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TUMR · Collection · 1958-2023

Collection consists of major reports, studies, statements, and other public documents produced by Trent University and its bodies. Files are organized in chronological order, by year.

IMC-139 · File · ca. 1920-1993
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File consists of textual records about Joseph May living at the Orphan Homes of Scotland and descriptions of his travels from Scotland to Peterborough and Belleville areas, where he attended the Peterborough Normal School for teaching. Included is a photograph of boys on the steps of Fairknowe School in Brockville after Joseph arrived in Canada in 1926, and a photographic booklet of the Orphan Homes of Scotland (1926). Also included is a yearbook from the Peterborough Normal School (1944), a single page in his handwriting recording a timeline of his life events, and original documents containing a Certificate of Elementary Agriculture and Horticulture (1939) and Convocation programs (1954, 1960) from the University of Toronto.

IMC-108 · File · 1924-1928
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File consists of a notebook titled "Peterborough Normal School: agricultural note book" kept b Eva Jean Murphy; a Peterborough Normal School souvenir book (1927-1928); two issues of "The School" (Ontario College of Education, University of Toronto: Nov. 1927 No.3 Vol. XVI, and February 1928 No.6 Vol. XVI); Ontario Department of Education, Courses of Study and Examinations, revised 1924; and Ontario Department of Education, Courses of Study of the Normal Schools of Ontario... 1924.

Murphy, Eva Jean
99-1005 · Collection · 1921-1931

This collection consists of eleven published reports, addresses, and articles by the Honourable Vincent Massey. Topics include education, art and nationality, drama, external affairs, etc. with respect to Canada. Included also are typed notes compiled at a meeting at which Massey was present, on "Diplomatic Machinery", held in 1931.

Massey, Charles Vincent
Wayland Drew fonds
99-012 · Fonds · 1931-1995

This fonds consists of correspondence, documents, and manuscripts. Included are personal letters, articles, essays, journals and daily planning books, research notes, drafts of books and plays in manuscript form (including an unpublished first novel), royalty statements, photographs and documentation on the novelizations of the films "Corvette Summer," "Dragonslayer," "Batteries Not Included," and "Willow". Also included are materials regarding the film, "Places Out of Time."

Drew, Wayland
Robert Annett fonds
99-002 · Fonds · 1964-1973

This fonds consists of papers regarding Professor Annett's Ph.D. dissertation, and includes data and post-dissertation data. Also included are closed records relating to Science 101a and 101b at Trent University.

Annett, Robert
98-012 · Fonds · [194-]-1989

This fonds consists of administrative papers of the OCLC, and includes lists of staff members as well as delegates for programs. It also includes an extensive collection of staff photos as well as photos of camp buildings, etc. Also included are maps of the camp, and papers related to programs.

Ontario Camp Leadership Centre (Bark Lake, Ontario)
98-007 · Collection · 1898-1986

This collection consists of materials relating to Trent University's Morton Lecture Series, including the inaugural lecture with dinner hosted by the Governor General of Ontario in 1982. Also included is a report on the civil rights of the native population in Ontario (1954), a calendar of Victoria University (1989), a University of Toronto development publication, and correspondence, etc. of the Trent University .02 club.

Cole, Jean Murray
97-1037 · Fonds · [1988]

This fonds consists of a two-volume biography of Eliza Jane (Hughes) McAlpine, 1854-1938, written by her grandson, Wallace McAlpine, fifty years after her death. The biography contains the Hughes family history from the Napoleonic era, follows Eliza's parents to Canada in the 1840's, describes the marriages of her siblings, and gives a fine sense of life in Durham County in the early years of Canada's nationhood. Eliza's battle with spinal meningitis is recounted. The volumes trace the events, joys, and sorrows of the sizeable Hughes family, the accomplishments of Eliza's husband, Dr. John McAlpine, and the experiences with horses and subsequently automobiles. The extraordinary impact of Hardy's "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" is described. The famous Sir Sam Hughes was Eliza's brother and some of his exploits are described. Eliza's tour of Europe is described as it took place just before the outbreak of World War I. Lt. A.A. MacLeod's story is told. There is an account of Lt. Col. Cyril D.H. McAlpine's fateful expedition in the Arctic; a biographical sketch of J.W.L. Foster who painted a portrait of Eliza; an account of M.P. Tom Stinson's visits with Eliza; Eliza's disgust with Vicki Baum; her pleasure in talking with Chief Paudash; and finally her death and its aftermath. The volumes provide a wide, varied sketch of the times in which the events transpire.

Attached to the pages within the volumes are approximately 30 photographs, most of which are portraits, and are both in black and white, and colour.

McAlpine, Eliza Jane (Hughes)
97-1036 · Fonds · 1946

These documents consist of two stapled mimeographed books. The first, dated March 1946 and entitled "The Union of Saskatchewan Indians: The Record of the Establishment of Indian Unity in Saskatchewan" records the minutes of meetings held in Regina, Duck Lake and Saskatoon, and provides names of the Constitution Committee. It also contains reprints of Treaties No.3 and 4. The second book, dated July 1946 and entitled "The Treaties Between Her Majesty, Queen Victoria and The Indians of British North America" contains reprints of Treaties No. 3,4,5,6,7, and 8.

Douglas, Tommy
Anthony Cekota fonds
97-1035 · Fonds · 1954-1989

This fonds consists of a copy of an address called "World Leadership in Business", given by Anthony Cekota to the Foreign Trade Club of Detroit on January 21, 1954. Also included are two pieces of correspondence concerning a visit Cekota made to Trent University and the donation of the above paper to Trent University Archives.

Cekota, Anthony
97-1032 · Collection · 1923-1982

This collection consists of six published articles and booklets relating to Mary Northway, W.E. Blatz, the Brora Centre and child psychology. It also consists of two photographs, one of Taylor Statten at Camp Ahmek in 1929, and one of Camp Ahmek council members in 1923, with accompanying key to names. Also included is a share certificate issued to Marian Gibson by John Northway and Son, Limited, and 1982 reminiscences of Mary Northway of her days at Glen Bernard Camp.

Van Every, Margaret
97-1026 · Item · 1913

This photograph includes portraits of 66 male graduates and 62 female graduates of the 1912-13 Peterborough Business College graduating class. Also included in the photograph are portraits of six instructors and administrators.

Peterborough Business College
Willan family fonds
97-1014 · Fonds · 1806; 1832

This fonds consists of two "Counting Copy Books" which set down the basic rules of arithmetic and provide examples for solving, including reduction, the rule of three, compound interest, rebate or discount, equation of payments, barter, and profit and loss. Under "Reduction" can be found listings of units of: Avoir dupois Weight, Troy Weight, Time, Cloth Measure, Long Measure, Apothecary's Weight, Dry Measure,Winchester Measure, and Wine Measure. Some references in the back of Robert Willan's book record payments for shearing in 1819 and1820. An inscription on Robert's book reads "Wm. Marshall, Aughton near Lancaster" [teacher?]. Another inscription on the last page of Edwards book reads "Thomas M. Willan, South Monaghan." A loose slip of paper in Edward's book reads "Robert Willan, Challan Hall, Febery 14, 1819."

Willan family
Verna Burgess fonds
97-1007 · Fonds · [191-?]-[198-?]

This fonds consists of a "School Exercise Book" which contains a handwritten biographical sketch of Miss Burgess' "First School", undoubtedly written to be read to the members of the Shakespeare Club at one of their monthly meetings. The 31 loose sheets consist of poems and verse written by Burgess over the years as inspiration or occasion presented.

Burgess, Verna
97-1003 · Item · March 1874

This item is a 16-page compilation of letters and excerpts from letters gathered in response to an attack on the Department of Education contained in a 24-page pamphlet written by G. Mercer Adam, a bookseller in Toronto. The first section contains three letters by Rev. Dr. Egerton Ryerson. The second section contains replies from public school inspectors, while the third section contains responses by J. George Hodgins, manager of the depository, and remarks and opinions of school trustees.

The principal correspondent in the "Attack on the people's depository for Ontario", Rev. Dr. Egerton Ryerson, was the Chief Superintendent of the Department of Education of Ontario. It was under his guidance that the educational system for the province was established.

97-019 · Fonds · 1963-1996

This fonds consists of the personal records of Professor Thomas H.B. Symons relating to his activities on various boards and committees as well as Trent University. It includes correspondence; addresses given; articles written; as well as manuscripts, typescripts and research notes, photographs and video tapes.

Symons, Thomas H.B.
97-012 · Fonds · 1993-1997

This fonds consists of documents and correspondence regarding the 60th anniversary of the Peterborough Club. Also included are newsletters, minutes of CFUW's general meetings, and documents relating to founding president Margaret Stovel McWilliams.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough