Series consists of records of the Iron Moulders' Union of North America, including minute books, financial records, correspondence within Canada and with the United States, appeals for assistance, by-laws and rules, and union suspended lists.
The fonds consists of records of several of the early Peterborough Unions. Included are: Moulders' Local 191, Journeymen Tailors 23, Bricklayers 17, Painters and Decorators 370 and 725, United Brotherhood of Carpenters 672, Barbers 402, Pattern Makers, Machinists 286 and Operating Engineers 690, the International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers and the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen," 1917 [in Polish]. Original correspondence from sister unions in Canada is included as well as large volumes of correspondence from the American headquarters of each local. In addition there are several original minute books, secretaries' books, and treasurer's reports for the locals. Published material includes circulars, by-laws, rules of order and constitutions. There are also records dealing with the Peterborough Trades and Labour Council (1902), the Labour Educational Association of Ontario, the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada and the American Federation of Labour, material from the latter two being mostly in the form of circular-type letters.
Gainey, J.Series consists of the records of the Peterborough Association of the Pattern Makers League of North America, including minute books, financial records, monthly reports, correspondence and circuletters, bylaws, membership records, and other material.
Series consists of records of Local 627 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, including members' due books (1900-1912) and proceedings of the Ontario Provincial Council of Carpenters (1933)
Series consists of records of Local 17 of the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' International Union of America, including minutes, correspondence, circuletters, scab lists, shop steward reports, financial records, material from the Ontario Provincial Conference, and other material. Also included are 54 volumes of published constitutions, proceedings, reports, and delinquent lists.
Series consists of records of Local 23 of the Journeymen Tailors' Union of America, including correspondence, bills of prices, signage advertising the union label, minutes, and constitutions.