Fonds includes personal and business correspondence, notes, and documents. Also included are greeting cards, invitations, and photographs. Major categories include Trent University, Police Services Board (Peterborough), Trent-Severn Waterways, Bagnani Endowment Trust & Vogrie, Broadview Press, Ontario Heritage Press, Association of Commonwealth Studies, and Association of Commonwealth Universities.
Symons, Thomas H.B.This fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, etc. of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani and their families. Important historical materials relating to the John Beverley Robinson family are included. The fonds also consists of Gilbert's research material as an archaeologist, Stewart's research material relating to her work as an art lecturer, photographs and materials relating to the Bagnani estate, "Vogrie", located in Port Hope, Ontario, and materials concerning Gilbert and Stewart's association with Trent University.
Bagnani, Gilbert and StewartThis collection is comprised of research files, published articles, government documents, reports and supporting documents all pertaining to Indigenous issues in Canada.
Newhouse, DavidThis fonds consists of Professor Bruce Hodgins' speeches, student files and records relating to the Frost Centre at Trent University.
Hodgins, BruceFonds consists of Professor Alan Brunger's research material pertaining to the historical geography of Bon Echo Provincial Park and Algonquin Provincial Park. Included in the Algonquin materials are aerial photographs and photographs of the Dennison Farm property. Also included is historical geography research material and microfilm reels relating to the Peter Robinson Irish emigration to the Peterborough area.
Brunger, AlanThis fonds consists of correspondence, research notes and original documents which were collected by Professor David Macmillan during his research. Items such as voters' lists for Victoria County, Ontario and a series of broadsides advertising land in Victoria County; documents from the Hudson's Bay Company, East Indies; minutes from the Barbados Board of Legislative Council, a Sydney Australia Company, and the Sydney Australian Committee of the New Steam Company; and a number of reproduction engravings and prints are included in the fonds. Also included in the fonds is a copy of Macmillan's 1964 Ph.D. thesis: "The Scottish Australian Connection..." and assorted pamphlets relating to New South Wales.
Macmillan, David StirlingThis fonds consists of the personal records of Professor David Kettler relating to his membership in the Julian Blackburn College Academic Advisory Board and to the development of the Social Theory Program at Trent University. Included in the fonds are correspondence, minutes, reports, proposals, financial and budget records, and course and curriculum proposals.
Kettler, DavidFonds consists of scrapbooks, archaeological photographs, and research papers generated primarily by Gilbert Bagnani. The fonds also includes earlier World War I military photographs generated by Ugo Bagnani. Some of the photographs show Mrs. Bagnani in court dress. Also included are Stewart Bagnani bridal photographs.
Bagnani, Gilbert and StewartThis addition to the Professor Denis Smith fonds consists of correspondence concerning Politics courses at Trent University, general correspondence regarding the Department of Politics, correspondence and clippings concerning Ron Thom--architect, John Stubbs, the Liberal Convention of 1968, library matters, Professor Frank Underhill, Trent University clippings, records concerning Lakefield College School, University of Kent, University of Alberta, McGill University and York University.
Smith, DenisThis addition to the fonds consists of correspondence, clippings, research notes and bibliographies. Subjects include Robertson Davies, Margaret Laurence, Herman Melville and the New England Transcendentalists. The correspondence is mainly between Roper and Davies.
Roper, GordonFonds is comprised of research materials, correspondence and manuscript drafts related to Professor Denis Smith's books and articles, including his book A Dissenting Voice (2017). Also included are reviews, correspondence, and newspaper clippings pertaining to various other books and articles by Smith, and materials pertaining to Trent University.
Smith, DenisThis collection consists of photographs relating to Indigenous peoples and their activities, mostly throughout Canada. The photographs portray extensively the lives of Indigenous people who lived in Canada during the 1800's and early 1900's. Most of the photographs are copies of other photographs but several are copies of sketches and paintings done in the late 1600's to the mid 1800's. Each photograph is labelled with a title and a place of origin.
Kidd, Kenneth E.Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, research materials, and manuscripts and published articles related to the careers and the private lives of Martha and Kenneth Kidd.
Kidd, Kenneth E.This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence (mostly between 1960 and 1990), photocopies of articles by various authors, manuscripts of anthropological subjects by Professor Kidd and some of his personal papers.
Kidd, Kenneth E.Fonds includes correspondence, notes, manuscripts, published articles, conference papers, and book reviews related to the writing career and personal life of Professor Richard Dellamora.
Dellamora, RichardFonds consists of materials related to the writing career of Professor Richard Dellamora. Documents include manuscripts, published articles and offprints, conference papers, book reviews, and contracts and correspondence with publishers.
Dellamora, RichardFonds consists of further research materials relating to Dellamora's work on Oscar Wilde and others. Also includes conference papers and articles. Also included are Professor Dellamora's correspondence regarding Theory, Culture and Politics at Trent University and correspondence with reviewers, colleagues and other authors. Many files relate to the "Friendship" book.
Dellamora, RichardFonds consists of book drafts, research notes, correspondence with other scholars, reviewers and publishers, grants documentation, day books and diaries. Professor Dellamora's witings in this fonds include the book "Friendship's Bonds: Democracy and the Novel in Victorian England" published in 2004, and an essay on Luce Irigaray published in 2000.
Dellamora, RichardFonds is comprised of published and unpublished books, plays, short stories, articles, and essays written by Professor Peter Royle. Included are hard copy manuscripts and notes, as well as several digital files.
Royle, PeterThis fonds consists of correspondence, research material, manuscripts and publications pertaining to the scholarly works of Professor Richard Dellamora. The materials relate largely to his publications, which include "Masculine Desire" (1990), "Apocalyptic Overtures" (1994), "Postmodern Apocalypse" (1995), "The Work of Opera" (1996), and "Victorian Sexual Dissidence" (1999), as well as several journal articles. Research notes encompass such nineteenth-century writers as Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde, John Ruskin and Algernon Swinburne.
Dellamora, RichardThis addition to Professor Denis Smith's fonds consists of records forwarded to the Archives via the office of the Journal of Canadian Studies in 1988 which were apparently generated by Professor Denis Smith. Most files relate to Trent University, its founding and architectural history, and areas of interest to Professor Smith such as the Committee For An Independent Canada and the Canadian Forum.
Smith, DenisFonds is comprised of personal and professional correspondence, newspaper clippings, honorary degrees and other documents pertaining to the life and career of Thomas H.B Symons. The newspaper clippings are on the subject of French as a second language in Ontario schools, the Sturgeon Falls School Crisis (1971), and the Ministerial Commission on French Language Secondary Education. Some of the correspondence and other documents pertain to the Mulholland Family (1961-1965).
Symons, Thomas H.B.This collection is comprised of disparate documents collected by Professor David Macmillan. The scope of the papers is primarily North America, 1680 to 1920.
Macmillan, David StirlingThis fonds consists of the records and personal papers collected by Professor Thomas H.B. Symons as Chairman of the Ontario Human Rights Commission from 1975-1978. The fonds includes: minutes, reports, publications, press clippings, and requests for exemptions for the Ontario Human Rights Commission; information on hate literature, racism, language rights, native rights, pension rights, the physically handicapped, police relations, public education, race relations, religion, sexual orientation, women's rights, and sex discrimination; and information on provincial Human Rights Commissions and International Human Rights Commissions.
Symons, Thomas H.B.Fonds includes personal and business correspondence, notes, reports, minutes, invitations, and other documents. Major categories include Association of Commonwealth Universities; Association for Commonwealth Studies; British-North American Committee; Symons Trust; Symons Lecture on the State of Canadian Confederation, Confederation Centre, Prince Edward Island; Peterborough, Police Chairmanship, Panel on the Trent-Severn Waterway; Trent University; Education; Statistics, Canadian Studies, Bilingualism, Northern Canada; Ontario Heritage Trust; Historica; Bata Shoe Museum; various political and public affairs; and Downsview Park.
Symons, Thomas H.B.