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Archival description
University Slide Collection
USC · Collection

Collection consists of slides of Trent University. Most series include slides created for promotional presentations for Trent University. Slides document construction, buildings, campus scenery, special events, faculty and students, classrooms, and more.

TUVF · Collection · 1957-2019

Collection consists of assembled files on a variety of topics, places, and people related to Trent University history. Files include news clippings, correspondence, brochures, reports, memos, policies, speeches, programs, and other records. This collection is a great place to begin research on Trent University.

TUMR · Collection · 1958-2023

Collection consists of major reports, studies, statements, and other public documents produced by Trent University and its bodies. Files are organized in chronological order, by year.

TNAC · Collection · 1912-2011, predominant 1964-2011

Collection consists of records and reports relating to the Trent University nature areas.

RNC · Collection · 1885-present

Collection consists of original hard copy regional newspapers. See file listing for titles.

RG 13 · Collection · 1960 - 2005

This is an artificially created fonds relating to successive fundraising campaigns. Fundraising campaigns have existed at Trent as an on-going process. The earliest campaigns, Founding and Development, were succeeded by the Second Decade Fund, the Continuing Advancement Fund, the Fund for Excellence, the For Tomorrow Campaign and the Beyond Our Walls campaign. Also included is the Annual Fund. See file listing for more information.

MFMC · Collection · 1923-1986, n.d.

Over time, the Archives has acquired numerous miscellaneous maps from many parts of Ontario and throughout Canada.

INC · Collection · 1969-1991

Collection consists of several Indigenous newspaper titles. The publications are dated primarily in the 1970s and 1980s and are, in most cases, Canadian in origin. See file listings for more information on each individual title.

IMC · Collection

The Trent University Archives occasionally receive single items, maps, drawings, individual letters or very small groupings of letters and documents. As these do not comprise fonds, they are minimally processed and described. There are many important records and documents received in this manner and researchers should not overlook them.

HBWP · Collection · 1962-2013

Collection includes created by Trent University's Haliburton-centred bioregionalism course. Records includes papers and reports prepared by students, reports and resource material on Haliburton, articles on regionalism, files pertaining to the Golden Lake First Nation land claim, a coursepack binder of resources, and copies of oral history interviews on cassette (originals held by the Haliburton County Museum).

Collection is arranged into 9 series: Student papers; Photocopied book, articles, and other resources on lumbering, agriculture and other topipcs; Audiovisual materials; Haliburton region reports and resources; Haliburton tourism information; Golden Lake land claim files; John Wadland's bioregionalism files; Bioregionalism coursepack and other educational materials; and maps.

CBC · Collection · 1920-2019

Collection consists of brochures and pamphlets for children's day and overnight camps, primarily in Ontario. Most pamphlets were removed from accessions in the Ontario Camps Association (OCA) fonds.

Atlas Collection
AC · Collection · [182-?]-2000

Collection consists of various atlases, including historical atlases of the region, of townships across Ontario, and of other locations.

99-1008 · Collection · 1923-1993

This collection consists of a Glen Bernard Camp songbook, a large portrait of "Chief" Taylor Statten, press clippings from Canadian Camping, a Camp Ahmek certificate dated 1923, 70 photographs, and 3 postcards. Also included are the following artifacts: a Glen Bernard trophy engraved for Janet Gibson, 1923, Camp Ahmek counsellor's medal, 1924, a leather Camp Ahmek "Third" badge, 1923, and a plaque inscribed "2nd Stollery and Van Every", undated.

Van Every, Margaret
99-1005 · Collection · 1921-1931

This collection consists of eleven published reports, addresses, and articles by the Honourable Vincent Massey. Topics include education, art and nationality, drama, external affairs, etc. with respect to Canada. Included also are typed notes compiled at a meeting at which Massey was present, on "Diplomatic Machinery", held in 1931.

Massey, Charles Vincent
Eugene A. Forsey collection
99-1004 · Collection · [ca. 1966-1967]

This collection consists of four papers written by Eugene A. Forsey: Canada, 1967, an address by Eugene Forsey given at University of Western Ontario, 26 September 1966; A "Special Status" for Quebec?, [September 12, 1967]; The Problem of "Minority" Government in Canada, n.d.; Concepts of Federalism: Some Canadian Aspects, n.d.

Forsey, Eugene A.
Phyllis White collection
99-006 · Collection · 1990-1997

This collection consists of research material pertaining to sailing directions in Lake Ontario in 1815-1816; a photocopy and typescript of "Captain W.F.W. Owen's journal & memoirs of the back or Northern Communication between Lakes Ontario and Huron, 1817"; and a photocopy of "Elias Smith, Loyalist, Letter Book, 1799-1800" with accompanying typed indexes. Also included is a copy of "A History of Elias Smith U.E. 1736-1820, patentee of Hope Township and Merchant of Montreal" by Phyllis White, 1990, and a copy of "Oaths of Allegiance sworn before William Willcocks, J.P. 1800-1806 and Robert Baldwin 1800-1812" compiled by Phyllis White, 1997.

White, Phyllis
99-004 · Collection · 1775-1976

This collection consists of printed Acts of the Government of Canada; guides and pamphlets of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Grand Trunk Railway; and early maps, plans, and promotional brochures of locations throughout Canada.

Hunter, Robert Lloyd
98-1000 · Collection · 1860-1932

These documents pertain to property in the city of Peterborough (lot 8 on the north side of Townsend Street and on the south side of Dalhousie Street west of Aylmer St.) once owned by Reverend Vincent Clementi. They consist of deeds, mortgages, and include the will of Clementi and his wife Elizabeth. Grantors and mortgage holders include James Hall Sheriff, Allan Macdougall, J.D. Collins, George Barlee, Thomas and Jane Fairbairn, R. Boucher, Katherine Dennistoun, G. Stevenson, H.C. Rogers. Clementi bought the property in 1874.

Clementi, Reverend Vincent
David Brown collection
98-015 · Collection · 1826-1967

This collection consists of miscellaneous ledgers and legal documents of businesses, doctors, etc. in Peterborough, surrounding counties and areas in southern Ontario.

Brown, David
98-007 · Collection · 1898-1986

This collection consists of materials relating to Trent University's Morton Lecture Series, including the inaugural lecture with dinner hosted by the Governor General of Ontario in 1982. Also included is a report on the civil rights of the native population in Ontario (1954), a calendar of Victoria University (1989), a University of Toronto development publication, and correspondence, etc. of the Trent University .02 club.

Cole, Jean Murray
98-006 · Collection · 1965-1997

This collection consists of publications of the Canadian Rose Society and Canadian Peony Society, as listed below.

In box 1

  • The Canadian Rose Annual, published by the Canadian Rose Society: 1965, 1975, 1982; 1983; 1985-2003
  • The Canadian Rose Book, A collector's Item, limited edition, Canadian Rose Society, 1980
  • Colour Classification of Garden Roses, The Canadian Rose Society, 1993
  • Guidelines for Judging Roses, The Canadian Rose Society, 1981
  • Horticultural Judging Standards, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, [198-?]
  • American Rose Annual, 1986

In box 2

  • The Rosarian, published by the Canadian Rose Society: 1977 (spring, summer), 1982 (summer), 1984 (fall), 1985 (spring, summer, fall), 1986 (fall), 1990 (spring, summer, fall), 1991 (summer, fall, winter), 1992 (spring)
  • Canadian Rosarian: 1992 (summer, autumn), 1993 (spring, summer, autumn), 1994 (spring, summer, autumn), 1995 (spring, summer, autumn), 1996 (spring, summer, autumn), 1997 (spring, autumn), 1998 (spring, summer, fall), 1999 (spring, summer, fall), 2000 (fall)
  • The CRS CommPoster, the newsletter of the Canadian Rose Society, vol. 1 nos. 1 and 2 (2004)
  • The Peony - C to C, published by the Canadian Peony Society, vol. 1-6 (1998-2003)
  • The Peony in Canada, published by the Canadian Peony Society, 2001
Rahmel, Fern
Reid family photographs
97-1034 · Collection · [1997?]

This accession consists of copy photographs, several of which are of originals in the Reid family photograph album and date from the 1840's to 1900's. One is of the Robert Henry "Harry" Devinish Reid family accompanied by an identification sheet with vital statistics for each member. Included also is a set of ten copy photographs of three generations of the Reid family. This set is accompanied by a family chart providing statistics for those listed.

Reid family