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Archival description
George Y. Clement fonds.
00-1000 · Fonds · 1913

This fonds consists of four typed manuscripts written by George H. Young for his children in [1913]. The titles of the manuscripts are as follows: "Historical Paper No. 1. Notes of 1869-70. The Red River Settlement at times spoken of as Fort Garry" (33 pages); "Historical Paper No. 2. The Fenian Raid of October 1871 into Manitoba" (21 pages); "Historical Paper No. 3. Being the first paper of the rebellion of 1885" (22 pages); "Historical Paper No. 4. Re. The half breed and Indian insurrection of 1885" (22 pages). There are references throughout to Louis Riel.

Clement, George Y.
James F. Dennistoun letter
01-1000 · Fonds · [2001] photocopied

Fonds is a photocopy of a communication written to James F. Dennistoun, President of the Auburn Woollen Mills, dated September 6, 1882. It was written by the employees of the company who welcome Dennistoun back after a period away due to illness. They also express sincere thanks for the kindness and courtesy which he has always shown them. Among those who signed the letter is James Kendry, manager of the company.

Dennistoun, James F.
01-1005 · Fonds · (1829?)

Fonds consists of two hand-sewn booklets, each with five original architectural drawings of the "Hamilton District of Newcastle" gaol and court house. Each sheet has a title depicting the section of the building drawn, i.e., "Ground plan of a court house and gaol to be built at Hamilton district of Newcastle as proposed by Archibald Fraser." All sheets are signed by Archibald Fraser and are undated. Some of the sheets are coloured.

Gaol and court house
01-1007 · Fonds · 1840, 1995

Fonds consists of 7 watercolours done by Edward C. Caddy. Likely locale of some of the paintings was supplied by Professor Gordon Roper; these locations include Scotland (2), Gull Lake, Stoney Lake, Lake Superior. Two have no indication of location. Also included is a two section map showing Herriots Mill near Kitchiwannoe Lake, and a map (mockup) of Peterborough, Ontario entitled "Location of Built Heritage (demolished and standing) in relation to the MNR building site", 1995.

Caddy, Edward C.
Nancy Sherouse document
01-1008 · Fonds · 1992

Fonds is an eminent service award certificate awarded to Nancy Sherouse by Trent University on May 28, 1992. The document is framed.

Sherouse, Nancy
Raper family fonds
01-1009 · Fonds · 1890-1898

Fonds consists of four funeral notices. The first is of Eliza Ann Raper, wife of William Raper, who died in Millbrook, Ontario, 5 September 1890; the second, of Ann Jane Killenbeck, wife of Wm. H. Russell, who died in Millbrook, 4 August 1892; the third, of Mary Elizabeth Killingbeck, wife of Wm. Raper, who died in Township of Cavan, 18 August 1895; and the fourth, of Maria Richardson, wife of John Richardson, who died in Toronto, 28 November 1898, funeral at the residence of her brother, Wm. Raper, Millbrook.

Raper family
Susan Burnham Greeley fonds
01-1011 · Fonds · 1895, 1904

Fonds consists of an undated photograph of Susan Burnham Greeley, and a newspaper article from the [Colborne Express, 22 September 1904] regarding the death of Greeley. Also included is an envelope addressed to E.C. Caddy of Cobourg, Ontario and mailed in 1895, with handwritten notation "from Cousin Susan".

Greeley, Susan Burnham
01-1012 · Fonds · 1991

Item is a Peterborough Ecology Strategy draft interim report, submitted by project coordinator Jean Greig to the Ecology Strategy Steering Committee for their review and comment, 1991.

The Peterborough Ecology Strategy
Egerton Brown fonds
01-1013 · Fonds · 1921-1928

Fonds consists of University of Toronto programs, invitations, examinations, and ephemera, 1921-1928.

Brown, Egerton
01-1014 · Fonds · 1968

Fonds consists of two microfilm reels. The first is of Cape Croker Indian Reserve Band Records, 1880-1966, and includes land sale records, correspondence in sale of land, and Jesuit diaries. Source information noted on this film is as follows: "This material lent for microfilming to the Department of Public Records and Archives by Mr. Wilmer Nadjiwon of Cape Croker, February, 1968, and was returned to him. Accession Number 6018". There is also reference to "Ontario Archives" throughout. The second is of Cape Croker Indian Reserve Records, 1856-1919 and includes Paul Smith field notes, band council resolutions, native cures, and history of Cape Croker reserve. Source information noted on this film is as follows: "Rec'd Dec. 12, 1966, Dept. Ethnology."

Cape Croker Indian Reserve
Young Nim You fonds
01-1015 · Fonds · 1988-1993

Fonds consists of a photograph of Young Nim You; various Korean church-related journal issues and extracted excerpts, many with hand-written English explanations; Korean pamphlets relating to women's involvement in Korean churches and cultural groups; and a manuscript and published article written by You entitled Korean Sisterhood and published in Newsletter: Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada, March 1993. Also included are two posters and a calendar.

Young, Nim You
James Walter Curry fonds
01-1016 · Fonds · 1902-1908

Fonds consists of two letters addressed to J.W. Curry from The General Reform Association for Ontario, requesting that he speak at upcoming meetings; one letter addressed to J.W. Curry from A.J. Reynolds concerning a convention at which a few divisions were not represented; and one letter which is a High Court of Justice exhibit and is addressed to a Mr. Clancy from M.F. Smith, Tremont House, Toronto, and discusses Smith's inspection of cases of corn.

Curry, James Walter
01-1017 · Fonds · 1892-1924

Fonds consists of one "Bills Payable" ledger with "R. Baulch & Son, Port Hope, Ont." on the cover.

Baulch family
01-1018 · Fonds · 1851-1855

Fonds consists of four notebooks of poetry and penmanship belonging to Mary Smithson Nimmo, South Monaghan Township, Ontario.

Nimmo family
01-1019 · Fonds · [184-?]

Fonds consists of one copybook of arithmetic exercises belonging to Isabella Miller, Otonabee Township.

Miller, Isabella
Hugh Caldwell diary
01-1021 · Fonds · 1888-1889

Fonds consists of one diary belonging to Hugh Caldwell, (Clydesdale Post Office), Chandos Township. Notes inside the cover indicate that Caldwell purchased Lots 16 & 17, 13th Concession, Chandos Township, Peterborough County, on 26 November 1872. Caldwell notes the dates he planted his garden and the varieties of vegetables planted.

Caldwell, Hugh
01-1023 · Fonds · 2000

Collection consists of a history of Camp X, a collage of photocopied photographs, and a list of Canadian Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents.

Camp X Historical Society
Chief George Paudash papers
02-1003 · Fonds · Microfilmed 1981

Microfilm consists of one 16 mm reel of records collected by Chief George Paudash of the Hiawatha reserve at Rice Lake, Ontario. Included on the reel are the following: Letterbook, 1825-1842; Band Council Minutes, 1834-1848; Peter Jones Entry Book, 1831-1848 (includes band council minutes, correspondence, addresses, and petitions); and Band Council Minutes and Correspondence, 1842-1867. The reel is Series A - Vol. 1011, T-1456.

Paudash, Chief George
Ethelwyn Campbell fonds
02-1007 · Fonds · 1972-1979

Fonds consists of letters to "Mrs. Campbell" from students in her typing class in Fort Frances, Ontario, 1972; a photograph of several people seated around a table (the framing around the photograph has the title "Las Catacumbas"); two cards from friends, 1976 and 1979; and two travel diaries, one of which details her trip to Italy in 1973 and to England, Ireland, and Scotland in 1978, and the other, her trip to England and Africa in 1976.

Campbell, Ethelwyn
Anne Innis Dagg fonds
03-1000 · Fonds · [photocopied 2003]

Fonds consists of four photocopied letters written by Professor Anne Innis (Dagg) in 1949 from Camp Tanamakoon to her mother. A further original letter was added in June 2004.

Dagg, Anne Innis
Ivan Bateman fonds
03-1002 · Fonds · ca. 1902

The three photographs are of a logging crew, ca. 1902, a member of which is George Noyes, who helped build the Peterborough Lift Lock; George Noyes aboard the "Bob Hall" (boat); and the "Bob Hall" anchored at a dock. One additional photograph added in 2007 is an 8" x 10" photograph of a logging crew which included George Noyes in the back row, looking away from the camera.

Bateman, Ivan
04-1006 · Fonds · 1727-1822

Collection consists of documents relating to properties in the Counties of Derby and York in the area of Sheffield, England. People named on the documents include James Brightmore, Jonathan Green, Thomas Fox, Alexander Hollingworth, Mary Downes, James Mowor, Richard Rawlins, W. Thomas Seaders, Benjamin Baker, Simon Skidmore, Robert Brawwell, Benjamin Schofield, Tho. Bowman, L.L. Crossland, Edward Creswick, Wm. Corkayne, and James Creswick.

04-1011 · Fonds · [after 1887]

Item is an advertisement for the Golden City steamer which operated between Lakefield, Ontario, and Mount Julian, and Katchawanooka, Clear, and Stony Lakes near the end of the 19th century.

Olive Langley painting
04-1012 · Fonds · [1950]

Item is a framed unnamed watercolour of a house with a woman standing in front. The inscription reads: Olive Langley. /50. A further identification tag on the frame reads: Peterborough Artist and Author.

Langley, Olive