This fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, etc. of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani and their families. Important historical materials relating to the John Beverley Robinson family are included. The fonds also consists of Gilbert's research material as an archaeologist, Stewart's research material relating to her work as an art lecturer, photographs and materials relating to the Bagnani estate, "Vogrie", located in Port Hope, Ontario, and materials concerning Gilbert and Stewart's association with Trent University.
Bagnani, Gilbert and StewartFolder includes the following letters:
- September 10 1832, Niagara - Judge Hagerman to his daughter, Mary Jane (Note: Mary Jane later married Hon. John Beverley Robinson)
- June 5 1847, Cobourg - John Beverley Robinson to his wife (re their 30th wedding anniversary, their children, etc.)
- Note: Two letters were attached to a letter dated June 7 1927 (enclosed in this folder with the two letters) from Henrietta Tupper to Augusta Houston - Tupper refers to the two letters dated Sept. 25 1854 and Dec. 21 1857, and says "...thinking of your grandfather Sir John Beverley Robinson, and of my dear father's correspondence with him. I remembered that a Miss Robinson, his daughter, had come over to Guernsey... resulted in my finding the two letters which I now enclose for your perusal..."). Links to transcriptions of the two letters follow:
- Sept. 25 1854, Toronto - John Beverley Robinson to "My Dear Sir" (political matters "My Dear Sir" may be Henrietta Tupper's father see June 7 1927 letter (Transcript)
- Dec. 21 1857, Toronto - John Beverly Robinson to "My Dear Sir" (re the delicate state of health of his young daughter and his wish to send her to Guernsey; also the upcoming general election - "My Dear Sir" may be Henrietta Tupper's father - see June 7 1927 letter) (Transcript)
Folder has the following letters:
- Invitations, etc. to Captain and Mrs. Forsyth-Grant from Hawaiian Royalty: invitations [to Captain and Mrs. Forsyth-Grant] from Princess Ruth [Keelikolani], Honolulu 1882 (2 invitations); invitations to Captain and Mrs. Forsyth-Grant from The King and Queen of Iolani Palace, plus dance programme card 1883 (2 invitations); invitation to Captain and Mrs. Forsyth-Grant from Iolani Palace [1883]; blank envelopes & place cards for Mrs. Grant and Capt. Grant [from Iolani Palace], Royal monogram of the Queen of Hawaii
- Jan. 7 1883, Toronto - Napier Robinson to his sister, Minnie
- March 18 [1883], Government House, Toronto - Augusta Robinson to her sister, Minnie Forsyth-Grant
- April 23 1883, New York - Gustavus Robinson (Augusta Robinson's son) to Minnie Forsyth-Grant
- August 7 1883, Government House, Toronto - Augusta Robinson to her sister, Minnie Forsyth-Grant in Hawaii
- July 4 1984, Toronto - Napier Robinson to his sister, Minnie
- February 18 1888, The Aurania, Cunard Line - covering letter plus diary of events, from Mary Jane Robinson to "My dear boys & girls - for this note is to do duty for all" (describes her trip from Toronto to Liverpool, February 12-21 1888, aboard the Aurania, Cunard Line)
- October 25 (2 letters), and October 26 [1888 or 1889] - Mary Jane (Hagerman) Robinson to 3 acquaintances in London (3 letters to introduce Augusta to acquaintances in London)
- April 20 [1888 or 1889], Leamington - [Augusta Robinson] to her mother, [Mary Jane Robinson]
- 1888, The Queens, Toronto - Agnes Macdonald to Mrs. Robinson (re invitation to tea at Government House; references to her brother "Sir John")
Folder includes the following letters:
- October 26 [189_], Sleepy Hollow - Mary Jane Robinson to her daughter, Augusta Robinson (attached is an envelope with title "JBR: Names of songs - sung in bye gone days - by [Mrs.] Beverley Robinson - a copy made by her husband", plus a list of songs)
- [189_] - Mary Jane Robinson to her daughter, Augusta Robinson (6 letters (Jan. 17, Sunday, Oct. 27, March 4, October 19, and undated), all of which are addressed to "Gussie" except for one which is to "My sweet little pet")
- May 17 [189_], Worcestershire - Augusta Robinson to her mother
- February 1 1890 - Mary Jane Robinson to her daughter, Augusta Robinson
- August 16 1890, Highlands, Reading [Lady Emma's home - Highlands, Berks, England] - Augusta Robinson to her sister, Minnie Forsyth-Grant
- December 13 1890, Toronto - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- February 5 1891, Paris - Augusta Robinson to her mother
- April 13 1891, Waterloo, P.Q. - incomplete letter to Hon. John Beverley Robinson (re ancestral research and the "Robinson book")
- January 18 [1892], Arlington Hotel - letter from [Minnie (Robinson) Forsyth-Grant] to her sister, Augusta Robinson (re the death of their mother)
- January 18 1892 - "Bev" [John Beverley Robinson] to his sister, Augusta Robinson (re the death of their mother)
- January 19 1892, The Arlington, Toronto - Minnie (Robinson) Forsyth-Grant to her sister, Augusta Robinson (re the death of their mother)
- February 11 1892, Toronto - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson (re death of his wife)
- 1892, etc. - letters, notes, autographs, etc. relating to Miss Robinson's [Augusta Robinso\n] association with music celebrities (2 letters are dated 1892; another is addressed to Mrs. Stewart Houston)
- March 11 1893, Hamilton, Ontario - copy of letter to Sir John [Thompson] from ? (re reasons to consider the "conferring of the honor of knighthood on our former Lieutenant Governor, The Honourable John Beverley Robinson"; also note written at end of page 3 to "Dear Captain Grant" from [S]. [T]. Bastedo)
- March 16 1893 - unknown to Augusta Robinson (incomplete penciled copy of letter re dispersal of family belongings)
- March 29 1893 - Hamilton, Bermuda - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- August 15 1893, Chicago Beach Hotel - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- September 18 1893, Toronto - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- August 14 1894, Bank of Commerce Building - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- Nov. 10 1894, Bank of Commerce Building - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- March 9 1895, Toronto - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- March 25 1895, Toronto - John Beverley Robinson to his daughter, Augusta Robinson
- May 5 1898, The Elms, Rollingdean, Brighton - Rudyard Kipling to Stewart Houston (re lecturing in Canada in the fall)
- October 6 1898, London, Ontario - Stewart Houston to his cousin, Herbert Houston (re his upcoming marriage); Herbert is the son of Rev. Houston who performed the marriage ceremony of Stewart Houston and Augusta Robinson - Stewart Houston is the father of Stewart Bagnani
Folder includes the following letters:
- June 9 1903, Government House, Ottawa - Mary [ ] to Mrs. [Stewart] Houston (re request to be a godmother)
- May 9 1909, May 26 1909 - 2 letters from Stewart Houston to his daughter, Stewart (note: Stewart Houston often addresses his daughter, Stewart, as Baby, Babe, Babs, Babbikins)
- May 31 1909, Massey Music Hall, Toronto - Stewart Houston to his wife, Augusta (Robinson)
- June 8 1909 - Stewart Houston to his wife, Augusta (in this letter, there is a reference to A. Kelly Evans; attached are related newspaper clippings, chairman's notes, a program/menu, a ticket response, and two speeches)
Folder includes the following letters:
- June 11 1910, Toronto - Arthur Houston to his sister-in-law, Augusta (Robinson) Houston
- November 3 1911 - Christopher W. Robinson to Augusta (Robinson) Houston
- August 22 1912 - S.H. Blake to The Reverend Professor Wrong (re genealogy of his family)
- January 16 1913, Chateau Laurier, Ottawa - A.H.U. Colquhoun to Griffin [ ] (re article written by Napier Robinson entitled "A Question of Morals"; article attached)
- December 25 1913, Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin - [ ] [Aber___] to Minnie Forsyth Grant (letter is attached to a Christmas card which was sent in [1971] to Andrea [ ] from Stewart Bagnani - re person of noble status going to Ireland]
- November 2 1915, Broadway, Worcestershire - Mary Anderson de Narasso to "Little Stewart Houston" (re de Narasso's autograph)
- January 23 1915, Savile Club - [ ] to Mrs. Stewart (Robinson) Houston (re happy days in the Muskokas)
- September 5 1916, Scotland - Christopher W. Robinson to Minnie (re a sketch of Forts Point Henry and Point Frederick at Kingston, Upper Canada, 1815, by Sir F.P. Robinson; copy of sketch attached)
- December 27 1916, Beverley House - Christopher Robinson to (Augusta Robinson) Houston (see letter above - similar content)
- 1917-1918 - several letters (11) referring to World War I from Cyril T. Houston and Alan Houston to their aunt, Augusta Houston, and to their cousin, "Baby" Stewart Houston (Cyril was in the Royal Air Force and Alan, the Army; while Stewart and her mother were in England, the brothers made their headquarters with them on their leaves; Cyril was killed in a plane crash in Belgium; Stewart visited his grave in 1929 on a visit through Belgium; attached to one letter are two unidentified women, and one hand embroidered Christmas card
Folder includes the following letters:
- July 19 1922 - Lang [ ] to Stewart Houston (re cows trampling trees on the property, and "Houston Breweries")
- June 7 1927, Loretto Place, [Candie] - Henrietta Tupper to Augusta Houston (this letter is located in 97-003 Box 1 Folder 1)
- Dec. 11 1927, Toronto - letter and article on lamps addressed to Miss [Stewart] Houston
- May 8th 1929, Bruxelles - Helene Scherbaton to Miss [Stewart] Houston (re her job making costumes for the theater, etc.)
- March 3 1934, Toronto - J.W.L. Forster to Augusta Houston regarding a commissioned portrait he did of her father, John Beverley Robinson, 1934
Folder includes the following letters:
- Letter from Clara Butt to Mrs. Houston [Augusta]
- letter to Baby [Stewart] from her father
- letter to Baby [Stewart] from Edward Parry-Jones
- letter to Mary Jane [Robinson] from [Annie Merry] letter which mentions Allan [Houston?], Babs [Stewart], from Mother)
- fragment of a letter from mother
- letter to Signora Bagnani from mother; following photos
- letter to Mary Jane [Robinson] from [Annie Merry], Highlands (attached are two photos; one identified as "Mrs. Wm [Merry], 94 age", and the other as "Mrs. [Merry]" letter which mentions Allan [Houston?], Babs [Stewart], from Mother); fragment of a letter from mother; letter to Signora Bagnani from mother
Folder includes the following letters:
- One undated tiny note from Florence (as a child) to her mother, attached is a "little needlebook"
- several letters, most of which are written in Italian (many are addressed to Gilbert Bagnani, to Ugo Bagnani, Gilbert's father, and to his mother, Florence (Dewar) Bagnani
- also a copy in English of a letter dated 1917 and addressed to Heart from Charles in which there is reference to General Bagnani's death - refers also to General Bagnani's wife who is "from Port Hope! ...a Dewar...")
- unidentified letter to Signora Bagnani
- one letter has attached two photos, one dated 1915 of two young men and a woman, and the other of two young men
- also a copy in English of a letter dated 1917 and addressed to Heart from Charles in which there is reference to General Bagnani's death - refers also to General Bagnani's wife who is "from Port Hope! ...a Dewar..."); unidentified letter to Signora Bagnani
Folder includes the following letters:
- Letters to Gilbert from The Morning Post, London, re contributions he has made to the paper, 1922
- letters from Gilbert to his mother, 1922 & 1926
- letter from Lt.-Gen. Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, Ayrshire, re Bagnani lecture, 1922
- letter from [W ] Murray to Gilbert re his analysis of [Stewart's] handwriting, knows Gilbert's mother and sends his regards, 1925
- letter to Mrs. Strong from [C. __loney] re the Cross in the S. Pudenziana mosaic, 1925
- letter from Cath[ryn] Merritt to Florence Bagnani, 1926
- 2 letters regarding the postcards, one from Mrs. Houston to Gilbert and one from Gilbert to Mrs. Houston, 1926
- letters from Stewart to Gilbert, 1929
- letter to Gilbert and Stewart on their wedding day from Gilbert's mother, June 27 1929 (three newspaper clippings attached re the wedding)
- letter to her mother from Stewart in Rome re the engagement of the Crown Prince, 1929
- plus other miscellaneous letters, some of which are written in languages other than English
Folder includes letters from Gilbert to Stewart. The letters dated January to March are from Gilbert while he is doing a lecture tour in the U.S. and Canada at 26 years old, and Stewart is in Rome. The letters dated June to October are from Gilbert in Rome, while Stewart is in Europe.
1 folder of textual records
1 folder of textual records
1 folder of textual records
Note: #'s 166, 167, 168, 169 are missing; included is one unnumbered telegram re wedding plans.
Folder includes the following letters
- Letter to Bagnani from Francis B. Keene 1930
- Letter to Augusta Houston from her brother-in-law, Arthur Houston, 1931;
- Letter from R.H. [ ] possibly to Augusta Houston (mentions the reader's blindness and suggests that Stewart will read the letter), 1932;
- Instructions "in case of accident" from Augusta Houston, 1932;
- Letter to "Carissimo" Bagnani from Nello Zein, photo of man and dog attached, 1933;
- Letters to Stewart from friends; letter to Stewart form J.B. Maclean of Maclean's magazine re Canadian content of their publication, 1934;
- Letters to Gilbert from his mother, 1935 (one expresses her "last wishes" to him, ie, disbursement of her belongings, etc., Jan. 13, 1935);
- Letters of condolence to Gilbert on the death of his mother, Jan. & Feb. 1935;
- Letter from Neilson Bridger to Gilbert re the fireplace which was placed in the drawing room at Vogrie when the house was altered in 1936-1937, 1937;
- Letter to Gilbert from Alan Gardiner;
- Plus other miscellaneous letters, some of which are written in languages other than English
Note: these letters are written in large print as Augusta was afflicted with an eye problem and needed large.
Folder includes the following letters
- Letters from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, to Gilbert, re a lecture he gave there, 1940;
- letter from Dr. -Ing. Carl von Seemann to Gilbert, re his opinion on certain Egyptian objects, 1941;
- letter to Stewart from Jessie Eagleson re Cavan Blazers, 1944 (also newspaper clipping re Cavan Blazers);
- letter to Stewart from Audrey Hollis re her new pup, mentions the Bagnani's dogs, 1945;
- letter from Gilbert to "Philip" re his criticism of T.C.S. [Trinity College School], 1945;
- letter from Gilbert Norwood to Gilbert re returning to classes [in Toronto];
- plus other miscellaneous letters
Folder includes the following letters
- Letters from Gilbert to Stewart, [1951];
- letter to Gilbert from The Institute for Advanced Study, New Jersey, re tomb inscriptions, 1952;
- letter to Gilbert and Stewart from Ron and Vivien Williams re their life at Oxford (includes 3 photos: the Williams family and one unknown girl;
- Gilbert and Stewart, one unknown girl and the Williams children; Gilbert and Stewart and one dog (Note: all the people in the photos are in Arab dress), 1953;
- letter from Vers [Verschoyle Blake] regarding property ownership in Newmarket [& Whitechurch Township] in the late 1700's and early 1800's (attached is a copy of the will of Elisha Beeman, "second husband of Esther, widow of Christopher Robinson... who died in 1798");
- letter from William Ronald (member of Painters Eleven, and creator of the murals in the "Ronald Room" at Vogrie) to Stewart asking her to be a referee for his application for a Guggenheim, 1955;
- Archives of Ontario to Stewart requesting that she donate John Beverley Robinson papers in her possession to the Archives, 1956;
- University of Toronto to Gilbert re his salary, etc., 1957;
- letters and speech re "Paleologue's book", [1957];
- letter re property in 128 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto;
- plus other miscellaneous letters, some of which are written in languages other than English