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"Echos of the Past" Resounding in the Present: A Brief, Illustrated, General History of a Central Region in Southern Ontario Formed by Two Muskoka and Ten Haliburton Townships / by Ed H. Devitt and Nila Reynolds
"Echos of the Past" Resounding in the Present: A Brief, Illustrated, General History of a Central Region in Southern Ontario Formed by Two Muskoka and Ten Haliburton Townships / by Ed H. Devitt and Nila Reynolds
Strategic Plan: A Framework for Planning / Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Health Counci
Strategic Plan: A Framework for Planning / Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Health Counci
Maps and cartography: includes maps, articles, bibliographies, and corrspondence related to cartography
Maps and cartography: includes maps, articles, bibliographies, and corrspondence related to cartography
Students sports: skiing
Students sports: skiing
Various articles on bioregionalism
Various articles on bioregionalism
Dutch correspondence
Dutch correspondence
Journal of the British Parliament from February 1620 to December 1621, reign of James I
Journal of the British Parliament from February 1620 to December 1621, reign of James I
Middlebrook, Michael [Barbados?]
Middlebrook, Michael [Barbados?]
Seamour, Edward, Commissioner for prized goods [?] in port of London [England]
Seamour, Edward, Commissioner for prized goods [?] in port of London [England]
Dutch correspondence, 1660s
Dutch correspondence, 1660s
French correspondence, 1600s
French correspondence, 1600s
Dutch correspondence 1660s [re West Indies?]; partial English translations included
Dutch correspondence 1660s [re West Indies?]; partial English translations included
Dutch correspondence, 1670s
Dutch correspondence, 1670s
Willy, Richard, Barbados merchant
Willy, Richard, Barbados merchant
Holmes, Robert, the Honorable [England]
Holmes, Robert, the Honorable [England]
Jenkins, Leolyn (Leolin) [London, England]
Jenkins, Leolyn (Leolin) [London, England]
Gooding, Christopher
Gooding, Christopher
Fairlough, John [London, England]
Fairlough, John [London, England]
Wilson, Jacob [in Dutch]
Wilson, Jacob [in Dutch]
Stevenstoune and Kilwinning (Cunningham) Scotland sermon notebook
Stevenstoune and Kilwinning (Cunningham) Scotland sermon notebook
Thorsby, Ralph [Leeds, England]
Thorsby, Ralph [Leeds, England]
Gordon, Roger [Dublin and Belfast, Ireland]
Gordon, Roger [Dublin and Belfast, Ireland]
Donaldson, John and Rodger Gordon, Barbados merchants (also London, Edinburgh, and some letters from Boston and New York)
Donaldson, John and Rodger Gordon, Barbados merchants (also London, Edinburgh, and some letters from Boston and New York)
Bellas, George, from Thomas Johnsbury [London, England]
Bellas, George, from Thomas Johnsbury [London, England]
Burn, Robert, merchant in Aberdeen, Scotland
Burn, Robert, merchant in Aberdeen, Scotland