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Archival description
Atlas Collection
AC · Collection · [182-?]-2000

Collection consists of various atlases, including historical atlases of the region, of townships across Ontario, and of other locations.

MFMC · Collection · 1923-1986, n.d.

Over time, the Archives has acquired numerous miscellaneous maps from many parts of Ontario and throughout Canada.

83-1016 · Collection · 1850-1950.

This collection consists of a number of photographs depicting various people such as Queen Victoria, William Lyon Mackenzie King (May 22, 1948 in Ottawa), two brass bands of which one is from Cobourg, Ontario and two photographs of a wood bee at Salem, Ontario, January 25, 1899, photographed by F. B. Jones of the Dominion Photo and View Co., Brighton, Ontario. There are also 4 photographs of unknown people.


Collection consists of files on parks, containing brochures, ephemera, and other material. Some folders contain correspondence from and to Prof. Douglas Pimlott relating to parks.

Pimlott, Douglas
89-1001 · Collection · [ca. 1897]

This fonds consists of three small notebooks: Volume 1 containing information on duties and freight rates for beer and gin from approximately 1897; Volume 2 containing recipes for alcoholic beverages and Volume 3 containing recipes for assorted chemists' balms, perfumes, cleaning products and medicine.

77-023 · Collection · Transcribed [between 1967 and 1977]

This collection consists of transcripts of minutes of the Board of Directors' of the Canadian Land and Emigration Company, 1868-1885, and annual reports of Bronson and Weston, lumber merchants, 1876-1884, with whom the Company did business. Also included are excerpts from the diaries of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stewart, agent for the company in Haliburton, and their son Charles E. Stewart, 1865-66 and 1870.

Canadian Land and Emigration Company
91-1031 · Collection · 3 April 1916

This fonds consists of a letter from the Red Cross Headquarters directing its branches regarding the sale of Princess Patricia's miniature portraits, which were used to raise funds for World War I relief. Also included are two identical prints: one is titled "Her Royal Highness Princess Patricia" and the other is signed "Patricia". Both prints indicate "Copyright from a miniature by Mrs. Montagu Marks."

Canadian Land and Emigration Company
Collection · [1940-]-2000 (predominant 1970s-1990s)

These files contain newspaper and magazine articles, photocopies of articles from books and periodicals, and original booklets and publications, including some government publications. The materials were collected between the early 1970's and early 1990's, but some material dates back to the 1940s. The subjects of the files vary greatly and deal with various Canadiana topics such as media, publishing and related issues, northern studies, native studies, land settlement and land use, arts, etc. Perhaps the most useful part of the files will be the name files.

The files will be useful as a starting place for research on specific topics. They reflect the years they were collected and are by no means exhaustive, but offer another tool for researchers to use.

Wadland, John
RNC · Collection · 1885-present

Collection consists of original hard copy regional newspapers. See file listing for titles.

96-1010 · Collection · [ca. 1895]

This collection consists of a book of typed recipes with "J.R. Ferguson" hand-written on the front cover. Its cover is hand-made with a coloured drawing of a woman carrying a platter with the name . Also included in the fonds is a letter on Hall & Furgason letterhead (Produce Commission Merchants, New York) from a son to his mother dated September 20, 1895. (Note different spelling of the name Ferguson/Furgason).

Ferguson, J.R.
75-1032 · Collection · 1821-1928

This fonds is similar to Port Hope miscellanea fonds with correspondence, bills, receipts, promissory notes, area railways and transportation, political advertisements, Ontario Lacrosse Association Certificate, one letter of Clifford Sifton, military material, summons, writs, some Thomas Benson correspondence, municipal records, records relating to Vincent Massey, and records relating to Frederick Thompson.

99-1005 · Collection · 1921-1931

This collection consists of eleven published reports, addresses, and articles by the Honourable Vincent Massey. Topics include education, art and nationality, drama, external affairs, etc. with respect to Canada. Included also are typed notes compiled at a meeting at which Massey was present, on "Diplomatic Machinery", held in 1931.

Massey, Charles Vincent
INC · Collection · 1969-1991

Collection consists of several Indigenous newspaper titles. The publications are dated primarily in the 1970s and 1980s and are, in most cases, Canadian in origin. See file listings for more information on each individual title.

Miscellaneous map collection
93-008 · Collection · 1817-2013

This collection consists of miscellaneous maps of Upper Canada, Canada West and Ontario. The maps consist mostly of the Peterborough area and include Sir Sandford Fleming's 1846 map of Peterborough. This collection includes several Bird's Eye Views of the City of Peterborough (i.e. copies and variations)

87-001 · Collection · 1556-1897

This collection consists of petitions, proclamations, printed acts, correspondence relating to British North America, Hudson's Bay Company, and the governance of British North America by the British crown. There are records relating to the Red River Settlement, the British Columbia Act and Oregon Territory, as well as several historical maps.

Hunter, Robert Lloyd
94-003 · Collection · 1950-1989

This collection consists of pamphlets, occasional papers, and government publications relating to Indigenous peoples (mostly in Canada) and their cultures, the territorial north, archaeology, education, and northern communities.

Taylor, William Ewart
Voters lists collection
93-001 · Collection · 1894-1959

This collection consists of voters lists for various townships in Peterborough, Durham, Brant and Hastings counties such as Asphodel, North Monaghan, Otonabee, Harvey, Burleigh and Anstruther, Dummer, Hope, Brantford, Onondaga, the Town of Paris and Sidney.

01-1002 · Collection · 1930's

This collection consists of 14 photograph negatives of Peterborough Normal School, undated, and portraying people and the grounds of the school. The negatives are enclosed in a J.J. Gilfillan, Orono, Ontario, photographer's envelope, with the name Calvin Hamm, Orono, Ontario written on it. Calvin Hamm was born on March 28, 1909 at Orono, son of Ernest Hamm and Florence Hughson. He was appointed Principal of the Morley Consolidated School at Stratton in September 1935 and received his B.A. at Western University in June 1943. He later taught high school in Fort Frances (taken from a typed information enclosure which accompanies the collection). Also included is a Peterborough Normal School Christmas Card, undated; a Peterborough Normal School Literary Society invitation, 1930; and a photograph of the "Floating Bridge, Bridgenorth, Chemong Lake, 1933."

Peterborough Normal School
98-007 · Collection · 1898-1986

This collection consists of materials relating to Trent University's Morton Lecture Series, including the inaugural lecture with dinner hosted by the Governor General of Ontario in 1982. Also included is a report on the civil rights of the native population in Ontario (1954), a calendar of Victoria University (1989), a University of Toronto development publication, and correspondence, etc. of the Trent University .02 club.

Cole, Jean Murray
99-004 · Collection · 1775-1976

This collection consists of printed Acts of the Government of Canada; guides and pamphlets of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Grand Trunk Railway; and early maps, plans, and promotional brochures of locations throughout Canada.

Hunter, Robert Lloyd
G. Wilson Craw collection
86-003 · Collection · 1818-1965

This collection consists of records collected by G. Wilson Craw such as school histories, Peterborough County; Barnardo's Canadian Homes Almanac 1901; a list of Peterborough Utilities Commissioners 1902-1965; biographies of Peterborough residents; deeds and mortgages; North Monaghan voters list 1883-4; 76 photographs of industries, schools and churches and sporting groups, as well as a history of Springfield, North Monaghan.

Craw, G. Wilson
Fisher Gauge Ltd. collection
04-005 · Collection · 1997-2000

Collection consists of 20 cassette tapes of interviews with Fisher Gauge Ltd. founder, Bill Fisher, and early executives, Tod Wilcox and Eric Graham. Also included are annotated notes on the interviews.

Fisher Gauge Ltd.
Meta Incognita collection
03-012 · Collection · 1991-2000

Collection includes the agendas, minutes, and correspondence of the Meta Incognita Project Steering Committee and the Archival Research Task Force (ARTAF). Also included are ARTAF research materials, reports, transcripts, notes, etc. relating to an American Historical Association meeting and a Trent University conference which focused on the subject of Frobisher and his Northwest initiatives.

Meta Incognita
05-1002 · Collection · 1981; 1984

Collection consists of an audio cassette tape and transcript of an interview with William G. Towns of Douro, Ontario, conducted by Professor Alan Brunger on 27 October 1981. Also included is an audio cassette tape of an interview with William Telford of Smith Township, Ontario, on local recreation history, conducted by Elaine Boothman for Professor John Marsh's geography 334 course in October 1984.

08-016 · Collection · 1984-2006

Collection consists of 9 audio cassette records of individuals reminiscing about Leslie Frost and his brothers Cecil and Grenville. Tapes were made in 1984 and individuals interviewed include: William Davis, Richard Gorwill, Hugh Latimer, Clare Westcott, Alf Cole, Roland Michener, and Marjorie Porter. there are transcripts available. Also included in the collection is an illustrated paper presented by Brian McFadzen, 2006, entitled "The Frost Brothers in Lindsay." Also included is a CD of photographs reproduced from a Frost scrapbook and showing their homes and offices in Lindsay Ontario and also showing portraits of the Frost brothers.

McFadzen, Brian Marsh