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Archival description
A.B. Mills fonds
77-1013 · Fonds · 1890-1930

The fonds consists of photocopies of records relating to boats on the Trent waterway including a typescript of a list of boats, a typescript of an article title the "Trent Canal System: Peterborough Hydraulic Lift Lock", a map of the Trent-Severn waterway, two photographs of the S.S. Water Lily (of the Calcutt line), one photograph of the fleet of the Stoney Lake Navigation Company of Young's Point, and a clipping which includes a photograph of the Peterborough hydraulic lift lock.

Mills, A.B.
05-1011 · Fonds · 1991-1992

This accession consists of bulletins dated 1991-1992 of the Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park. Also included is a photocopy of the Bill, An Act to Establish the Algonquin National Park of Ontario, dated 1893.

Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park
Alexander McIntosh fonds
89-1024 · Fonds · 1867-1899

This fonds consists of legal documents which are mostly protests against Alexander McIntosh for promissory notes that were not honoured. The protesters are local Peterborough businesses and banks. There are also by-laws and other documents of a legal nature from North Monaghan township including some information on School Sections Nos. 1-4 and a class list for School Section No. 3.

McIntosh, Alexander
Anna Leveridge fonds
73-1000 · Fonds · 1883-1972

This fonds includes the letters of Anna Leveridge, written to her mother and family friends in England, describing their boat trip to Canada and pioneer life in the backwoods of Hastings County, Ontario, near Coe Hill, Marmora, and Millbridge. The fonds also includes family genealogy and photographs.

Leveridge, Anna
Annapolis Royal, indenture
75-1021 · Fonds · 14 Mar. 1719

This item is an indenture between the Duke of Marlborough and Robert Wroth, for supplies received from regimental stores to aid in tracing deserters. Wroth was adjutant to Governor Phillip's regiment.

Annapolis Royal
Anne Innis Dagg fonds
03-1000 · Fonds · [photocopied 2003]

Fonds consists of four photocopied letters written by Professor Anne Innis (Dagg) in 1949 from Camp Tanamakoon to her mother. A further original letter was added in June 2004.

Dagg, Anne Innis
Anthony Cekota fonds
97-1035 · Fonds · 1954-1989

This fonds consists of a copy of an address called "World Leadership in Business", given by Anthony Cekota to the Foreign Trade Club of Detroit on January 21, 1954. Also included are two pieces of correspondence concerning a visit Cekota made to Trent University and the donation of the above paper to Trent University Archives.

Cekota, Anthony
97-1017 · Fonds · 1988-1992

This fonds consists of materials relating to the stage production of "18 wheels", July-August 1992, and includes 13 related photographs and 24 negatives. Also included are stage sketches for the plays "Man of La Mancha", "Rock and Roll", "The Red Lion", and "We Must Kill Toni", plus 13 unidentifed photos.

Arbor Theatre
99-1001 · Fonds · 1924-1982

This fonds consists of documents pertaining to Arthur James Marshall Smith, i.e. birth and baptismal documents, a marriage certificate and contract, passports, U.S.A. naturalization documents, his death certificate, etc. Also included is his Governor General Annual Literary Award medal, received in 1944, and two personal photographs dated 1925 and c1932. Correspondence regarding the purchase of the A.J.M. Smith collection by Trent University, and lists of books, hand copied in pencil, are included. Other correspondence addressed to A.J.M. Smith and to Peter Smith from Buffy Glassco, Ralph Gustafson, Leon Edel, and others is included.

Smith, Arthur James Marshall
Bateson family fonds
89-1025 · Fonds · 1828-1930

This fonds consists of records relating to the Bateson family of Cavan Township in the County of Durham. A large portion of the records are debentures showing sale of land to William Bateson and other people. There are three wills; one for Isaac Bateson, one for Ellen Bateson (parents of William Bateson) and one for William Bateson. The fonds also includes some earlier, apparently unrelated records regarding other properties. This fonds is an excellent source of history on the Bateson family.

Bateson family
01-1017 · Fonds · 1892-1924

Fonds consists of one "Bills Payable" ledger with "R. Baulch & Son, Port Hope, Ont." on the cover.

Baulch family
Bishop Edward Cridge fonds
70-1004 · Fonds · 1876

The fonds consists of a Lay Reader's Licence issued to a Mr. Russell Jack by Bishop Edward Cridge in St. John, New Brunswick, 1876.

Cridge, Bishop Edward
Camp Illahee fonds
78-1003 · Fonds · 1961-1963

The fonds consists of minutes, reports, budgets, correspondence and other records relating to the administration of Camp Illahee.

Camp Illahee
01-1023 · Fonds · 2000

Collection consists of a history of Camp X, a collage of photocopied photographs, and a list of Canadian Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents.

Camp X Historical Society
75-1007 · Fonds · 1970-1975

This item consists of a photocopy of the municipal Board of Health returns, from 1847, RG 5 B 16 from the Library and Archives Canada. It is a report on the hospital and a request for money to help pay salaries and other costs that are usually incurred by the sick. This item was sent by the Mayor of Cornwall to the Government of Britain.

Cornwall Municipal Board of Health
01-1014 · Fonds · 1968

Fonds consists of two microfilm reels. The first is of Cape Croker Indian Reserve Band Records, 1880-1966, and includes land sale records, correspondence in sale of land, and Jesuit diaries. Source information noted on this film is as follows: "This material lent for microfilming to the Department of Public Records and Archives by Mr. Wilmer Nadjiwon of Cape Croker, February, 1968, and was returned to him. Accession Number 6018". There is also reference to "Ontario Archives" throughout. The second is of Cape Croker Indian Reserve Records, 1856-1919 and includes Paul Smith field notes, band council resolutions, native cures, and history of Cape Croker reserve. Source information noted on this film is as follows: "Rec'd Dec. 12, 1966, Dept. Ethnology."

Cape Croker Indian Reserve
82-1001 · Fonds · [between 1971 and 1982]

This fonds consists of two copy photographs of Captain Rubidge, one in old age and one in youth wearing Royal Navy uniform; two photographs of a portrait of Captain Rubidge; and four typescript sheets of biographical information.

Rubidge, Charles
83-1022 · Fonds · 1825-1934

This addition to the fonds consists of legal documents and newspaper clippings pertaining to Captain Charles Rubidge and his family. Also included in the fonds is one photograph of Rubidge, three issues of early Peterborough newspapers and a sketch (copy) of the Village of Peterborough from 1828 by Basil Hall, produced by the camera lucida.

Rubidge, Charles
Central Public School fonds
83-1005 · Fonds · 1888

This fonds includes photographs of Central Public School, South Central Public School, teaching staff and pupils.

Central Public School
89-1010 · Fonds · 1922-1967

This fonds consists of manuscripts of three poems by Wilson MacDonald: "The Song of the Undertow", "A Song to the Valiant", and "Graduation Day". There are ten pages of play titles with short critiques and names of publishers. Also included in the fonds are two letters from A. Maclaren giving lists of plays and authors, dated 1922 which are addressed to Vincent Massey.

Massey, Charles Vincent
Chief George Paudash papers
02-1003 · Fonds · Microfilmed 1981

Microfilm consists of one 16 mm reel of records collected by Chief George Paudash of the Hiawatha reserve at Rice Lake, Ontario. Included on the reel are the following: Letterbook, 1825-1842; Band Council Minutes, 1834-1848; Peter Jones Entry Book, 1831-1848 (includes band council minutes, correspondence, addresses, and petitions); and Band Council Minutes and Correspondence, 1842-1867. The reel is Series A - Vol. 1011, T-1456.

Paudash, Chief George
Comrie photographic fonds
89-1068 · Fonds · 1900

This fonds consists of one school class photograph, and negative, from S.S. #5 from 1900. The names of all the children and the teacher are listed on the back of the photograph. There is one photograph, and negative of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Hope and which had belonged to Ross Comrie. There is also one photograph, and negative, of John, Hugh and Alexander McFee. There is family history written on the back of the photograph about each McFee and their families as well as where John McFee lived.

Comrie photographic
Cyril Greenland fonds
96-1005 · Fonds · 1962-1966.

This fonds consists of correspondence between Cyril (and Jane) Greenland and Blodwen Davies. There are references to Blodwen's research on Dr. Maurice Bucke, and also to her research on the Mennonites, and other personal matters. There is also a letter from Robertson Davies to Blodwen regarding her research on Bucke in which he also refers to the Feinberg-Walt Whitman collection.

Greenland, Cyril
73-1001 · Fonds · 1833, 1900

The fonds consists of two documents: 1) R.B. Rogers' (superintending engineer) covering report on the proposed Trent Canal from Port Hope to Rice Lake, 8 pages, January 31, 1900. 2) The supporting, or investigated, document submitted by Robt. A. Maingy (mining and civil engineer) to Lt. Gov. Sir John Colborne on the same topic on March 6, 1833, 8 pages. Roger's report was submitted to Collingwood Scheiber, Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals.

Department of Railways and Canals