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Archival description
Anne Innis Dagg fonds
03-1000 · Fonds · [photocopied 2003]

Fonds consists of four photocopied letters written by Professor Anne Innis (Dagg) in 1949 from Camp Tanamakoon to her mother. A further original letter was added in June 2004.

Dagg, Anne Innis
IMC-109 · File · 1925
Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

File includes a scenic panoramic titled "Camp Tanamakoon, Summer Camp for Girls, Operated by Miss Mary Hamilton, Algonquin Park Station, Ontario Can." (photographer: P.E. McDonald, ca. 1925). Also includes a photograph album dated 1925 containing approximately 75 photographs of Camp Tanamakoon. The photographs were taken or gathered by Sheila Playfair McGillivray, a senior camper in 1925; a few pertain to logging in Algonquin Park.

Mary F. Williamson fonds
03-008 · Fonds · 1940-1944; plus items photocopied and scanned 2003

Fonds consists of photocopies of 90 letters written by Mary Williamson home to her parents from summer camp between 1940 and 1951. The camps attended were Camp Cedarnook and Camp Tanamakoon. Also included are camp badges; one group photograph taken at Camp Cedarnook ca.1943; and ca.160

Materials added in 2020: 8 photographs pertaining to Camp Woapak, 1940s. Mary Williamson's brother, J. Peter Williamson, and their mother, Marie Williamson, are identified in a few of the photographs. Further information about the family is available in Just a Larger Family (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier U.P., 2011); this book is comprised of the wartime letters of Marie Williamson and was edited by Mary F. Williamson.

Williamson, Mary F.