Sept. 27 - Oct. 16, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection
This following folder includes
- 11 men jailed, fined for illegal sale of trout - Wiarton
- Bingo hall opening draws demonstrators - Montreal
- History of discrimination - letter to Toronto editor
- Native woman to be named ombudsman - Toronto
- N.S., Micmac groups sign pact on hunting - Halifax
- Native people deride discovery of America - Toronto
- Natives ask court to stop low jet flights - Yellowknife
- Teachers won't end boycott at New Credit - Toronto
- Iroquois longhouse, artifacts found in dig at Barrie site
- Columbus introduced slave trade - Toronto
- Temagami trees at risk, study finds - Toronto
- Innu struggle to survive as a distinct nation - Toronto
- Innu seek U.K. help to ban jets - London
- Armed guards protect Cornwall Island border post
- Obituary - John- Wesley Beaver - Toronto
- Indians renew blockade - Maniwaki, Que.
- Ojibwa bands 'ripped off' historian says - Walkerton
- More about Temagami
- A noble dissent - Toronto editorial about Marshall case
- Pediatrician sees trauma among Labrador children - Halifax
- Soup kitchens try to ease hunger for Regina's children
- Letters to editors about Labrador Innu
- Calgary native column lauded
- Booze at root of problem - letter to Calgary editor
- Suicide concern - Thunder Bay
- Defence pact not a priority - Thunder Bay
- More about Six Nations and New Credit schools
- Native justice system a matter of time - Sioux Lookout
- Chiefs call for aboriginal health authority - Thunder Bay
- Manitoba hunters may be charged - Fort Severn
- Two bands tell task force of reserve conditions - Sioux Lookout
- Story on alcohol and native people - Sioux Lookout
- Diesel fuel spilled near Fort Albany
- New goal for Lakehead University - letter to Sioux Lookout editor
- Native nurses program falling between cracks - Thunder Bay
- Money for education center still being sought - Sioux Lookout
- Appointment of members to Nishnawbe-Aski legal service corporation - Thunder Bay
- Solar power brightens northern Ont. village - Toronto
- $50,000 grant to skills group - Elliot Lake
- Merit isn't necessarily meritorious - Ottawa commentary
- How we were - Ottawa review about Poundmaker book