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Richard Dellamora fonds
00-003 · Fonds · 1969-2000

This fonds consists of correspondence, research material, manuscripts and publications pertaining to the scholarly works of Professor Richard Dellamora. The materials relate largely to his publications, which include "Masculine Desire" (1990), "Apocalyptic Overtures" (1994), "Postmodern Apocalypse" (1995), "The Work of Opera" (1996), and "Victorian Sexual Dissidence" (1999), as well as several journal articles. Research notes encompass such nineteenth-century writers as Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde, John Ruskin and Algernon Swinburne.

Dellamora, Richard
P. Douglas McCalla fonds
00-004 · Fonds · 1960-1998

This fonds consists of correspondence of family members with Professor Douglas McCalla and his wife Anna (Skorski) McCalla. Letters predominate from 1960 when Doug went away to university but there are a few items written to grandparents in earlier, undated years. Other materials relate to Douglas McCalla's career as a university professor, editor and author.

McCalla, P. Douglas
01-003 · Fonds · 1929-1999

Fonds consists of personal records of Thomas H.B. Symons relating to his career and to his family. Included are records of his wife, Christine Symons, his children, Mary, Jeffrey, and Ryerson Symons, his father, Harry Lutz Symons, including his father's manuscript for "Three Ships West", and his mother, Dorothy Sarah (Bull) Symons. Also included are materials relating to Professor Symons' activities on various boards and committees, addresses, articles, manuscripts, typescripts, and correspondence, documents and notes concerning Trent University, Association of Commonwealth Universities, Celanese Canada, Science Council of Canada, Department of External Affairs, Royal Society of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, etc.. Also included are photographs of Thomas H.B. Symons, Christine Symons, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
01-004 · Fonds · 1986-1999

Fonds consists of letters written to Peter Gzowski in his role as broadcaster for CBC's "Morningside" show. The hundreds of letters include such subjects as literacy, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, and Edith Babb. Also included are contracts, correspondence, notes, and memos relating to Peter Gzowski's career with CBC; records relating to Gzowski's association with the "Peter Gzowski Invitational Golf for Literacy" tournament; Gzowski's association with Ridley College, and Trent University (Margaret Laurence tribute, Timothy Findley conference, chancellorship); and greeting cards, personal calendars, photographs, family genealogical information, and correspondence relating to awards received. The fonds also includes correspondence, partial manuscripts, and notes relating to various books which Gzowski has written.

Gzowski, Peter
01-008 · Fonds · 1997-2000

Fonds consists of manuscripts, correspondence, and working papers of the Journal of Canadian Studies, Volume 32, No.4 through Volume 35, No. 3.

Journal of Canadian Studies
Marjorie McLean Oliver fonds
01-010 · Fonds · 1880-1970

Fonds consists of a bound original assessment roll for Harvey Township for 1927, a photograph of Marjorie McLean Oliver (ca. 1919), two account books of the tourist camp which the Olivers operated (1926-1947; 1951-1970), a cemetery deed from Verulam Cemetery Company (1880), tax bills (1907-1968), and assessment notices (1891-1960). Also included are two land documents (1927; 1938) of the property donated to Trent University in 1998 by Marjorie McLean Oliver in memory of her father, James McLean Oliver.

Oliver, Marjorie McLean
Janet P. Bews fonds
01-012 · Fonds · 1963-1990

Fonds consists of a letter from Bryan P. Reardon (Chair of Classical Studies, Trent University, 1967-1974) to Janet Bews, 1988. Also included are offprints signed by their authors, Bryan Reardon, Norma Miller (Bews' Ph.D. supervisor and Ashley Fellow of Trent University 1985-1986), and Konrad H. Kinzl and Herman Pontes (colleagues). The fonds also consists of three bound theses: Some Uses of Archaisms and Archaic Latin Poetry in the Aeneid / by Janet Patricia Bews, 1963 (M.A. thesis); Vergil and Tacitus: An Examination of the Nature and Significance of Vergil's Influence upon the Language and Themes of the Annales / by Janet Patricia Bews, 1966 (Ph.D. thesis); and The Usefulness of Women: Marriage Patterns in the Early Empire as an Indication of Political Change / by Jacqueline Margaret Tinson, 1990 (M.A. thesis). Added in 2012 is a 2000 announcement by Professor Storey of the passing of Professor Bews.

Bews, Janet P.
Paul James Delaney fonds
01-015 · Fonds · 1964-1968

Fonds consists of two binders of Trent University memos, student directories, university brochures, opening ceremony invitation, etc., as well as letters from faculty addressed to Paul Delaney. Materials added in 2004 include an issue of the Peterborough Examiner (Monday, October 19, 1964); a calendar (1968) with photo of Champlain College; a photograph of Traill College's first class and a scrapbook of memorabilia of Trent's early days: invitations, notices, photographs and newspaper clippings pertaining to Delany's years as a student at Trent University. Also included is a letter dated 1968 which Delaney wrote to his family shortly after arriving at Trent University.

Delaney, Paul James
01-016 · Fonds · 1912-1986

Fonds consists of photographs and post cards relating to the Oliver family and their friends, and their home at Lakeview Farm, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Family members referred to include Marjorie McLean Oliver, Margaret Elizabeth Oliver, Margaret Chase Oliver, and James McLean Oliver. The fonds also consists of a collection of Time Books for 1935-1948, The Clan Oliver Magazine and The Oliver Society Magazine 1969-1986, a family scrapbook of birth and death notices, newspaper clippings, letters and certificates, and two Tourist Registers for Lakeview Farm 1926-1961. Also included are family property documents including a map issued by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1955, entitled Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada, with handwritten notation indicating the location of the Oliver Property which was donated to Trent University by Marjorie McLean Oliver in 1998.

Oliver, Marjorie McLean
01-1001 · Collection · 1996

Collection consists of 103 slides of various nature areas on the Symons Campus, Trent University, taken October 1996 as a record of the vegetation in 1996 for future comparison of vegetation change. The slides are accompanied by an index.

Jones, Roger
Nancy Sherouse document
01-1008 · Fonds · 1992

Fonds is an eminent service award certificate awarded to Nancy Sherouse by Trent University on May 28, 1992. The document is framed.

Sherouse, Nancy
02-010 · Fonds · 1962-2008

Fonds consists of correspondence and reports generated by Professor John Wadland in his capacity as Director of the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Native Studies at Trent University. Files pertain to the International Program, Association for Canadian Studies, Contact (Canada Studies Foundation newsletter), and fundraising at the university.

Wadland, John
02-012 · Fonds · 1969-2000

Fonds consists of correspondence, reserach notes and manuscripts created by Professor Denis Smith during his career as a university professor, political science commentator and author. Materials in this fonds relate to Gentle Patriot (biography of Walter Gordon); Diplomacy of Fear (Canadian/American relations during the period of the cold war). Also included are materials generated by Smith as editor of the Canadian Forum and the Journal of Canadian Studies.

Smith, Denis
03-001 · Fonds · 1990-2002

Fonds consists of one box of materials related to the life and times of Spencer J. Harrison, artist and gay activist.

Harrison, Spencer J.
John Marsh fonds
03-002 · Fonds · 1971-1999

Fonds consists of materials relating to conferences, colloquiums, and workshops in which Professor John Marsh was involved, and to courses taught by Professor Marsh at Trent University. Also included is miscellaneous correspondence, and reports, submissions, papers, articles, and books written by and edited by Professor Marsh. Included in the fonds are four photographs and six cassette tapes.

Marsh, John
Marjory Seeley Rogers fonds
03-003 · Fonds · 1939-1998

Fonds consists of the correspondence, photographs and travel diaries of Marjory Seeley Rogers, founding Principal of Lady Eaton College, Trent University.

Rogers, Marjory Seeley
03-004 · Fonds · 2000-2001

Fonds consists of manuscripts, correspondence, and working papers of the Journal of Canadian Studies, Volume 35, No.4 Winter 2000-2001

Journal of Canadian Studies
Paul Wilson fonds
03-007 · Fonds · 1966-2001

Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, compact disks, publications, and other materials related to Paul Wilson's association with Trent University as athletic director, and as municipal politician in the City of Peterborough, Ontario.

Wilson, Paul S.B.
03-011 · Fonds · 2001-2003

Fonds consists of one box of manuscripts, correspondence, and working papers of the Journal of Canadian Studies, Volume 36 No.2 through Volume 37 No.1, and Volume 37 No.3 and No.4. (Note: the papers for Volume 36 No.2 through Volume 37 No.1 are incomplete and there are no papers for Volume 37 No.2).

Journal of Canadian Studies
04-012 · Fonds · 1985-2004

Fonds consists of manuscripts and correspondence relating to the Journal of Canadian Studies, Volume 38 Number 1 & Number 2. Also included is a folder of Journal of Canadian Studies correspondence and editorial board meeting minutes and agendas dated 1985-1990.

Journal of Canadian Studies
04-013 · Fonds · 1978-2001

Fonds consists of correspondence and financial statements of the Friends of the Bata Library. Also included are meeting minutes and publicity notices relating to Friends-sponsored talks.

Friends of the Bata Library
Alfred O.C. Cole fonds
04-024 · Fonds · 1957-1990

Fonds consists of correspondence, interview audio cassettes and notes, and manuscripts relating to Alf Cole's book, Trent: The Making of a University, 1957-1987. The fonds is organized into three series: recorded interviews (audio cassettes), interview notes, and research files and chapter drafts.

Cole, Alfred O.C.
05-011 · Fonds · 2004-2005

Fonds consists of correspondence and manuscripts relating to Vols. 38.3, 39.1, and 39.2 of the Journal of Canadian Studies.

Journal of Canadian Studies
05-014 · Fonds · 1930-1992

Fonds consists of notes, manuscripts, papers and articles by Professor Kenneth Kidd; research materials in the form of photographs, maps, and copies of articles and diaries; family correspondence; genealogical information relating to the Kidd and Jebb families, and 2 numbered Fred Saggashi prints.

Kidd, Kenneth E.