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97-003/005(04) · File · 1915-1918 n.d.
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following photographs

  • 85-98: Stewart with others at the beach in Towyn, Wales
  • 99-165: Stewart as a young girl, several of which are with other people, ie. soldiers, etc. (Note: several accompanying photos, not of Stewart; photos #120-156 are inside a smaller envelope with title "Sledwich, August 1918"; #157-163 are negatives of Stewart with soldiers, etc.).
97-003/005(01) · File · 1910-1918
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following photographs
1: young girl holding baby, unidentified, presumed to be Stewart's cousins in England, c.1910-1918
2: Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Toronto, 1820-1896
3: Hon. Justice Hagerman
4: Stewart Houston (Bagnani), with her father, Stewart Houston
5: Louisa Robinson, daughter of Sir John B. Robinson (Note: she was the first wife of George Allan) - daguerreotype, 6th plate
6: Augusta (Robinson) Houston, wife of Stewart Houston, and mother of Stewart Houston (Bagnani) (on back of photo “Victoria Era”)
7-10: [Augusta Robinson]
11: Augusta (Robinson) Houston, with back spaniel (2 copies)
12: [Stewart F. Houston}, with back spaniel
13: Black spaniel (see 11&12)
14: [Stewart F Houston] (see 11 & 12)
15: Stewart F. Houston, husband of Augusta, and father of Stewart Houston (Bagnani)
16-28: Augusta (Robinson) Houston in Cairo, 1933 (also one negative - #28)
29: Silhouette of woman facing right (on back of frame “Sam’l Johnson, LLD” - framed
30: Silhouette of a man facing left
31: Silhouette of a man facing left (on back ‘Hagerman or MacCauley”

  1. Augusta (Robinson) Houston, 1920?
    32a: Augusta (Robinson) Houston (on back of photo “A.L.H 1919”
    32b: Alan Houston
    32c: [Bill and Barbara Houston], 1965
    32d: Houston tomb stone [Louisa’s grave, Rome?] (Note: negative only)

Large Materials Cabinet – Drawer 36: 32b. [Augusta & Stewart Houston wedding photo] (Note: This is unidentified but the woman in the wedding gown appears to be the same woman as in photos #7-10)

Theatre programmes
97-003/004(09) · File · [195-]-[197-]
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

File includes The Peterborough Summer Theatre programs for 1950; photographs, transparencies, and watercolours of characters of the play "Antigone," 1947 (Stewart was connected with the Ontario Classical Association); and handwritten notes about a play.

Opera programmes
97-003/004(08) · File · 1947-1976
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

File includes a paper titled "Opera in Vienna" and several programmes and other material related to performances by Robert Soetens and Minka Roustcheva; etc. Stewart Bagnani was a committee member of The Opera Committee of the Royal Conservatory of Music of the University of Toronto, circa 1954. She was also a member of the Wardrobe Committee of the Royal Conservatory of Music, circa 1948.

97-003/003(11) · File · 1958-1990, n.d.
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Includes invitations for exhibits at the Sculptor’s Society of Canada, Roberts Gallery, Art Gallery of Ontario, National Gallery of Canada, Art Institute of Chicago, Gallery Moos, David Mirvish Gallery, and the Bootzy Gallery, displaying artworks by artists including such as Ron Davis, Walter Darby Bennard, Joespeh Legare, Joan Willsher-Martel, Jack Bush, Michael French, John Elderfield, and Chrisopher Varley. Also includes material for ‘Architecture ornaments’ by Lucien Goldschmidt’; ‘the living image’ by Barbara Howard, Cecil Richards, and Rebecca Sisler; and ‘etchings’ by Rodger Chailloux. Also includes texts relating to art, some in languages other than English, and a photograph of an unidentified man standing with snowmen.

Correspondence from artists
97-003/003(10) · File · 1957-1984 n.d.
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Includes correspondence with Daniel Rabinowitch and Rob Martin pertaining to the offer of a two-man art show; letters and notes on the showing of a film ‘This Vibrant land’ by the group of 7 shown at Kennedy Horizons Limited; and miscellaneous correspondence with the Universite du Quebec, Sculpture’s Society of Canada, and Christopher Varley.

Miscelleaneous galleries
97-003/003(09) · File · 1979
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes correspondence, brochures, receipts, and other records relating to Peterborough Centennial Museum & Archives, The Art Museum (Princeton University), Art Gallery of Northumberland, The Art Gallery of Peterborough, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery (attached is a photo of Ray Mead, Robert Fulford, and Stewart Bagnani, 1979), The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Edmonton Art Gallery, Royal Ontario Museum, History of Medicine Museum, and others.