Item is an original handwritten manuscript of the proceedings of the British Parliament during the reign of James I, dated February 1620 to December 1621. The manuscript is written on rag paper and is 117 pages in length. It is bound in half-calf, and the spine has the inscription: "Phillips MSS 3093." The binder's ticket on the inside cover has the inscription: "Bretherton ligavit 1848."
British ParliamentThis item is a leather-bound sermon book, of notes taken by an unidentified person at Kilbride, Stevenstoune and Kilwinning in Cunningham, Scotland (south-west of Glasgow) from August 12th to October 1705.
This item is an indenture between the Duke of Marlborough and Robert Wroth, for supplies received from regimental stores to aid in tracing deserters. Wroth was adjutant to Governor Phillip's regiment.
Annapolis RoyalCollection consists of documents relating to properties in the Counties of Derby and York in the area of Sheffield, England. People named on the documents include James Brightmore, Jonathan Green, Thomas Fox, Alexander Hollingworth, Mary Downes, James Mowor, Richard Rawlins, W. Thomas Seaders, Benjamin Baker, Simon Skidmore, Robert Brawwell, Benjamin Schofield, Tho. Bowman, L.L. Crossland, Edward Creswick, Wm. Corkayne, and James Creswick.
This item is an account book which is bound in pigskin. Some of the accounts are related to the sale of clocks. Also included are notes with the following headings "To lay gild on glass", "To gild wood or stone", "To gild any metal", "To writ with silver letters", "To soften metal", "Numbers of an 8 day clocke", "To make yellow varnish", etc. It is possible that the owner of this account book was a clock-maker.
This accession consists of one dictionary, of which the title page is missing. The oldest date pencilled in appears to be 1780. Signatures include Robert Stewart, William Reid, Mary Stewart, and John Stewart. The dictionary, referred to as "Old Noah" by the Reid family, was passed down through several generations of Reid family. It originated in Ireland, and was brought to Canada by Robert and Maria Reid.
Reid familyThis fonds consists of fur trading licences issued to traders by the North West Company.
North West CompanyItem includes a collection of signatures, notes, and documents pasted into a copy of the "Annual Report on Normal, Model, Grammar and Common Schools...," 1857. Materials relate, for the most part, to the Bell and Canniff families of Thurlow Township, Hastings County. Other items of note include a document certifying parents' satisfaction with teacher Robert Laing, Big Island, 1817; a document relating to the building of a bridge across a creek in Thurlow Township, 1832; a notice regarding a meeting to elect officers for the formation of an agricultural society in Hastings County [Midland District Agricultural Society], 1830; and a declaration regarding Stephen Ferguson Bell who saw "a greate shooting of the stars... a continual shooting from the center of the Heavens in every direction," 1833.
Hastings CountyThis fonds consists of two typescripts of diaries written by Captain Thomas G. Anderson. The first diary consists of reminiscences of his early life, covering the years from 1795 to 1800 (10 pages). The second diary was written while Captain Anderson was the visiting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Cobourg, Canada West from September to December 1849. It includes an account of a journey to settle an Indigenous land claim on Lake Superior and Lake Huron (34 pages).
Anderson, Captain Thomas GummersallCollection consists of two music books, the first being The Easy Instructor; or, A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony by William Little and William Smith, Albany, revised and enlarged edition, [1798], and the second being Songs of Victory, for Evangelistic Meetings Conferences The Home Circle and Christian Worship, 543 Hymns and 144 Choruses, large type edition, compiled by Andrew W. Bell, Glasgow, n.d.
Music booksThis collection of photographs consists of 2 tintypes (one woman is identified as Mrs E.R. Young; 2 photographs of lumbering operations at Lake of Bays including a photograph of an alligator machine; one ambrotype of a young boy and 1 daguerreotype of two adults with a child.
Brown, John QuentinThis fonds consists of two watercolours with one identified as Hastings, Ontario, and and the other identified as Forest City. Also included in the fonds are two pencil sketches and a photograph of another sketch. One sketch of two farms and a river with a steamboat on it, but otherwise unidentified. The other sketch is of the Anderson house, the Ashfield house, Mr. Harry Fowld's house and the Wanamaker's house, all in Hastings, Ontario. The photographic reproduction is of a sketch entitled Hastings on the Trent, Ontario. The watercolours and sketches were created by Rev. Michael A. Farrar.
Farrar, Michael AndrewsThis fonds consists of two "Counting Copy Books" which set down the basic rules of arithmetic and provide examples for solving, including reduction, the rule of three, compound interest, rebate or discount, equation of payments, barter, and profit and loss. Under "Reduction" can be found listings of units of: Avoir dupois Weight, Troy Weight, Time, Cloth Measure, Long Measure, Apothecary's Weight, Dry Measure,Winchester Measure, and Wine Measure. Some references in the back of Robert Willan's book record payments for shearing in 1819 and1820. An inscription on Robert's book reads "Wm. Marshall, Aughton near Lancaster" [teacher?]. Another inscription on the last page of Edwards book reads "Thomas M. Willan, South Monaghan." A loose slip of paper in Edward's book reads "Robert Willan, Challan Hall, Febery 14, 1819."
Willan familyA folder of copy research material documenting the life of William Horsley and his family, Murray Township, Northumberland County. The research was conducted by Susan Butler, a professional genealogist, for a descendent of the Horsley family, Yvonne A. Green
These portraits consist of two items. One is a portrait of Charles Rubidge, [181-?]. The caption "Captn C. Rubidge. Royal Navy, London, England," and a stamped credit "Brown 163 High Holborn London" are found on the reverse. The other is a portrait by F.W. Lock, 1845, of an unidentified male with last name Rubidge, believed to be a son of Charles Rubidge.
Rubidge familyItem is an indenture stating that Elias Rendell of Shaldon, County of Devon, England agrees to become an accountant apprentice of [M-] Crawfords & Company, merchants, in St. Johns, Newfoundland. The item lays out the terms of the agreement.
Rendell, EliasThis item is a warrant from Sir George Prevost, Governor of Lower Canada to John Caldwell, Receiver-General, authorizing payment of salary to H.W. Ryland for services rendered from 1 November 1813 to 30 April 1814.
Ryland, Herman WitsiusThe fonds consists of photocopies of original field notes of surveys of Samuel Wilmot and Richard Birdsall 1818-1830, certified as true copy by Crown Lands Dept. on June 30, 1857.
Smith TownshipFolder 1 of 2: Materials consist of 14 photographs including St. George's Church, Gore's Landing; Richard C.P. Brown; Col. Robert Brown; Frederick William Barron; Hariette Sarah Barron; Hariette Sarah Gore (1818-1893); Thomas Sinclair Gore (1819-1854); John & Lizzie Muskrat, Hiawatha Indian Reserve; Rathburn's drive of logs on Rice Lake, 1898; Cookery and sleeping crib on Trent River, Rathburn's drive; Boat going through saw logs on Trent River; "White House" Rice Lake Hotel, Henley Sorby - Rice Lake canoeing; "Glenavy", Gore's Landing, ca. 1880; Archibald Lampman (photographic reproduction).
Folder 2 of 2: Colonel Robert Brown scrapbook (Col. Brown was a colonel of the Royal Scotch Fusiliers. Thomas Traill and J.W.D. Moodie were in his regiment). The scrapbook includes newspaper clippings pertaining to his interest in USA relations, campaigns abroad, and matters relating to colonial affairs in Upper Canada; it also includes several original paintings of noteworthy soldiers with whom Brown had come into contact. Also included is a painting of an Indigenous woman entitled "One of the Indian Women who received His R.H. the Prince of Wales... 7th Sept. 1860."
Also included are 4 original sketches: 1. [original] Gore homestead at Gore's Landing, Ontario - a watercolour from memory by T.S. Gore Jr.; 2. "Hazelbank, Rice Lake"; 3. "Mavis Bank, Rice Lake' by J.T. Mercer (cottage); 4. "Plan of St. George's Church Yard, Rice Lake". Also, an original Christmas greeting card with sketch from Gerald & Ivy Hayward, New York, 1924; photographic reproductions of Rice Lake sketches by Charles Fothergill and an offprint of a photo of Fothergill; miscellaneous sketches and notes.
Delaney, Reverend LloydThis item is a framed land grant document granting John Meyner one hundred acres of land in Cavan Township and dated 10 October 1821.
Waddell familyThis fonds is similar to Port Hope miscellanea fonds with correspondence, bills, receipts, promissory notes, area railways and transportation, political advertisements, Ontario Lacrosse Association Certificate, one letter of Clifford Sifton, military material, summons, writs, some Thomas Benson correspondence, municipal records, records relating to Vincent Massey, and records relating to Frederick Thompson.
This addition to the fonds consists of two original letters written by Frances Stewart to relatives in Ireland. There is also an original invoice from a linen draper and haberdasher.
Stewart, Frances AnneThis fonds consists of typewritten transcripts of some of the pages of from the Memoirs of Sidney Bellingham which relate to his experiences and thoughts of life in the pioneer days.
Bellingham, SidneyThis item is a journal which was kept by James Mitchell while on a tour of Niagara Falls in 1825.
Mitchell, James