The Aboriginal Strategy Circle in the Kawarthas (ASCK) evolved from the Urban Aboriginal Strategy Circle (UASC) which was formed in the spring of 2005. UASC was brought together by the local Aboriginal organization, Whitepath Consulting and Counselling Services, and was comprised of such members as Trent University Native Studies Department, the Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association, Peterborough Social Planning Council, and other organizations. ASCK was focused on identifying the needs of Aboriginal Peoples in the Peterborough and Kawarthas area. The goals of ASCK are listed as follows:
- To provide opportunities for Aboriginal people to share their thoughts, ideas, experience and opinions that could affect positive change in the future
- To strengthen and support the capacity of current and developing Aboriginal organizations through partnerships and training
- To facilitate communication and provide information-sharing among Aboriginal organizations and to advise City and County service providers on how best to support Aboriginal people
- To research, prepare and provide educational information on topics related to the issues identified through consultation with Aboriginal people
- To develop a fund and criteria for long-term projects and/or needs of Aboriginal people.