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Article (photocopy): "The Great Lakes Surveys of Henry Bayfield / by Amber Clement (from Michigan History, January/February 2013)
Article (photocopy): "The Great Lakes Surveys of Henry Bayfield / by Amber Clement (from Michigan History, January/February 2013)
Map: Sketch of Lake Superior shewing the Supposed Northern and Western Limits of this Province in that direction. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12 March 1853.... Certified a true copy.
Map: Sketch of Lake Superior shewing the Supposed Northern and Western Limits of this Province in that direction. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12 March 1853.... Certified a true copy.
Map: Lake Superior by Lieut. Henry Wr. Bayfield assisted by Mr. Philip Ed Collins Mid. Between the Years 1823 & 1825. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12th March 1853. Certified a true copy
Map: Lake Superior by Lieut. Henry Wr. Bayfield assisted by Mr. Philip Ed Collins Mid. Between the Years 1823 & 1825. Quebec, Crown Lands Department, 12th March 1853. Certified a true copy
Report: Report of the Special Committee on the Magdalen Islands, and the Western Part of This Province above Lake Huron
Report: Report of the Special Committee on the Magdalen Islands, and the Western Part of This Province above Lake Huron
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Trent Annual 2021-2022
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Trent Annual 2019-2020
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Trent Annual Yearbook 2018-2019
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Trent Annual 2006-2007
Trent University Annual 2005-2006 annual edition
Trent University Annual 2005-2006 annual edition
Trent University Annual 2003-2005 bi-annual edition
Trent University Annual 2003-2005 bi-annual edition
Palomino's: Trent Annual Volume 19 2002-2003
Palomino's: Trent Annual Volume 19 2002-2003
Trent University Annual Volume 18 2001-2002
Trent University Annual Volume 18 2001-2002
Trent University Annual Volume 17 2000-2001
Trent University Annual Volume 17 2000-2001