This series consists of film, video, and photographs of varsity and intramural athletic events and games at Trent University, including rugby, volleyball, soccer, rowing, cycling, skiing, Head of the Trent, and athletic banquets. Series includes photograph albums, print photographs, negatives, and photographs and video stored on CDs, VHS, and other media. See file listing for more details.
Series consists of records documenting the International Camping Congress (ICC), held every three years in locations around the world. Series includes a comprehensive collection of cassette tapes related to the first ICC, the 1994 KUMBAYAH International Camping Congress held in Toronto, Ontario. The series comprises of 7 large binders containing 16 cassette tapes, one small binder containing 8 cassette tapes, and 1 single cassette tape, followed by Congress proceedings [in Japanese], along with various supporting documents related to the congress , such as correspondence and meeting minutes, travel and membership information, schedules, congress agreements, invitations, and manuals. Additionally included are 9 DVDs from the 2014 International Camping Congress. These recordings offer a unique glimpse into the speeches, presentations, and discussions held during the Congress.
Series consists of student research papers, primarily those written for Trent University's course on Haliburton Bioregionalism.
Series consists of files pertaining to conferences, presentations, and committees the Trail Studies Unit participated in or consulted on. Most files pertain to the 1993 Rails to Greenways Conference, which was hosted at Trent University by the Trail Studies Unit. Series also includes meeting minutes and agendas for various committees the Trail Studies Unit consulted on, including Ontario Provincial government committees.
Series consists of sound and moving image material on biogregionalism and Haiburton County, most notably, copies of oral history interviews with local residents, held by the Haliburton County Museum.