Showing 131 results

Archival description
Theater programmes Visitor’s Book with signatures given to Stewart on the occasion of her birthday in 1991; instructions from a doctor to Stewart, unsigned and undated
Theater programmes Visitor’s Book with signatures given to Stewart on the occasion of her birthday in 1991; instructions from a doctor to Stewart, unsigned and undated
Art Gallery of Cobourg: flyers, brochures, correspondence
Art Gallery of Cobourg: flyers, brochures, correspondence
Miscelleaneous galleries
Miscelleaneous galleries
Anniversary party held at the home of Tom Symons: guest lists, letters and cards (includes numerous letters addressed to the Symons'); invitation, congratulatory message to the Bagnani's from Edward Schreyer, Governor General of Canada
Anniversary party held at the home of Tom Symons: guest lists, letters and cards (includes numerous letters addressed to the Symons'); invitation, congratulatory message to the Bagnani's from Edward Schreyer, Governor General of Canada
Letters to Stewart Bangani about “My Aunt Minnie”
Letters to Stewart Bangani about “My Aunt Minnie”
Conference held at Trent University: "The Mediterranean World: Papers presented in honour of Gilbert Bagnani..., April 26, 1975"; related correspondence, birthday cards, etc.
Conference held at Trent University: "The Mediterranean World: Papers presented in honour of Gilbert Bagnani..., April 26, 1975"; related correspondence, birthday cards, etc.
Restoration and reopening of Victoria Hall, Cobourg; also Cobourg Daily Star souvenir edition, September 30 1983, commemorating the opening of Victoria Hall
Restoration and reopening of Victoria Hall, Cobourg; also Cobourg Daily Star souvenir edition, September 30 1983, commemorating the opening of Victoria Hall
Miscellaneous papers pertaining to art, etc.
Miscellaneous papers pertaining to art, etc.
National Gallery of Canada: correspondence, flyers, etc.
National Gallery of Canada: correspondence, flyers, etc.
Art Gallery of Ontario: materials relating to seminars, conferences, exhibits, etc.
Art Gallery of Ontario: materials relating to seminars, conferences, exhibits, etc.
Christmas cards from artists
Christmas cards from artists
Correspondence and other material relating to Stewart Bagnani's relationship to Trent University
Correspondence and other material relating to Stewart Bagnani's relationship to Trent University
Two letters to Gilbert, 1964 & 1965, re his teaching appointment at Trent University; miscellaneous Trent-related notices, invitations, etc.; proposal re introduction of music at Trent; other miscellaneous material
Two letters to Gilbert, 1964 & 1965, re his teaching appointment at Trent University; miscellaneous Trent-related notices, invitations, etc.; proposal re introduction of music at Trent; other miscellaneous material
Lecture notes on art
Lecture notes on art
Correspondence to Gilbert
Correspondence to Gilbert
Art Gallery of Ontario: flyers, brochures, correspondence, loan agreements, minutes, etc.
Art Gallery of Ontario: flyers, brochures, correspondence, loan agreements, minutes, etc.
Art exhibit announcements, brochures, biographical writings/sketches of artists
Art exhibit announcements, brochures, biographical writings/sketches of artists
Lecture notes on art and 4 notebooks
Lecture notes on art and 4 notebooks
Correspondence from artists
Correspondence from artists
Magazine and newspaper clippings
Magazine and newspaper clippings
Correspondence: Gilbert to Stewart
Correspondence: Gilbert to Stewart
Theatre programmes
Theatre programmes