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Article (photocopy): "The Great Lakes Surveys of Henry Bayfield / by Amber Clement (from Michigan History, January/February 2013)
Article (photocopy): "The Great Lakes Surveys of Henry Bayfield / by Amber Clement (from Michigan History, January/February 2013)
Map: Sketch of Lake Superior shewing the Supposed Northern and Western Limits of this Province in that direction. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12 March 1853.... Certified a true copy.
Map: Sketch of Lake Superior shewing the Supposed Northern and Western Limits of this Province in that direction. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12 March 1853.... Certified a true copy.
Map: Lake Superior by Lieut. Henry Wr. Bayfield assisted by Mr. Philip Ed Collins Mid. Between the Years 1823 & 1825. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12th March 1853. Certified a true copy
Map: Lake Superior by Lieut. Henry Wr. Bayfield assisted by Mr. Philip Ed Collins Mid. Between the Years 1823 & 1825. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12th March 1853. Certified a true copy
Report: Report of the Special Committee on the Magdalen Islands, and the Western Part of This Province above Lake Huron
Report: Report of the Special Committee on the Magdalen Islands, and the Western Part of This Province above Lake Huron
Classroom with students
Classroom with students
The Great Hall with Heeney Banners, Champlain College
The Great Hall with Heeney Banners, Champlain College
Faryon Bridge & Bata Library
Faryon Bridge & Bata Library
Champlain College
Champlain College
Bata Library
Bata Library
Trent University construction work (slides donated by Bruce & Betty McTaggart, 2007)
Trent University construction work (slides donated by Bruce & Betty McTaggart, 2007)
Trent's official opening (slides donated by Don Barrie, 2006)
Trent's official opening (slides donated by Don Barrie, 2006)
Large wooden [Native-built?] canoe with numerous people, Otonabee River near Trent University
Large wooden [Native-built?] canoe with numerous people, Otonabee River near Trent University
Abbott House, PRC
Abbott House, PRC
Reid House, PRC
Reid House, PRC
The Cottage, PRC
The Cottage, PRC
Stratton House, PRC
Stratton House, PRC
North House, PRC
North House, PRC
Sadleir House scenery
Sadleir House scenery
Sadleir House Cafeteria
Sadleir House Cafeteria
Sadleir House Library
Sadleir House Library
Sadleir House interior architecture and fireplace
Sadleir House interior architecture and fireplace
Sadleir House staircases
Sadleir House staircases
Sadleir House interior woodwork
Sadleir House interior woodwork
Sadleir House stain glass windows
Sadleir House stain glass windows
Sadleir House exterior architecture
Sadleir House exterior architecture