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Trent yearbook collection
Collection · 1965 - 2024

Collection consists of Trent University, college, and departmental yearbooks.

Collection · 1960-2011

Collection consists of press clippings about Trent University, primarily received by the University from a news clippings service. Clippings include articles from various news sources on the university, its faculty, staff, students, alumni, events, events, projects.

16-002 · Fonds · ca. 1940s-2014

Fonds consists of two boxes of materials related to the life of Spencer J. Harrison, artist and gay activist.

Harrison, Spencer J.
IMC · Collection

The Trent University Archives occasionally receive single items, maps, drawings, individual letters or very small groupings of letters and documents. As these do not comprise fonds, they are minimally processed and described. There are many important records and documents received in this manner and researchers should not overlook them.

RG 8 · Fonds · 1967-1981, n.d.

Fonds consists of records from Otonabee College, including council minutes, administrative matters, Japanese Thought and Culture Program materials, College handbooks, Dennis Lee project, student housing, and Cabinet matters.

Trent University. Otonabee College
Census microfilm collection
Collection · 1824-1901

Collection consists of microfilmed copies of census records. Collection is organized into series by census/set of microfilm.

Collection · 1981 - 2025

Collection consists of the collective agreements and bylaws relating to the three bargaining units, and their predecessors that make up the employees. Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA) represents the faculty and librarians; OPSEU Local 365 (formerly the Trent Staff Association) represents support staff; Canadian Union of Education Workers (CUEW) Local 8 and Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3908 Unit 1 and CUPE Local 3908 Unit 2 representing contract teaching staff and graduate students, respectively.

Collection is organized into 3 series by bargaining units TUFA, OPSEU, and CUPE.

23-005 · Collection · [197-]-2023

Fonds consists of research materials and notes, modern correspondence, photocopies of historical documentation, and genealogical resources for the Need family as well as other people living in both England and Newcastle District. The historical documentation includes wills, gravesite information, lot and concession records, military records, correspondence. As well as the Need family, there is also biographical information on other families, including the Dunsfords, Langtons, Campbells, and Sawers.

These research materials were accumulated by Dawn Bell Logan and used to write books, articles, and biographical entries about Thomas Need, including Thomas Need : settler in the backwoods of Upper Canada (self published, 2022), and the Dictionary of Canadian Biography entry for Thomas Need (V. 12). Photographs are of some sites in Lincolnshire, U.K, Peterborough, Canada, the Trent Severn Waterway, Thomas Need’s descendants, and gravestones of Need family members.

Fonds is organized into four series: Thomas Need journals and correspondence; Research materials and manuscripts; Dawn Logan correspondence; and Files on Dawn Logan’s publications.

Thomas Need Biography

Thomas Need (1808-1895) emigrated from Nottingham, England to Upper Canada in May 1832 and settled in Verulam Township in Victoria County in 1833 around Sturgeon Lake. He had graduated from University College, London, in 1830 and rejected the idea of becoming a member of the clergy. This contributed to his decision to leave England.

While in Upper Canada, Need was a member of the government commission that oversaw the construction of what became the first lock of the Trent-Severn Waterway, founded the Village of Bobcaygeon in 1834, and served as a magistrate for the Court of Requests from 1835 to 1837.

Need anonymously published his book Six years in the bush or extracts from the journal of a settler in Upper Canada (London, 1838) on his experiences in Upper Canada. The book was based on his journal entries he made in his personal journal which he called the “Woodhouse Journal.” Need returned to Nottingham, England permanently in 1847 and died in 1895. His authorship was confirmed with the publication of John Langton’s letters in 1926 and he was subsequently recognized as a contributor to early Canadian literature.

Source: Biography – NEED, THOMAS – Volume XII (1891-1900) – Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Accessed 11 Jan. 2024.

Logan, Dawn Bell
Lightbody family fonds
Fonds · 1960-2016

Fonds consists of records documenting Robert Lightbody's experiences with Trent University, as a student, lawyer, fundraiser, and active alumnus. Records include correspondence, meeting minutes, photographs, newspaper clippings, planning records, student records, pamphlets and other ephemera, course syllabi, and student governance records. Fonds also includes a speech and pamphlets from a talk given by Margaret Lightbody for the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW).

Fonds is organized into 11 series. Trent University student life; Student government and groups; Course materials; University development; Athletics building; Alumni Association and reunions; Trent properties, funds, and development; Bagnani Endowmnent; Photographs and alumni reunion; Newspaper clippings and images; Margie Lightbody CFUW speech.

Lightbody family
91-009 · Collection · 1991

This is an artificial collection of materials with a variety of provenances, documenting the Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA) strike in 1991, including strike bulletins and information sheets, Communications Office Bulletins, communiques from Students FEAT and A.N.S.W.E.R., Trent Student Union communiques, copies of student papers Arthur and Lilith, OCUFA Forum and CAUT Bulletin, TUFA parity buttons, transcripts of TUFA internal meeting, an untranscribed cassette tape of CBC interviews, 14 tapes of radio broadcasts and meetings, and other records. Also included are an oversized poster used on the pickets and a copy of the new three-year collective agreement between TUFA and the Trent University Board of Governors ending the strike.

Janet Adamson fonds
03-006 · Fonds · 1964-2002

Fonds consists of correspondence and records, procedure manuals, publicity materials, brochures, and physical plant records pertaining to Camp Gay Venture, a girls' residential camp located in Haliburton, Ontario.

Adamson, Janet
11-001 · Fonds · 1958-2010

Fonds includes personal and business correspondence, notes, and documents. Also included are greeting cards, invitations, and photographs. Major categories include Trent University, Police Services Board (Peterborough), Trent-Severn Waterways, Bagnani Endowment Trust & Vogrie, Broadview Press, Ontario Heritage Press, Association of Commonwealth Studies, and Association of Commonwealth Universities.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
80-034 · Fonds · 1869-1949

This addition to the fonds consists of records created by Frank Morris. The fonds is arranged into the following series: correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts; postcards of the British Isles and Canada; photographs and negatives of botanical species from field trips; glass lantern slides of flowers, fine arts, museums, and scenes of Europe; and maps, mostly of Great Britain and Ontario.

Morris, Francis J.A.
83-014 · Fonds · Photocopied [ca. 1983]

This fonds consists of materials on the American Canoe Association, compiled by Jean Cole for research on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Regatta at Juniper Point, Stoney Lake. The compilation consists of copies of papers from the American Canoe Association Book, 1883; copies of articles from the Peterborough Examiner concerning the Stoney Lake Meet in 1883 and a 1976 map produced by the Stoney Lake Cottagers Association with an accompanying booklet listing property owners on the lake and the lot locations. Also included in the collection are copies of American Canoe Association yearbooks (1938-1947), some badges, a belt buckle and membership cards.

Stoney Lake: American Canoe Association
05-016 · Fonds · 1980-2003

Fonds consists of research notes, reports, and clippings on indigenous peoples in the Peterborough area, Margaret Laurence, Catharine Parr Traill, and local historical subjects.

Cole, Jean Murray
03-009 · Fonds · 1968-2001

Fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, published papers and booklets, and research materials relating to the many papers, articles, and books written by Jean Murray Cole

Cole, Jean Murray
Jean Murray Cole fonds
99-1000 · Fonds · before 1999

This fonds consists of research material for the book South Monaghan: The Garden of Eden by Jean Murray Cole, 1998. Included are transcripts of interviews, photographs, correspondence, receipts, and publicity materials, etc.

Cole, Jean Murray
Kanawa Canoe Museum fonds
84-013 · Fonds · 1980-1984

This fonds consists of the records of the Trent-Kanawa Canoe Museum Committee (the Presidential Advisory Committee to Investigate the Feasibility of Establishing the Kanawa International Museum at Trent University). Records include meeting minutes, correspondence, proposals, plans, and reports.

Kanawa Canoe Museum
77-1014 · Collection · 1795 to 1800, 1849

This fonds consists of two typescripts of diaries written by Captain Thomas G. Anderson. The first diary consists of reminiscences of his early life, covering the years from 1795 to 1800 (10 pages). The second diary was written while Captain Anderson was the visiting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Cobourg, Canada West from September to December 1849. It includes an account of a journey to settle an Indigenous land claim on Lake Superior and Lake Huron (34 pages).

Anderson, Captain Thomas Gummersall
02-001 · Fonds · [2000]

Collection consists of a guide to nearly all of the Frances Stewart letters located at Trent University Archives and elsewhere. The guide is a biographical reference tool which indexes all the names which appear in the letters. The indexing locates each name in the approximately 450 letters and gives the corresponding page number in the transcripts (94-006); it provides the source of biographic information, and explains the relationship of each person to Thomas Alexander Stewart and Frances Browne Stewart. The guide is arranged alphabetically by last name and includes hundreds of names, i.e., Sydney Bellingham, Rev. George Brabazon, Rev. Francis Browne, John Burnham, Rev. Mark Burnham, Zaccheus Burnham, Frances Anne Edgeworth, Agnes Fitzgibbon (nee Moodie), Catherine Elizabeth Kirkpatrick (nee Browne), Susanna Moodie (nee Strickland), Robert Reid, Peter Robinson, Captain Charles Rubidge, Frances Stewart (nee Browne), Thomas Alexander Stewart, Samuel Strickland, Catharine Parr Traill (nee Strickland), and Robert Waller (complete list of names attached below). The guide, which was researched and compiled by Jean Shearman and Elizabeth Shearman Hall, is a tremendous piece of work and is an invaluable resource for researchers.

Shearman Family