Showing 19 results
Archival description
1937 Campaign and the Conservative Party - correspondence, notes, speeches
1937 Campaign and the Conservative Party - correspondence, notes, speeches
1938 Provincial Convention - Notes by G.G.F. and Correspondence - correspondence: report of election committee, n.d. - notes; lists of Conservative Party members and candidates
1938 Provincial Convention - Notes by G.G.F. and Correspondence - correspondence: report of election committee, n.d. - notes; lists of Conservative Party members and candidates
1941 Organization - correspondence, "Agriculture in Wartime", speech by C.G.F. 4 Dec 1941 - material re: meeting of Conservative members in Montreal, 11-12 Jan 1941 (private and confidential)
1941 Organization - correspondence, "Agriculture in Wartime", speech by C.G.F. 4 Dec 1941 - material re: meeting of Conservative members in Montreal, 11-12 Jan 1941 (private and confidential)
1943 Provincial Campaign - memorandum by Leslie M. Frost
1943 Provincial Campaign - memorandum by Leslie M. Frost
Cecil Gray Frost fonds
Cecil Gray Frost fonds
Correspondence with Colonel Hooper, George A. Drew's Ontario Organizer - correspondence with Col. Bertram O. Hopper, George Drew and others - memoranda for the president and the leader, Jan 1941 - notes re: candidates, states' rights, Canadian Unity - list of executive of the association as at 1 June 1941
Correspondence with Colonel Hooper, George A. Drew's Ontario Organizer - correspondence with Col. Bertram O. Hopper, George Drew and others - memoranda for the president and the leader, Jan 1941 - notes re: candidates, states' rights, Canadian Unity - list of executive of the association as at 1 June 1941
Federal Campaign 1940 - correspondence, speeches, including "Freedom is the Issue", by C.G.F.
Federal Campaign 1940 - correspondence, speeches, including "Freedom is the Issue", by C.G.F.
Fishing Trips with political connotations - correspondence April - June 1946 re: arrangements and accounts - statements, Byers Lake Association, 1943; 1945
Fishing Trips with political connotations - correspondence April - June 1946 re: arrangements and accounts - statements, Byers Lake Association, 1943; 1945
Labour Relations and the Conservative Party - correspondence, May 1937, re: Liberal- Conservative campaign - resolutions of the Ontario Conservative Association Convention, 8-9 Dec. 1938 - statement by Earl Rowe re: the Liberal-Conservative Party's stand on Labor, n.d.
Labour Relations and the Conservative Party - correspondence, May 1937, re: Liberal- Conservative campaign - resolutions of the Ontario Conservative Association Convention, 8-9 Dec. 1938 - statement by Earl Rowe re: the Liberal-Conservative Party's stand on Labor, n.d.
Letters Following the 1937 Provincial Election - correspondence
Letters Following the 1937 Provincial Election - correspondence
Miscellaneous Items including some particulars of fishing trips which had political connotations - correspondence, April - May 1941; April 1942; April 1945, with A. Kelso Roberts and Roland Michener re: fishing trips - constitution of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Association, n.d. - speeches and notes by C.G.F.
Miscellaneous Items including some particulars of fishing trips which had political connotations - correspondence, April - May 1941; April 1942; April 1945, with A. Kelso Roberts and Roland Michener re: fishing trips - constitution of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Association, n.d. - speeches and notes by C.G.F.
Municipal Problems Including Area School Board: correspondence, Oct. 1945 - Feb. 1947, re: teacher's salaries; proposed Victoria County High School District. - financial reports, Lindsay Public Schools, 1938, 1939, 1942 and 1944 and Lindsay Collegiate Institute, 1938, 1942, 1944 - material relating to the finances and industry of the town of Lindsay, n.d.; 31 Dec. 1941
Municipal Problems Including Area School Board: correspondence, Oct. 1945 - Feb. 1947, re: teacher's salaries; proposed Victoria County High School District. - financial reports, Lindsay Public Schools, 1938, 1939, 1942 and 1944 and Lindsay Collegiate Institute, 1938, 1942, 1944 - material relating to the finances and industry of the town of Lindsay, n.d.; 31 Dec. 1941
Ottawa Meeting of the Dominion Conservative Part 1944 - correspondence, Dec 1943 - Jan 1944 - memorandum, C.G. Frost to members of the Resolution and Policy Committee, 25 Nov 1942 - Policy Resolution adopted by the national Conservative Party at the National Convention, Winnipeg, 9-11 Dec 1942
Ottawa Meeting of the Dominion Conservative Part 1944 - correspondence, Dec 1943 - Jan 1944 - memorandum, C.G. Frost to members of the Resolution and Policy Committee, 25 Nov 1942 - Policy Resolution adopted by the national Conservative Party at the National Convention, Winnipeg, 9-11 Dec 1942
Ottawa Meeting of the Dominion Conservative Party 1946 - memorandum 6 April 1946, to members of the Progressive Conservative Association re: attached minutes
Ottawa Meeting of the Dominion Conservative Party 1946 - memorandum 6 April 1946, to members of the Progressive Conservative Association re: attached minutes
Photograph of the Conservative Forum, Trinity College School in Port Hope, Ontario
Photograph of the Conservative Forum, Trinity College School in Port Hope, Ontario
Port Hope Conference and Winnipeg Convention, 1942 - correspondence Aug 1967 - 1972, Leslie M. Frost, re: the Port Hope Conference - list of Conservatives in attendance at the Port Hope Conference, 5-7 Sept 1942 - "The Port Hope Proposals" - photograph of delegates at Port Hope (removed for storage purposes)
Port Hope Conference and Winnipeg Convention, 1942 - correspondence Aug 1967 - 1972, Leslie M. Frost, re: the Port Hope Conference - list of Conservatives in attendance at the Port Hope Conference, 5-7 Sept 1942 - "The Port Hope Proposals" - photograph of delegates at Port Hope (removed for storage purposes)
Rex vs. John Schell - correspondence relating to the trial of John Schell for murder; including some correspondence with T.H. Stinson (see 75-001). - depositions of witnesses and notes relating to the case
Rex vs. John Schell - correspondence relating to the trial of John Schell for murder; including some correspondence with T.H. Stinson (see 75-001). - depositions of witnesses and notes relating to the case
The Port Hope Conference 1942 - correspondence, lists of delegates and of executives of local associations - "Comments on the Port Hope Resolutions" - Policy of the Progressive Conservative Party, adopted at the national convention, Winnipeg, 9-11 Dec 1942 - speeches, reports
The Port Hope Conference 1942 - correspondence, lists of delegates and of executives of local associations - "Comments on the Port Hope Resolutions" - Policy of the Progressive Conservative Party, adopted at the national convention, Winnipeg, 9-11 Dec 1942 - speeches, reports
Winnipeg Convention 1942 and the Resolution Committee - correspondence, Dec 1942; Feb 1944 - notes on the national convention, 9-11 Dec 1942 - resolution re: health insurance - material re: social security, labor and the war; post- war building programme and private industry (Jan 20 1944) - Conservative Creed
Winnipeg Convention 1942 and the Resolution Committee - correspondence, Dec 1942; Feb 1944 - notes on the national convention, 9-11 Dec 1942 - resolution re: health insurance - material re: social security, labor and the war; post- war building programme and private industry (Jan 20 1944) - Conservative Creed