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Lakefield Heritage Research collection
Lakefield Heritage Research collection
Bruce LeCouffe CD
Bruce LeCouffe CD
Fisher Gauge Ltd. collection
Fisher Gauge Ltd. collection
Peterborough, Ontario: Mr. Fred Overend talks about the Peterborough Lumber Company, and logging in the townships north of Peterborough. Interviewed by Enid Mallory
Peterborough, Ontario: Mr. Fred Overend talks about the Peterborough Lumber Company, and logging in the townships north of Peterborough. Interviewed by Enid Mallory
Peterborough Women's Committee fonds
Peterborough Women's Committee fonds
J. Brown letter
J. Brown letter
Peter Adams fonds
Peter Adams fonds
Oral histories : audio cassettes and transcript collection
Oral histories : audio cassettes and transcript collection
J.E.R. and Helena V. Munro fonds
J.E.R. and Helena V. Munro fonds
We-Peterborough: World Emergency Centre for Assertive Non-Violence fonds
We-Peterborough: World Emergency Centre for Assertive Non-Violence fonds
John Merton Bowes fonds
John Merton Bowes fonds
Thomas H.B. Symons fonds. 2001 additions
Thomas H.B. Symons fonds. 2001 additions
John R. Marshall collection
John R. Marshall collection
Helen Marryat fonds
Helen Marryat fonds
C.E. Smith Boots and Shoes account book
C.E. Smith Boots and Shoes account book
John E. Belcher letter book
John E. Belcher letter book
Bound volume: In the Court of Appeal, Theodore McWilliams and The Dickson Company of Peterborough, Limited. Appeal Book
Bound volume: In the Court of Appeal, Theodore McWilliams and The Dickson Company of Peterborough, Limited. Appeal Book
J.J. Turner & Sons fonds
J.J. Turner & Sons fonds
Langford business fonds
Langford business fonds
Miscellanea photographic collection
Miscellanea photographic collection
Denoon family fonds
Denoon family fonds
Harold Reid collection
Harold Reid collection
G.C. Gross fonds
G.C. Gross fonds
W.T.C. Boyd fonds
W.T.C. Boyd fonds
William Hamilton Munro fonds. 1980 additions
William Hamilton Munro fonds. 1980 additions