This fonds consists of a series of programmes from dramatic productions performed at Hart House Theatre, University of Toronto, between 1919 and 1935. Some of the programmes are autographed by the players.
Hart House TheatreFile consists of a program for "Two Evenings of Opera Excerpts" by The Opera School of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto. Stewart Bagnani was a costume designer and wardrobe supervisor for the organization in the late 1940s. Also included in the file is a letter from Elizabeth Bacque providing context for the donation.
The fonds consists of concert and theatre programs from Millbrook, Ontario; World War I materials including prisoner-of-war post cards, and photographs; and theatre programs, menus and other material relating to entertainments which allied prisoners in German war camps devised for their own amusement and which were collected by Lieutenant W.E. Massey-Cooke.
Massey-Cooke, W.E.This fonds consists of materials relating to Gilbert and Sullivan productions, the Coventry Singers of Peterborough, and the Town and Gown concerts of Peterborough. Also included are materials related to the Progressive Conservatives, the New Democratic Party, the 1975 election, and Peterborough voting patterns.
Wearing, JosephThis addition to the fonds consists of publicity materials, correspondence, advertising materials, financial materials, press and newspaper clippings, volunteer lists, reports, programmes, mailing lists, rehearsal schedules and posters of Arbor Theatre.
Arbor TheatreThis addition to the fonds consists of publicity records, scripts, performance notes and administration records.
Arbor TheatreThis fonds consists of posters, publicity materials, set design sketches, brochures, programs, photographs and newspaper clippings of Arbor Theatre, Peterborough, Ontario.
Arbor TheatreItem is a typed multi-part copy of R. Murray Schafer's The Greatest Show on Earth. It is comprised of Patria 3, The Greatest Show on Earth, final copy, June 1986, Introduction; plus parts A through K.
The Greatest Show on Earth was written by R. Murray Schafer (1933- ) in 1986. Schafer was born in Sarnia, Ontario and is a Canadian composer known especially for his string quartets; he is a pioneer in the area of international sound research and is also an author, educator, environmentalist, literary scholar, and visual artist.
This addition to the fonds consists of publicity materials, photographs and slides of Arbor Theatre.
Arbor TheatreThis addition to the fonds consists of posters, photographs, flyers, newspaper clippings and programs pertaining to the 1986 season of Arbor Theatre in Peterborough, Ontario.
Arbor TheatreThis addition to the fonds consists of publicity records and programs for the 1987 season of Arbor Theatre.
Arbor TheatreThis fonds consists of Town & Gown Concerts programmes, correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, press releases, and financial statements, 1969-1979. Also included are miscellaneous programmes of Trent University Performing Arts Series, Trent Music Hall Society, Theatre Trent, Peterborough Festival of the Arts, Community Concert Association, and Peterborough Symphony Orchestra, 1970-1987.
Town & Gown ConcertsThis addition to the fonds consists of publicity materials such as photographs, slides and newspaper clippings for Arbor Theatre.
Arbor TheatreThis collection consists of theatre programs and tickets primarily of the Peterborough Theatre Guild (1967-1990) plus a variety of programs of other Peterborough-based theatre clubs and organizations such as Arbor Theatre, PCVS Senior Dramatic Club, Peterborough Arts festival, Kawartha Summer Theatre, Arbor Productions, Arbor Theatre, Canadian Images, Mackenzie Gallery, Peterborough District Guild of Arts & Crafts, Peterborough Symphony Orchestra, National Ballet of Canada, and St. James Players.
Cole, Alfred O.C.This collection is a series of 25 scrapbooks. Twenty-three of the books chronicle the history of Arbor theatre and 2 relate to the youth theatre company Acorn. The collection was amassed by Ms. Elaine Goselin, longtime volunteer with Arbor. Goselin collected all play bills, donor and membership material, newspaper clippings, play reviews, biographies of performers and so forth. Arbor theatre Company was started in Peterborough Ontario in 1976. John Plank was the first Artistic director.
Goselin, ElaineThis addition to the fonds consists of season programs and advertisements; promotional material; newspaper clippings and photographs of settings and actors from Arbor Theatre.
Arbor TheatreThis fonds consists of materials relating to the stage production of "18 wheels", July-August 1992, and includes 13 related photographs and 24 negatives. Also included are stage sketches for the plays "Man of La Mancha", "Rock and Roll", "The Red Lion", and "We Must Kill Toni", plus 13 unidentifed photos.
Arbor TheatreFonds consists of correspondence, meeting minutes and agendas, financial documents, publicity reports and fundraising campaigns, business reports, and promotional pamphlets and brochures pertaining to Arbor Theatre.
Arbor TheatreThis fonds consists of personal correspondence written by and to playwright David Langley Carley. It also includes draft manuscripts, playscripts and production notes for Hedges, Midsummer Nights Madness, Stranger in my House, Joyful Jim, Georgia, Booster McCrane M.P., Blizzard, Writing With Our Feet, Mother Gets Her Wings, South on Bay, Birthday Girl, Weinzweig, Spinning Jesus, Auntie Goes Down Under, Iron Age, Into, Susanna, Vanishing Point, Sanctuary, The Swing Era, What Friends Do, Ashburnham, Taking Liberties, Scoop, Kawartha, and Sister Jude.
Carley, DavidThis collection consists of Stratford Festival programs from 1953-1995.
Stratford FestivalFonds consists of approximately 500 photographs related to Arbor Theatre productions and events. Also included are two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, playbills, etc. related to Whispers Dinner Theatre, Peterborough, Ontario.
Arbor TheatreThis fonds consists of newspaper clippings and magazine articles by and about Robertson Davies (including a newspaper clipping of his obituary); Fern Rahmel's articles "Robertson Davies: Wonder-Worker" and "Robertson Davies: "Teacher"-Director"; the stage manager's copy of Robertson Davies' play King Phoenix staged at Peterborough Little Theatre; correspondence between Robertson Davies and Fern Rahmel; and a photo of Brenda Davies and Robertson Davies.
Rahmel, FernThis addition to the Carley fonds contains draft and final manuscripts of Carley plays which he has written or edited: Losing Paradise, A View From the Roof, Airplay (edited collection), Scoops, Susanna, Writing With Our Feet and Sister Jude. Also contains, publicity materials, copies of the Kawartha Sun (which Carley edited: these are shelved separately on the newspaper shelves), correspondence, materials regarding Amnesty International of which Carley was an active member.
Carley, DavidFonds consists of Professor Dawn L. Smith's research on the Spanish Golden Age Theatre revival, post-Franco 1975-1996. The collection includes research materials, newspaper clippings, theatre bulletins, correspondence, notes, and published articles. Also included are copies of two books: Historia de los Teatros Nacionales 1939-1962 and Cuatro Siglos de Teatro en Madrid.
Smith, Dawn L.Fonds consists of manuscripts, notes, correspondence, publicity materials, audio cassettes and computer disks relating to the following plays written by David Carley: My Beautiful Mom, Memoirs of Montparnasse (by John Glassco; dramatisation by Carley), Two Passing Ships, Walking on Water, The Edible Woman (based on the novel by Margaret Atwood), Big Box, and The Morning Scoop.
Carley, David