Series consists of records documenting Peterborough Building Trades Council Local 370, Painters, Decorators, and Paint Hangers. Records include minute and record books, dues books, and a list of members.
Series consists of records of Local 23 of the Journeymen Tailors' Union of America, including correspondence, bills of prices, signage advertising the union label, minutes, and constitutions.
Series consists of the records of Local 402 of the Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America, including monthly financial reports, correspondence, shop card agreements, membership applications, and receipts, invoices and order blanks.
Series consists of records of the Iron Moulders' Union of North America, including minute books, financial records, correspondence within Canada and with the United States, appeals for assistance, by-laws and rules, and union suspended lists.
Series consists of the records of the Peterborough Association of the Pattern Makers League of North America, including minute books, financial records, monthly reports, correspondence and circuletters, bylaws, membership records, and other material.