Series consists of records produced by the Peterborough Trades and Labour Council, including circu-letters, correspondence, constitutions, and other material.
Series consists of records documenting Peterborough Building Trades Council Local 370, Painters, Decorators, and Paint Hangers. Records include minute and record books, dues books, and a list of members.
Series consists of records produced by Local 725 of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America, including a minute book, monthly reports, constitutions, correspondence, and day books.
Series consists of records of Local 627 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, including members' due books (1900-1912) and proceedings of the Ontario Provincial Council of Carpenters (1933)
1 folder of textual records
Series consists of records of Local 435 of the International Association of Machinists, including minute books, vouchers and stubs, and auditor's reports.
Series consists of the records of Local 690 of the International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers, including working rules and agreements, correspondence within Canada and in the United States, receipts, and constitutions.