell. Both Miles Beresford Hamilton and Robert Barker Hamilton served overseas in the First World War and their correspondence is included in this series.

Series B of this collection consists of the Rogers Papers. Richard Birdsall Rogers was born at Ashburnham in 1857. He lived there until 1916 and then moved to "Beechwood Farm" in Douro Township. He was a land surveyor and was appointed superintendent engineer of the Trent Valley Canal in 1884. Richard married Clara Mina Calcutt of Peterborough in 1881. They had seven children. One daughter, Leah, married Herbert Geale, brother of Charles Norman Geale. Two sons, Heber and Harry served overseas in World War I. Their correspondence is included. R.B. Rogers designed and supervised the building of the hydraulic lift locks at Peterborough and Kirkfield. These papers included several files of plans and specifications for the locks, correspondence and documents accrued during the scandal preceding Rogers' resignation in 1906, the Holgate Report which condemned Rogers and the Keefer investigation which completely vindicated his work as Chief Engineer. We have created a major on-line exhibit focusing on the life and times of Richard Rogers and the Peterborough Lift Lock:

Geale-Rogers family
88-020 · Fonds · 1949-1973

This collection consists of protest newspapers, newsletters, journals, essays, and 'left wing' political manifestos written and published between 1964 and 1973. The records cover Canada and the United States.

New Left Movement
Expense books collection
89-1034 · Fonds · 1885-1915

This fonds consists of four expense books. One book contains a price list for assorted household items listed in alphabetical order from 1912 to 1915. Another book covers someone's personal expenses from 1887 to 1889. The third book covers someone's accounts from 1912 to 1915. The fourth book has a few expenses in it but it is mostly a handwritten English to French phase translation book with accompanying letters from an agency which placed governesses.

89-1059 · Item · [195?]

This item is a pamphlet describing the Ideal Vacations Co. Limited camps in the Kawartha Lakes region.

Ideal Vacations Co. Limited
86-010 · Fonds · 1890-1899; 1913-1921

This fonds consists of 45 issues of the magazine: Canadian Horticulturalist and Beekeeper which was published in Peterborough, Ontario from 1881. Four additional issues (March, 1897, November, 1897, March, 1898 and January 1899 were donated in 1993 by Jean Cole via the Friends of the Bata Library) and in 1994, additional issues (May 1890-June 1896, scattered) were added courtesy of the Friends of the Bata Library.

Canadian Horticulturalist and Beekeeper
88-004 · Fonds · 1986-1987

This addition to the fonds consists of programs, photos, correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to the 1986-1987 season of the Peterborough Petes hockey team.

Banks, Marlow
88-013 · Fonds · 1987-2004

This addition to the fonds consists of programs and clippings regarding the Peterborough Petes hockey teams, 1987-1988 season plus records from the 1988-1989, 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 seasons which were added.

Banks, Marlow
86-024 · Fonds · 1985-1986

This addition to the fonds consists of programs and other records for the Peterborough Petes hockey team.

Banks, Marlow
04-016 · Fonds · 1904-1931

Collection consists of greeting cards, humorous postcards, and postcards portraying places in Canada, U.S.A., and the U.K. Some of the humorous postcards depict social concerns of the time, such as the women's suffragette movement and WWI. Several of the cards were posted to people in Yorkshire, England and in Markham and Milliken, Ontario.

82-019 · Fonds · 1980-1982

This addition to the fonds consists of Peterborough Petes memorabilia 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 seasons. Also include dare 10 issues of "Junior Hockey" and 1 issue of "The Leafs."

Banks, Marlow
97-1004 · Item · 22 February 1869

This item is a by-law which sets forth the provisions for granting certificates to tavern-keepers or other gaming houses selling spirituous liquors, along with the costs of such licenses and the applicable fines for breaches of the law. Notation on the back of this item indicates that this copy of the by-law was submitted as evidence in the case of Cumming vs. Faucher, March 16, 1872.

Peterborough by-law no.231 broadside
89-1005 · Fonds · 1870-1916

This fonds consists of 59 photographs and 16 tintypes, (mostly unidentified), and one scrapbook with a number of original artwork pieces including two paintings on leave.

Proctor photographic and artwork
Fair family photograph album
89-1035 · Item · [between 1880 and 1900]

This item is a leather-bound photograph album containing photographs and tintypes. Some of the photographs are identified.

Fair family
Arthur G. Racey fonds
96-003 · Fonds · 1899-1941

This fonds consists of approximately 843 original cartoons by A.G. Racey covering a wide range of subjects. Due to the universal nature of his cartoons, Racey gained international recognition and his works were reproduced in numerous newspapers and magazines around the world. A file list and descriptions of the cartoons, including dates where known, is available below.

Racey, Arthur G.
91-1028 · Collection · 1900-1901

This collection of small broadsides consists of a Grand Trunk flyer regarding the fares to the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition in 1901; an Orangeville Methodist Church broadside advertising a concert with Myrtel Tellessen Cooke from 1900; and a broadside for the King George Theatre in Cobourg, Ontario, advertising the film "Avenger" which aired before 1920.

98-010 · Fonds · 1980-1997

This fonds consists of letters addressed to Peter Gzowski and the CBC radio show "Morningside". It also consists of manuscripts, correspondence with publishers, etc.

Gzowski, Peter
Boyd family fonds
88-011 · Fonds · 1857-1982

This fonds consists of records encompasing three generations of the Boyd family of Bobcaygeon. The fonds has been divided into the following series: photographs and glass negatives; Reverend Henry C. Avant; Mossom Boyd; Mossom Martin Boyd (Mossie); Lillian de Grassi Boyd; the De Grassi papers which are records of Dr. Alex De Grassi, Lillian Boyd's father, a physician from Lindsay, Upper Canada; Gardiner Cust Boyd; Mildred Boyd; Winnett (Brownie) Boyd; Laurence Chadwick Boyd; Mossom de Grassi Boyd; A. Sheila Boyd; stamps; artifacts; business which deals with the Boyds interests in lumbering; agricultural papers which deal with the Boyd's farming interests in buffalo and cattle; and, estate papers. The strength of this fonds lies in its completeness. Nothing was thrown away and there are grocery lists, laundry lists, staff salary books, furniture receipts, party and wedding invitations, school report cards, ship and railway timetables, diaries and approximately 20,000 pieces of correspondence. This has resulted in a remarkable record of a large household from the 1880s to the 1980s and an invaluable source for social and business historians.

Boyd family
Peter Gzowski fonds
92-015 · Fonds · 1955-1991

This fonds consists of original manuscripts, research material, correspondence, and transcripts relating to Peter Gzowski and the "Morningside Show" broadcasts of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation as well as photographs of Peter Gzowski and other people. Also included in the fonds are business contracts and correspondence from listeners, to the show, from across Canada. There are also materials relating to Peter Gzowski's radio career.

Gzowski, Peter