This fonds consists of correspondence, research notes and original documents which were collected by Professor David Macmillan during his research. Items such as voters' lists for Victoria County, Ontario and a series of broadsides advertising land in Victoria County; documents from the Hudson's Bay Company, East Indies; minutes from the Barbados Board of Legislative Council, a Sydney Australia Company, and the Sydney Australian Committee of the New Steam Company; and a number of reproduction engravings and prints are included in the fonds. Also included in the fonds is a copy of Macmillan's 1964 Ph.D. thesis: "The Scottish Australian Connection..." and assorted pamphlets relating to New South Wales.
Macmillan, David StirlingThis collection is comprised of disparate documents collected by Professor David Macmillan. The scope of the papers is primarily North America, 1680 to 1918.
Macmillan, David StirlingCollection consists of disparate materials collected by Professor Macmillan who was a philatelist. The correspondence and documents pertain to writers in Great Britain and the British Empire. The subject matter ranges from military campaigns between the British and the French, mutiny in the West Indies and India and the sugar and slave trade in the West Indies. Subjects of letters include: battles in India, trade routes in West Indies and Asia; wars with France, Spain, and Austria.
Macmillan, David StirlingFile includes a journal of goods documenting the fur trade and other trade with Indigenous peoples, Columbia River, 1813-1838. Also includes a journal of Indian trade, 1822-1823. Other topics in journals and letters include Pacific Fur Company, Fort William, Hudson's Bay Company, and North West Company. Includes letters from Montreal and the Hudson's Bay House, Lachine.
File includes a letter from Gowan's cousin and another from P.B. de [ ] Saguiere, Woodstock, L.C. Topics include governesses for children, Woodstock, and Brockville.
File includes four letters, including those from Walter Ewing Buchan and Thomas W. Coleman. Topics include survey matters relating to a property owned by Mr. Paterson and reporting procedures relating to prisoners
File consists of letters to James Dawson, including those from George R. Young, Thomas Rankin, William Dobson, C. Lyell, R. Brown, Wallace Barry, and L. White Williams. Topics include accounts; the problem of translating Scriptures for the "Mickmak" and comments on characteristics of Indigenous people; items shipped from Lloyds held up aboard the Thetis which is awaiting repairs; C. Lyell has done a great deal of geological research and collected fossils in U.S. and southern and eastern Canada, includes sketches of river bed or shoreline; discovery of reptilian footstep; and scientific research on geological specimens.
File includes various letters, with correspondents including William Buell (bookseller, Brockville), D.B. Stevenson (merchant, Picton), Rev. Caleb Strong (Montreal), Nathaniel Burwash (Bytown), Dr. Boys (Bursar, King's College, letter to D.B. Stevenson), Benjamin Bird (coroner, P.H.), and Daniel McLachlan (lumber merchant, Bytown). Also includes a letter regarding the death of Strong, age 31, 1847, from his father Lewis. File also includes a circular re Canadian Farmer & Mechanic; request for child support, 8 June 1842, Peterborough; request for child support, 21 February 1843; prospectus for a "Canada Literary, Manual Labour, and Educational Society," Haldimand, 1844; itemized list of lumber in Port at Québec, 1844; May 19, 1846 - Rev. Strong discussing U.S. government apparatus; Dec. 15, 1846 - circular re converting R.C. Quebecers to Church of Scotland; Irish Relief Fund letter, 26 March 1847; letter re Mr. Johns sawmill, Orono 1847; miscellaneous returns of conviction; and documents and correspondence 1847 re apprehension of a criminal in New York State.
File consists of letters on a range of topics, including a communique regarding the establishment of the Black River Literary and Religious Institute (Antwerp, New York 1836) and religion and education matters in New York State, Vermont, Waterloo & Saint Francis & Portage in Lower Canada. Correspondents include Henry Jones; James. J. Gilbert; James. McGillivray; Z.S.M. Hersey; W. Ritchie; Rev. H.B. Chapin; P.P. O'Sunkirhine; Rev. J. Ingraham; Lucretin Smith; Rev. R. Cairn.
File includes deposit notes, receipts, and letters pertaining to court fees and the interpretation of a bylaw relating to the Public Schools Act (1894). Correspondents include A.B. Aglesworth and James Douglas.
File consists of a letter to Major Hillier (Private Secretary, York) from William Berczy regarding settling duties.
File consists of 4 letters, including those about property sales and financial issues. Correspondents include William Bradbury.