Showing 152 results

Archival description
Isolated manuscripts collection
Isolated manuscripts collection
Bound volume: In the Court of Appeal, Theodore McWilliams and The Dickson Company of Peterborough, Limited. Appeal Book
Bound volume: In the Court of Appeal, Theodore McWilliams and The Dickson Company of Peterborough, Limited. Appeal Book
Carmichael family photograph album
Carmichael family photograph album
Bay Bell Memorial: poster titled "Second Annual Bay Bell Memorial Race at Kawartha Downs"
Bay Bell Memorial: poster titled "Second Annual Bay Bell Memorial Race at Kawartha Downs"
Elizabeth Caroline Cameron materials
Elizabeth Caroline Cameron materials
Two maps: reproduction titled "Great Lakes as mapped,"; and "Johnson's Upper Canada by Johnson and Ward
Two maps: reproduction titled "Great Lakes as mapped,"; and "Johnson's Upper Canada by Johnson and Ward
South Monaghan postcard
South Monaghan postcard
Camp Tanamakoon photographs: a scenic panoramic titled "Camp Tanamakoon, Summer Camp for Girls, Operated by Miss Mary Hamilton, Algonquin Park Station, Ontario Canada
Camp Tanamakoon photographs: a scenic panoramic titled "Camp Tanamakoon, Summer Camp for Girls, Operated by Miss Mary Hamilton, Algonquin Park Station, Ontario Canada
Photocopies of research documents pertaining to W. Wand's Planing Mills of Peterborough, Ontario
Photocopies of research documents pertaining to W. Wand's Planing Mills of Peterborough, Ontario
Documents related to Kenneth Frederick Campbell and Sybil Campbell
Documents related to Kenneth Frederick Campbell and Sybil Campbell
Regional maps and Northcote Farm broadside
Regional maps and Northcote Farm broadside
Elisabeth Bacque donation re Verschoyle Blake and his mother (Ethel) Constance Marani (née Blake)
Elisabeth Bacque donation re Verschoyle Blake and his mother (Ethel) Constance Marani (née Blake)
Peterborough Normal School yearbook
Peterborough Normal School yearbook
Reproduction of a painting of a house titled: "Former Landmark at Entrance to Trent University Campus, Water colour painting by R. Gynane, A.O.C.A., Peterborough, Ont
Reproduction of a painting of a house titled: "Former Landmark at Entrance to Trent University Campus, Water colour painting by R. Gynane, A.O.C.A., Peterborough, Ont
Photograph of Lillian Kerr (nee Pearse) in her wedding dress
Photograph of Lillian Kerr (nee Pearse) in her wedding dress
The Remarkable Story of Isabella Brownlie / Professor Bryce Taylor
The Remarkable Story of Isabella Brownlie / Professor Bryce Taylor
YMCA Camp Sunfish collection
YMCA Camp Sunfish collection
Binder: Ontario Camp Leadership Centre, Bark Lake
Binder: Ontario Camp Leadership Centre, Bark Lake
Program: The Opera School of the Royal Conservatory of the Music of Toronto
Program: The Opera School of the Royal Conservatory of the Music of Toronto
Cassette audio, Trent University Music Society: "The Pirates of Penzance" Act 1 and 2
Cassette audio, Trent University Music Society: "The Pirates of Penzance" Act 1 and 2
City of Toronto Parks and Recreation: "Toronto Teen Leadership Camp"
City of Toronto Parks and Recreation: "Toronto Teen Leadership Camp"
A Simple Life: The Taylor Mainstream with its Tributaries
A Simple Life: The Taylor Mainstream with its Tributaries
Canada Company Plan of Upper Canada A Map of the Province of Upper Canada and the Adjacent Territories in North America, Compiled by James C. Chewett
Canada Company Plan of Upper Canada A Map of the Province of Upper Canada and the Adjacent Territories in North America, Compiled by James C. Chewett
Map of the Counties of Northumberland, Durham, Peterborough and Victoria compiled from Actual Surveys and Re-Surveys,  E. C. Caddy, P.L Surveyor & C. E. Cobourg
Map of the Counties of Northumberland, Durham, Peterborough and Victoria compiled from Actual Surveys and Re-Surveys,  E. C. Caddy, P.L Surveyor & C. E. Cobourg
Stewart family sketches and map
Stewart family sketches and map