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97-003 · Fonds · 1662-1997

This fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, etc. of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani and their families. Important historical materials relating to the John Beverley Robinson family are included. The fonds also consists of Gilbert's research material as an archaeologist, Stewart's research material relating to her work as an art lecturer, photographs and materials relating to the Bagnani estate, "Vogrie", located in Port Hope, Ontario, and materials concerning Gilbert and Stewart's association with Trent University.

Bagnani, Gilbert and Stewart
97-003/001(25) · File · 1990s
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters:

  • Unfinished letter to Phil [from Gilbert] re his will and T.C.S. [Trinity College School];
  • letter from Stewart to Gilbert, she refers to "Vers" (Verschoyle Blake), who is a descendent of the Honourable Edward Blake, "Ardfree" in the address is the name of Vers's residence in Port Hope, in the letter it is evident that Stewart is staying there while Vogrie is being renovated, April 27 (Blake also designed the library which was added to Vogrie in the 1930's);
  • Christmas note from Robertson and Brenda Davies
  • unfinished letter [from Stewart] re the Robinson arms
  • letters from Trinity College School to Gilbert
  • several letters from friends and acquaintances
97-003/003(02) · File · 1965-1975, 1988-1989
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes correspondence between Stewart and Trent University re her position as special lecturer in art and as director of Mackenzie Gallery, lecture schedules, etc. (also included is a sketch of the building which housed Mackenzie Gallery before it opened as a gallery, by David Woods, 1971; also wedding photo of Mr. & Mrs. Gengembre-Curwood, 1970); miscellaneous letters to Stewart regarding the Bagnani medal, etc.; also financial records, etc. relating to Mackenzie Gallery

Miscellaneous items
97-003/002(08) · File · 1857-1988, n.d.
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following:

  • "Character & fortune, [Mrs.] Robinson, 1894" - fortune teller's account
  • Pedigree chart of [cat] named "Sledwich", born Aug. 1918, owner Miss Stewart Houston
  • Order of proceedings for the installation of Christopher Robinson as chancellor of Trinity University, January 15 1902 (Note: Mrs. Stewart Houston sang at the installation ceremony); invitation to the installation to Mr. and Mrs. Houston attached (Christopher is Stewart Bagnani's uncle)
  • Statement of assets relating to the estate of Stewart Field Houston, undated
  • Two Ontario Blank Writing Books - inside each book is a listing of items for sale and who bought them [sale took place at the home of Augusta Houston on Augusta 15 1934]
  • Eulogy for Stewart Houston (Stewart Bagnani's father) by "CTR" [Christopher Robinson]
  • "In Commemoration of Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bart". Pamphlet of the plaque unveiling ceremony, Toronto, October 6, 1988, Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
  • "Letters from Thomas Talbot to John Beverley Robinson"/ edited by J.M.S. Careless. Reprint from Ontario History, Vol. xlix 1957, No.1 (note on front says "Sir JBR's letters donated by Stewart Bagnani to Ontario Archives)
  • "Sir Isaac Brock. The hero of Upper Canada"/ by Major-General C.W. Robinson, C.B. Reprint [source]: Royal United Service Institution, J.J. Keliher & Co., Ltd. Marshalsea Road, London, S.E. (note on front says "With love from C.W.R.")
  • Photo of mother cat with 5 kittens attached
  • Character sketch of "Miss Beverley Robinson"
  • Tiny silver presentation plate inscribed as follows: "Presented to Mrs. John Beverley Robinson by the Rector and Congregation of St. Johns Church, Darlington as a token of their respect and regards - 15th January 1857"
97-003/001(24) · File · 1980s
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters:

  • Letter from Patrick Brode to Stewart re his historical research on Sir John Beverley Robinson, 1980;
  • letter to the Bagnani's from a former Trent student who was gay, 1983;
  • letters of condolence to Stewart re Gilbert's death, 1985;
  • letter from University of Toronto re Gilbert's Memoir, 1985;
  • card from Jean Murray Cole with a copy of her "The Old Doctor: A Backwoods Sketch by Catharine Parr Traill" attached, [1985];
  • letter to "Sally and Michael" re their residency in Vogrie while Stewart is away, 1985;
  • letter from Molly Mackenzie to Stewart re Stewart's "horrid accident at the Art Gallery", 1987;
  • letter to Stewart from Helen Davidson, 1987, with attached paper called "The Bagnani Residence - 1939" by Florence Davidson; letter and clipping re University of Toronto's exhibition of books donated from Gilbert's estate, 1987;
  • letters from the University of Toronto Malcove Collection re Stewart's donation of three icons, 1989;
  • letter to Stewart from Budge, 1989;
  • plus other miscellaneous letters
97-003/001(23) · File · 1970s
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters

  • Letter to Stewart 1970
  • Letters to Stewart from Lakefield College School re a lecture she gave there, 1971;
  • Letter from Stewart to Miss Abbott re their Cobourg connection and restoration of the Cobourg town hall, 1972;
  • Letter to the Bagnani's from their nephew, Michael, 1973;
  • Letters from "Peter" to Stewart re his upcoming trial, 1973-1974;
  • Letter to Stewart from David Blackwood re her nomination for the medal of the Royal Canadian Academy, 1978;
  • Letter to Gilbert re banking arrangements; plus numerous miscellaneous letters from friends and acquaintances
Correspondence to Gilbert
97-003/001(22) · File · 1960s
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters:

  • letters to Gilbert re book donations, manuscript evaluations, etc.;
  • letter to Gilbert from possible relatives, Bagnani Brothers Hauling, 1962;
  • letters to Stewart from friends;
  • letter from antique store regarding two antiques the Bagnani purchased from them, 1967 (two photographs of the antiques attached);
  • letter to Gilbert from John Ecclestone, 1967;
  • plus other miscellaneous letters
97-003/001(21) · File · 1950s
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters

  • Letters from Gilbert to Stewart, [1951];
  • letter to Gilbert from The Institute for Advanced Study, New Jersey, re tomb inscriptions, 1952;
  • letter to Gilbert and Stewart from Ron and Vivien Williams re their life at Oxford (includes 3 photos: the Williams family and one unknown girl;
  • Gilbert and Stewart, one unknown girl and the Williams children; Gilbert and Stewart and one dog (Note: all the people in the photos are in Arab dress), 1953;
  • letter from Vers [Verschoyle Blake] regarding property ownership in Newmarket [& Whitechurch Township] in the late 1700's and early 1800's (attached is a copy of the will of Elisha Beeman, "second husband of Esther, widow of Christopher Robinson... who died in 1798");
  • letter from William Ronald (member of Painters Eleven, and creator of the murals in the "Ronald Room" at Vogrie) to Stewart asking her to be a referee for his application for a Guggenheim, 1955;
  • Archives of Ontario to Stewart requesting that she donate John Beverley Robinson papers in her possession to the Archives, 1956;
  • University of Toronto to Gilbert re his salary, etc., 1957;
  • letters and speech re "Paleologue's book", [1957];
  • letter re property in 128 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto;
  • plus other miscellaneous letters, some of which are written in languages other than English
97-003/001(20) · File · 1940s
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters

  • Letters from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, to Gilbert, re a lecture he gave there, 1940;
  • letter from Dr. -Ing. Carl von Seemann to Gilbert, re his opinion on certain Egyptian objects, 1941;
  • letter to Stewart from Jessie Eagleson re Cavan Blazers, 1944 (also newspaper clipping re Cavan Blazers);
  • letter to Stewart from Audrey Hollis re her new pup, mentions the Bagnani's dogs, 1945;
  • letter from Gilbert to "Philip" re his criticism of T.C.S. [Trinity College School], 1945;
  • letter from Gilbert Norwood to Gilbert re returning to classes [in Toronto];
  • plus other miscellaneous letters
97-003/001(07) · File · 1920s-1930s
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters:

  • July 19 1922 - Lang [ ] to Stewart Houston (re cows trampling trees on the property, and "Houston Breweries")
  • June 7 1927, Loretto Place, [Candie] - Henrietta Tupper to Augusta Houston (this letter is located in 97-003 Box 1 Folder 1)
  • Dec. 11 1927, Toronto - letter and article on lamps addressed to Miss [Stewart] Houston
  • May 8th 1929, Bruxelles - Helene Scherbaton to Miss [Stewart] Houston (re her job making costumes for the theater, etc.)
  • March 3 1934, Toronto - J.W.L. Forster to Augusta Houston regarding a commissioned portrait he did of her father, John Beverley Robinson, 1934
97-003/001(16) · File · 1929
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes the following letters

  • Letter to Bagnani from Francis B. Keene 1930
  • Letter to Augusta Houston from her brother-in-law, Arthur Houston, 1931;
  • Letter from R.H. [ ] possibly to Augusta Houston (mentions the reader's blindness and suggests that Stewart will read the letter), 1932;
  • Instructions "in case of accident" from Augusta Houston, 1932;
  • Letter to "Carissimo" Bagnani from Nello Zein, photo of man and dog attached, 1933;
  • Letters to Stewart from friends; letter to Stewart form J.B. Maclean of Maclean's magazine re Canadian content of their publication, 1934;
  • Letters to Gilbert from his mother, 1935 (one expresses her "last wishes" to him, ie, disbursement of her belongings, etc., Jan. 13, 1935);
  • Letters of condolence to Gilbert on the death of his mother, Jan. & Feb. 1935;
  • Letter from Neilson Bridger to Gilbert re the fireplace which was placed in the drawing room at Vogrie when the house was altered in 1936-1937, 1937;
  • Letter to Gilbert from Alan Gardiner;
  • Plus other miscellaneous letters, some of which are written in languages other than English
97-003/001(27) · File · 1910-1929
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes numerous telegrams sent between Stewart and Gilbert; several telegrams expressing congratulations on their wedding, 1929; plus several other miscellaneous telegrams (Note: on several telegrams the date is indecipherable).

97-003/001(11) · File · 1926
Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Folder includes letters from Gilbert to Stewart. The letters dated January to March are from Gilbert while he is doing a lecture tour in the U.S. and Canada at 26 years old, and Stewart is in Rome. The letters dated June to October are from Gilbert in Rome, while Stewart is in Europe.