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97-003/005(04) · File · 1915-1918 n.d.
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following photographs

  • 85-98: Stewart with others at the beach in Towyn, Wales
  • 99-165: Stewart as a young girl, several of which are with other people, ie. soldiers, etc. (Note: several accompanying photos, not of Stewart; photos #120-156 are inside a smaller envelope with title "Sledwich, August 1918"; #157-163 are negatives of Stewart with soldiers, etc.).
97-003/005(01) · File · 1910-1918
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following photographs
1: young girl holding baby, unidentified, presumed to be Stewart's cousins in England, c.1910-1918
2: Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Toronto, 1820-1896
3: Hon. Justice Hagerman
4: Stewart Houston (Bagnani), with her father, Stewart Houston
5: Louisa Robinson, daughter of Sir John B. Robinson (Note: she was the first wife of George Allan) - daguerreotype, 6th plate
6: Augusta (Robinson) Houston, wife of Stewart Houston, and mother of Stewart Houston (Bagnani) (on back of photo “Victoria Era”)
7-10: [Augusta Robinson]
11: Augusta (Robinson) Houston, with back spaniel (2 copies)
12: [Stewart F. Houston}, with back spaniel
13: Black spaniel (see 11&12)
14: [Stewart F Houston] (see 11 & 12)
15: Stewart F. Houston, husband of Augusta, and father of Stewart Houston (Bagnani)
16-28: Augusta (Robinson) Houston in Cairo, 1933 (also one negative - #28)
29: Silhouette of woman facing right (on back of frame “Sam’l Johnson, LLD” - framed
30: Silhouette of a man facing left
31: Silhouette of a man facing left (on back ‘Hagerman or MacCauley”

  1. Augusta (Robinson) Houston, 1920?
    32a: Augusta (Robinson) Houston (on back of photo “A.L.H 1919”
    32b: Alan Houston
    32c: [Bill and Barbara Houston], 1965
    32d: Houston tomb stone [Louisa’s grave, Rome?] (Note: negative only)

Large Materials Cabinet – Drawer 36: 32b. [Augusta & Stewart Houston wedding photo] (Note: This is unidentified but the woman in the wedding gown appears to be the same woman as in photos #7-10)

Theatre programmes
97-003/004(09) · File · [195-]-[197-]
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

File includes The Peterborough Summer Theatre programs for 1950; photographs, transparencies, and watercolours of characters of the play "Antigone," 1947 (Stewart was connected with the Ontario Classical Association); and handwritten notes about a play.

Opera programmes
97-003/004(08) · File · 1947-1976
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

File includes a paper titled "Opera in Vienna" and several programmes and other material related to performances by Robert Soetens and Minka Roustcheva; etc. Stewart Bagnani was a committee member of The Opera Committee of the Royal Conservatory of Music of the University of Toronto, circa 1954. She was also a member of the Wardrobe Committee of the Royal Conservatory of Music, circa 1948.